Chapter 11

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~Foxy's P.O.V.~

I slowly open my eyes and see that everyone is staring at me, concerned. "Whoa, lads, back up a bit there..," I mumble. "I need room to breathe." I yawn and stretch my arms and legs. "Wow.. 'ow long was I sleepin'?" "Foxy!" someone yells. Someone runs up and wraps their arms around me so fast that I fall over. "Why, 'ello, lass," I say. "And ye are..?" I raise my hook and lift my eyepatch. "Marissa," the girl says. "Remember me? Your girlfriend?" "Girlfrien'? Sorry, lass, I don't remember nothin'." Am I really dating this Marissa girl? She stands up, tears in her eyes. I smack my head with my hook. "C'mon, Foxy, REMEMBER!" Chica shouts. "I-I can't!" I yell back. Marissa runs out of the room, obviously heartbroken. I hear a bell ring. It's 6 a.m. "Wow, I'd best be gettin' back to my-" I say. I try changing into animatronic form. Nothing happens. "Freddy?" I ask. "Bonnie? Chica? What 'appened to me?"

Freddy looks down. "Foxy..," he says. "You lost part of your memory, didn't you?" "I don't remember anythin' lad," I tell him. He just nods and stays silent. The whole room is quiet, and I start to get frustrated. "IS ANYONE GOIN' TO TELL ME WHA' THE BLOODY 'ELL IS GOIN' ON?!" I yell. Chica jumps and stares at me, obviously freaked out by my sudden outburst. "Sorry," I apologize. Freddy breaks the short silence by looking at me and saying, "Foxy, there's a reason you can't become an animatronic anymore." "That is..?" I ask, confused. "Your robot exploded, his gears were stuck. I'm sorry Foxy, but you can never be an animatronic again."

I stare at the floor, refusing to believe what I'm being told. As upsetting and wrong as being an animatronic at Freddy's is, I'd grown to actually enjoy myself. And now, it's all gone. If I wanted to escape when I was younger, shortly after being stuffed inside of that fox suit, I would've wanted to go see my parents. But I have no idea where they are now, probably gone, back to Scotland where we came from. I sigh and run my fingers through my shaggy red hair. "What am I supposed to do, lads? If I were back in that suit, I'd probably remember everythin'," I say, looking up at my friends. They all appear to be thinking, trying to come up with something to do for me.

"I know what to do," a small voice says from the back of the room.

It sounds like Mikey, but.. It's a little too deep to be his.

I take the flashlight from the table and shine it towards the voice. A teenage boy with messy blonde hair, a black top hat, golden suit, and black bow tie is sitting there, staring at us. "How long've you been there, Golden?" I ask. "About the whole time," he smiles, as if it's amusing. I glare at him and roll my eyes. "Just tell us wha' we need to do."

"It's simple, really. You just need to stuff him back into the suit. I can fix it up for you, his memory chip is still totally intact, so if you put him back in the suit and insert the chip into the skeleton, he'll remember everything."

My eyes widen and I gulp. "Stuff me.. Into the suit?" I ask quietly, so low that only Gold can hear me. "Yes, back in the suit you go, Foxy."

My eyes fill with tears, but I refuse to let them see me cry. I'm supposed to be a brave and strong pirate, and pirates don't cry. Even though it has been a very long time since I was stuffed into that cursed fox suit at age five, I can sometimes still feel all of the pain as if I was stuffed in only yesterday.

Finally, after a long time thinking, I look up at Gold.

"A'ight, I'll do it."

~Golden's P.O.V.~

I wipe some of the sweat from my forehead and look down at what I've done so far. I've locked myself away in the Parts and Service room, where, obviously, most of the good parts are. I was able to collect most of the pieces of Foxy's old robot suit, thanks to Freddy. I made all of the others stand outside and comfort Foxy while I fix his costume. The worst part, for him, I think, will be being stuffed into the suit again. Luckily, my soul just haunts mine, I was never stuffed into this weird bear suit. I pick up a wrench and tighten the last few bolts on the robot. Perfect, he's done! I slowly push open the door, and Foxy cries out in fear. "Relax, Foxy, it won't hurt as bad as you remember. Somehow, I was able to leave some room in there for certain parts of your body to fit," I tell him.

"That doesn't really 'elp much, but a'ight, let's just get this over wit'.."

Shaking, he stands up and walks over to me. "Do you guys wanna come in, or..?" I ask the others. They all shake their heads except for Marissa, who runs into the room after Foxy, holding his hand. Eventually, everyone agrees to come in. They keep their distance from the robot, though. I strap Foxy to a metal table so he can't run while I'm preparing the memory chip and the robot itself. His breathing becomes ragged and short. Finally, the robot is ready. I left room for one of Foxy's legs and the arm with the hook, the other areas, especially his head and face, are a tight squeeze. He slowly lowers his legs in and cries out when the metal cuts into his leg, taking a lot of blood. He puts his arms in and ignores the pain in his left arm.

"Ready, Foxy?" I ask, holding the costume's head in my hands. Blood drips down onto the floor from where Foxy was cut. Yes, there's an endoskeleton inside the suit. I'm going to have a hard time fitting Foxy's head into the skeleton's. Foxy slowly nods and squeezes his eyes tightly shut. I slam the costume's head down onto the boy's own, and I hear him screaming loudly. The pirate, now inside the suit, falls to the floor, lifeless. Small groans escape his human lips. Marissa grabs the suit's hand. "Help me.." Foxy's inner voice whispers.

I look at him through the small holes that are there for eyes, but I can't see his bright yellow ones. Instead, I see closed eyelids, blood, and missing pieces of the boy's flesh. I look away, about to be sick. I quickly pull out the memory chip and stick it in the small slot in the back of the endoskeleton's head. "It's done," I say, standing up. "And now, we wait." 

After an hour or so, we give up waiting for Foxy to power on. We all sigh and leave the room, all hope lost.

Marissa, however, stays with him, praying that he'll wake up.

~Marissa's P.O.V.~

I clutch the suit's hand to my chest. I've been sitting here for five hours, praying and praying silently. Bonnie knocks on the door and comes inside, pizza and soda in hand. He sets them down beside me. "Thanks," I say, looking down at Foxy. "Anything?" Bonnie asks. I shake my head no. I have a sudden flashback, to the old pizzeria, when Foxy nearly died. When Freddy broke his neck. The poor pirate's been through a lot this year, and it's only June. Bonnie sits next to me and puts an arm around me, his eyes locked on the puddle of blood that has formed around Foxy's head. "Bonnie..," I say. "Maybe.. Maybe he's gone for good this time." "No! You can't say that. He's my best friend, and your boyfriend. He can't leave now!" he shouts. He starts to cry, and he covers his face. I begin to feel really bad for him, and I give him a hug.

"It's okay, Bonnie," I say. "You never know what's going to happen." He just looks down, hands still covering his face. He stands up to leave. "I'll let you know if anything happens, okay?" I say. He nods and pulls open the door, leaving me all alone. I take a bite of pizza and a sip of my drink. As I'm eating, a low, metallic groan comes from somewhere in the room. I look all around, before stopping when I hear it again. I slowly crawl over to Foxy and look down at his face. His eyes are still dark, but sure enough, he's groaning. "BONNIE!" I scream. "CHICA! GOLD! FREDDY!"

I hear their sneakers hitting the floor, running as fast as they can to get to me. "What?" Freddy calls from outside. I'm about to get up and open the locked door when I hear the groan again. I freeze, my hand on the door handle, and turn around. There it is again, Foxy's groaning. And it's louder this time. "Foxy, shush, that's getting annoying," I say, hoping he can hear me.

His dark eyes begin to spin in his costume's head. I hear the gears turning around and around.

And then, Foxy's eyes glow their usual yellow color. 

The pirate fox springs to life.


Hey guys! I've noticed that I've been getting a lot more reads on this story, which is absolutely amazing! I've gotten a couple of votes on this story and even a few more followers. You guys are truly amazing, and I can't wait to share Chapter 12 with you! It'll be up soon! Remember to share this story on Instagram and Twitter. Never stop shining like the stars! Comment, follow, vote, read! :) I love you all!


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