Chapter 6

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~Bonnie's P.O.V.~

I blush as I look at Chica. She's so beautiful.. I'm just about to go over and talk to her when-


A loud scream that's full of pain echoes through the building.

"Marissa!" I yell, knowing that it's her. I sprint through the hallway and to Pirate's Cove, where I know the screaming came from. "Oh God, Foxy, no! Come back!" she cries. "Mari, what happened? What's wrong with-" I trail off and stop talking when I see human Foxy laying on the floor, in a puddle of his own blood. "What happened to him?!" I yell. "Freddy.. Freddy got him," she replies.

"Mari, I think it's time to let him go," I say. She cries harder. "No!"

"Marissa.. Let him rest. Please."

She hesitates, but soon nods and plants a kiss on his head. She stands up and walks out of the Cove, probably to go find Chica. I kneel beside Foxy and push his blood-soaked hair out of his face. I close his wide-open eyes and wipe some blood from his face.

I take the hook from his right hand and place it on his chest. "You were an amazing pirate, Foxy, and all the children will miss you," I say. "Rest in peace little buddy." At least he died as a human, so maybe if someone sees him they won't recognize him. I want to pick him up and bring him to Marissa, but I'm not strong enough as an animatronic. I'm stronger as a human. I close my eyes and concentrate, and when I open my eyes, I'm a human.

I run my fingers through my black and purple hair, which is spiked up. I lift Foxy off the floor and carry him out of Pirate's Cove, to Marissa. "Chica, Marissa," I call. "Say your last goodbyes." Chica looks over and gasps. "Oh no!" she cries. "Foxy!" "We have to take him to Freddy," I say. "Freddy is the only one that knows what to do."

I carry the pirate to the back room, where I know Freddy will be. "Freddy!" I yell. The bear turns around, looks at me, and smiles, then looks down at Foxy and frowns. "What did you bring him here for?" he snaps. "I need you to fix him up. Please, Freddy! I don't want Marissa to die. She'll die without him."

"But I killed him! I wanted him to die! He stole my girlfriend from me!" Freddy shouted. His voice made me cower in fear. I held Foxy tighter. Small groans of pain escape his lips. A wave of confidence washes over me. "Freddy. You will heal Foxy NOW," I hiss. "Or you will burn in hell."

~Foxy's P.O.V.~

Light surrounds me. All I can hear is the sound of Bonnie yelling at Freddy. "Lad, it's okay," I choke out. "Ye don't need to go through all this trouble fer me." "Yes, I do!" Bonnie says, looking down at me. "Marissa needs you!" He sets me down on a table. "If Freddy won't help you, I'll do it myself," he mumbles.

He gets to work, sewing up my open wounds and tending to my injured neck. He slowly turns my head, popping the bones back into place and creating a makeshift neck brace out of leftover animatronic scraps. Eventually, after about half an hour, Bonnie steps back and examines me. "Much better, Foxy," he says. "You just rest here for a bit." He hands me a bottle of water and a slice of pepperoni pizza. My favorite! I eat and drink until I feel better.

I hear the door open and know that Marissa has gone home for the day. Children run in at around 8 a.m. Bonnie leaves me to go on the stage. I sit on the table and open a box of pizza that Bonnie left for me in case I got hungry. I nibble on a piece of pizza and hum along to the song that Freddy, Chica, and Bonnie are singing.

I lose myself in my thoughts as I hear the music. I begin to miss the time that I was allowed to go on stage.. I didn't mean to bite that little kid! They were making fun of me! They got caught on my hook!

I push the thought out of my mind and finish off two more slices of pizza and another bottle of water. I lay down and decide to get some sleep before tonight, when I will finally speak to Marissa again and ask her to be mine in the most romantic way possible.

~Chica's P.O.V.~

I step off the stage after a long day and greet Marissa when she walks into the restaurant. "Marissa!" I call. "Something's waiting for you in the Dining Hall. But first, I think you should put this on." I hold out a tight-fitting black dress that I know Foxy will love. I wait until she changes into the dress, and then I do her makeup.

"You're all ready to go, Mari," I say. She smiles and looks in the mirror. "Not bad, Chica." I lead her to the Dining Hall and open the doors. She's in for a big surprise.

~Marissa's P.O.V.~

Bright red, heart-shaped lights hang from the ceiling. I smile and look at Foxy, who is sitting at the end of the table. I sit down next to him and kiss his cheek. "Aww, Foxy," I sigh. "You didn't have to do all this for me." "I wanted to, lass," he says, smiling at me. He runs his fingers through his red hair. "Y'know, it's nice bein' human. I don't want to be an animatronic no more, lass," he says.

"Foxy..," I warn. "Don't say anything like that. It can't be all bad." "Oh, but it 'tis, lass! 'Tis awful!" he groans. He opens his eyes and looks at me. His beautiful golden eyes seem to glow when he sees me. "Oh, arrgggg, lass, I almost forgot! I be gettin' old," he laughs. "Foxy, you're 17!" I giggle. "I know," he answers. His expression turns serious. He takes my hand and intertwines our fingers. "Foxy," I say. "What's this all about?" He kisses my hand and pulls out a ring.

A real ring, with 5 huge diamonds and over 100 tiny ones. "Foxy, I-" I start to talk, but he cuts me off. "Shh. Lass, I want ye to stay with me 'till the end of time. Marry me, lass, be me first mate." "Foxy," I say. He looks up at me, his eyes full of hope. "Laddie, I WILL be yer first mate!" I say, mimicking Foxy's amazing accent.

Foxy's eyes light up in happiness. He smiles, picks me up, and spins me around. I giggle. "Foxy! Put me down!" I yell. "No, Princess, I don't think I will," he laughs. I stop laughing and look at him. "Did.. Did you just call me..?" I start to ask. "Aye, Princess, I did," he says, leaning forward to kiss my head. "Yer beautiful. Don't let anyone tell ye otherwise. And if someone tries to tell ye different, tell me, and I'll kick some ass."



Hey guys! Hope you liked that chapter! It was a lot of fun to write. So romanticcccc *FEELS* Anyway, I hope you're enjoying this story. Would you like to be a character in the story? Comment and message me stating:



Relationship with animatronic if there is any (can't be Foxy)

Back round story

I'll try to fit as many of you in as I can! Never stop shining like the stars!


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