Chapter 38

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~Mackenzie's P.O.V.~

Freddy told me that Sophie had been crying, and that's she is in Pirate's Cove right now.

I head there, looking for her. "Sophie?" I call. "Are you there? Are you okay?"

I hear a small voice call my name and reply, "Yes."

I pull open the purple star-covered curtains and see my best friend, laying next to a still sleeping Foxy.

"You never came home last night."

"I know.. I'm sorry."

"Is everything okay?"


"What happened?"

Sophie sighs and turns away from me, facing the wall, obviously so I won't see her crying."I left Tristan," she says.

A surprised look flashes on my face. "What?! Why?"

"He hurt Freddy twice. I warned him never to do it again or I'd leave him the first time, but he didn't listen to me."

I nod. "Oh."

After that, it's obvious that Sophie doesn't want to talk anymore, so I turn and leave. I see Toy Freddy in the hall, and he appears to have been crying, too. Jeez, why is everyone so upset today? What the hell did I miss?

"What happened? Are you okay?" I ask. He shakes his head and points towards a closed closet. I walk with him towards it and he opens the door. Inside is Bonnie, laying on the floor, face down. "Bonnie?" I call. No answer, he doesn't even move. I notice that his left arm is completely gone, and blood stains the floor. His right hand is nothing but bone, as he's a human right now.

Toy Freddy starts to cry, and he walks away. I turn Bonnie over, so he's laying on his back, and jump backwards, letting out a small shriek.


What was left of Bonnie's face was laying beside him, in a small pile of skin, muscle, and blood. I turn around and get sick, feeling dizzy now. I eventually get enough courage to look back at him, and where his face was is just blood and his skull. Inside his eye sockets are small red lights that glow when he's awake.

"Oh my God, who did this, Bonnie?" I ask.

He groans and speaks, his voice so metallic that it's hard to understand him. "ToY cHiCa."

I stand up and leave the room to get Freddy. Eventually, I find him, and bring him to the closet. "Mackenzie, what is wrong with y-" he stops speaking and his jaw drops when he sees his friend.

"C-C-Can you f-fix h-him? P-Please..?" Toy Freddy begs, his voice shaky and his face dropping tears.

Freddy slightly nods. "I-I think so. I-I'll try. T-Toy Freddy, I'll take him. You get his.. F-Face. Animatronic form, Bonnie!"

The purple haired boy turns to animatronic form again, like Freddy is. Freddy might not be the tallest animatronic - Foxy is - but he's the strongest. He brings the bunny all the way to the back room, with me and Toy Freddy following close behind. Thank God, what used to be what was left of his face is now the normal purple bunny face, with his eyes that are still stuck in the suit dripping blood, and a few wires hanging out of the back.

"Where's his a-arm?" Toy Freddy asks. Freddy shakes his head. "I don't know. You and Mackenzie go find it while I fix him up, okay?"

We both nod and take off running down the halls, each of us going separate ways, in search of Bonnie's left arm.

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