Chapter 30

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~Vincent's P.O.V.~

Okay, now life is getting too good for me! Haha!

My mind races with excited thoughts as I leave the pizzeria. I managed to totally destroy the four animatronics I hate the most!

Freddy, Toy Bonnie, Foxy, Toy Freddy, Bonnie.

Even though I didn't physically harm Toy Freddy in any way, I'm sure the sight of Bonnie laying limp at his feet was enough to scar him for the rest of his pathetic life. I head to my car, smiling all the while. And that's when I saw.. Him.

"Mike!" I call, smiling and waving him down. He runs down the sidewalk, towards me. He stops in front of me and I slap him on the back. "'Sup, Mike?" I say, wiping off the purple face paint.

"Nothin' much. My friend Jeremy over there is just starting the job as a security guard here tonight, so I thought I'd show him how everything works. Y'know, flashlights and vents and lights and such. What've you been up to?" he asks, folding his arms over his chest. A smile breaks out on his face. "Killin' people?" He starts to laugh hysterically at his little joke.

I nervously smile. "G-Good one, Mike!"

Mike turns and looks at someone who's frantically sprinting down the sidewalk. "C'mon, Jeremy!" he calls. The young fifteen-year-old runs up and hugs Mike when he looks at the entrance of the pizzeria. "Wasn't it your birthday yesterday?" I ask Mike, who's ignoring his scared friend. "Yeah. Turns out, my age isn't really fifteen. I spoke to my parents, I actually turned nineteen yesterday. Crazy, huh?" he smiles. His smile fades when he pushes Jeremy off of him. "Let go, Jer! Nothin' gonna happen to you, I'll stick with you on your first night."

Jeremy nods and then looks at me. His face lights up and he holds out his hand. "Hi, I'm Jeremy!" I awkwardly grab his hand and shake it, smiling. "I'm Vincent. You can call me Purple Guy, if you want."

Jeremy smiles and gives me a sudden hug. Mike turns red with embarrassment and rips his friend off of me. "Sorry. He's a little affectionate." I smile and laugh. "It's alright. Well, I'm off, got stuff to do. Good luck, guys! Have fun Jeremy!"

I wave goodbye as I climb in my car. I watch as my best friend and new friend walk into the pizzeria, and once they're no longer visible, I drive of, towards the old pizzeria. The Hunter said he wanted to see me.. I suddenly remember something and then get nervous. I changed ALL of the animatronics' A.I. levels! I made their memories wipe at night, made them more aggressive than usual! Oh, shit, my friends are in trouble!

What am I going to do?!

~Jeremy's P.O.V.~

I sit in the chair in the office, spinning around in the spin chair, laughing. "You're so retarded, Jeremy," Mike mumbles, staring at the clock. "What's wrong, Mikey? Open up, live a little!" I laugh. I freeze in my spot when I hear Mike's watch beep.

12 a.m.

"Mike..," I whisper, my voice shaking. "Are you sure you know what you're doing?"

He nods and sighs in frustration. "Yes, Jeremy, I used to be the guard at the old place. Shouldn't be too much different, we just don't have doors."

I feel the color from my face drain. "What do we have then?"

"A mask. A Freddy mask."

"You're in charge of lights. I'll do the flashlight, and if one of them comes in here, you hide behind me, and I'll put on the mask," Mike says. I sigh and begin flickering on the lights. I hear a music box playing. "Hmm..?" I say, confused. I suddenly realize where the music box tune is coming from.

"MIKE! THE BOX!" I cry. He quickly turns on the camera and winds up the box, sighing in relief when he winds the music box all the way.

~Time Skip - 5 a.m.~

"Damn, why are the animatronics acting so crazy? Surely they remember me, I'm their best friend!" Mike says, turning around to look at me. "MIKE!" I scream, pointing behind him. I duck and hide behind the chair, and Mike turns around. He lets out a small shriek when he sees Mangle on the ceiling, hanging upside down, staring right at him. He slams the mask onto his head and waits three seconds before taking it off. "Is it safe?" I whisper.

"Yes, Jer, come on out."

I glance at the clock. 5:30 now. Almost there. Man, this is hell!

"Jeremy..," Mike mumbles his eyes wide. He's staring into the hallway, a shocked and frightened look on his face. "What's wrong, Mike..?" I ask quietly, hugging him.

"It's Foxy."

I look into the hallway as Mike shines the flashlight, and sure enough, there's the pirate fox, broken, glitchy, and ready to kill.

"Hello!" a high-pitched voice calls.

I nervously look to the corner of the room, afraid of what I'll see.


Balloon Boy..

I try to flick the flashlight at Foxy, to keep him from jumping at us and taking our lives.

The light doesn't turn on. 

I hear footsteps in the hall, they sound like someone is running. "MIKE!" I yell, throwing myself in front of him. I force him on the ground and use my body to cover him. 


The dreadful screech of an animatronic tears through the air. I feel something sharp sink into my back, and I fall to my knees, not able to stand. 

Foxy runs off when he sees me fall, apparently not seeing Mike there. "Jeremy..!" Mike calls, tears of fear in his eyes. "Jeremy, no! Damn it, you can't leave me! Not on your fucking first night!"

"I'm okay, Mike.. Really, I'll be fine.." I weakly smile. 

The bell rings for 6 a.m. just as Mike clutches me to his chest.

"Alright, we're going to a hospital. You'll be fine, Jeremy, I promise." With that, he picks me up. We just reach his car when I black out.

~Foxy's P.O.V.~

The hell..? What did I do? Did I... kill him?! 

I almost faint at the thought of me killing someone.. Again. I couldn't bear it a second time. I bit Mike in 1987, and.. He died. It took three and a half days for them to revive him. I still feel so guilty.. 

Not only that, but now I've gone and probably killed his best friend, too.

God damn it!

I hate myself so much.. 

Why do I have to be such a.. Monster?

I should've just locked myself away in the Cove and waited there to die, damn it!

It's time fer Ol' Foxy to leave this world now.

Goodbye, everyone..


Hey guys! Sorry, the chapter was a bit shorter than normal, I just needed to get this up right away! I have another idea! Maybe, if any of you are good with either making videos or iMovie, you could make a trailer for this book! I'd be honored if one of you could do that for me! Thanks guys! If you do make one, you can email it to me here..

I'll make sure to view them, be sure to also send me your drawings! I can't wait to see what you guys create! Love you all to the moon and back, never stop shining like the stars!


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