Chapter 10

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~Foxy's P.O.V.~

I slowly open my eyes and look around. I hear the sharp sound of metal scraping against metal somewhere outside. A sudden movement from something on my chest makes me jump. "Ah!" I cry. I turn on my almost broken night vision and look down. "Just Mikey..," I whisper. I pull open the heavy Parts and Service room door and walk out, my feet feeling as if they weighed a thousand pounds. I open my broken jaw to speak. I glitch out, and say something completely different than what I wanted to. "Hello, l-lads and lasses! Welc-welc-welcome to Pirate's Cove! F-Freddy best be gettin' back t-to the stage, or I-I'll be forced to-GUT THE PIG- f-forced to make him walk the plank!"

My legs, finally feeling better, allow me to sprint. I run down the main hall, towards the security guard's office. He flicks on the flashlight and shines it in my face. I let out a disapproving groan, and I start to get angry. I blend into the darkness of the wall so when the guard shines the light, he won't see me. I her banging noises in the air vent. "Oh God, Bonnie.." I whisper, so low that no one can hear. Bonnie's a monster now, the poor lad's gone insane, but he's my best friend. When he's in human form, he's the nicest person in the world. But now.. Not so much. I sneak along the wall and I'm just about to jump out when the guard flicks on the light again.


Balloon Boy sneaks into the guard's room, hiding under the table. His flashlight is disabled now. I smirk and lower my eyepatch. I take a few steps back, and..


I jump at the guard's face and bite into his head, killing him. I look down at myself. Blood splatters my teeth, chest, legs, and my exposed endoskeleton. I smirk again and laugh to myself.

"GOoD jOb, FoXy," a metallic voice says. I turn around and smile, my eyes softening. "Hey, Bonnie," I say. I walk over to him and look at him. I'm a bit taller than him in animatronic form, but in human form, Bonnie is REALLY short. I stay in animatronic form, but Bonnie changes to human. He looks at me with sad, tear-filled eyes. I pull him into my arms and hug him. "I-It's okay, l-lad," I stutter. Man, my voice really IS broken! "I-I'm a monster..," the 16 year old whispers into my metal chest. "No, lad, yer not," I say, looking down. I kneel down and look into his eyes, as if he were a small child that just lost his favorite toy.

"If anyone's a m-m-monster, it's me," I say. He looks at me, eyes wide, and then looks at the blood on my chest and teeth. "Run along and get some sleep, laddie," I say. "C'mon, I'll let ye sleep at me place." I lead him to Pirate's Cove and pull open the curtains. He climbs into the bed, tucks himself in, and falls asleep fairly quickly. I close the curtains and walk back to Parts and Service. I open the door and the lights flick on. Oh, shit, I think.

"Foxy..?" Mikey whispers, rubbing his eyes. He sees the blood on me and stares in horror. He starts to cry and runs back to Marissa, who's asleep in the corner next to human Freddy. He has her in his arms, and she has her head on his shoulder. I don't get jealous, because they probably moved in their sleep and didn't notice. Marissa jumps when Mikey grabs her. "What is it?" she asks, holding the boy to her chest. She looks me up and down, eyes wide. She then looks back at Mikey and says, "Don't worry, Mikey, that's just pizza sauce! Foxy was hungry, see, so he went to make himself some pizza."

Mikey's eyes glow. "Can I have some too, Foxy?" he asks. I nod. "Aye, lad, let's go. Marissa, would ye like to come and have some pizza?" "Sure," she says, standing up and taking my hand. We walk to the Dining Hall. Marissa and Mikey sit down, and I go into the kitchen to get them some pizza. I come back into the Dining Hall with two large boxes of pizza. I sit beside Marissa and watch hungrily as the two eat together. Pepperoni pizza is my favorite, but unfortunately, I can only eat if I'm in human form, and I don't want Mikey to know about my human side. My stomach growls extremely loud. Marissa looks at me. "Foxy? Aren't you hungry?" she asks. "Do you want some, too?" My stomach growls again, so bad that it's painful.

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