Chapter 26

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~Marissa's P.O.V.~

I wonder why Foxy wanted me to be the security guard for the old pizzeria so badly..

I mean, I know he wants to be able to see me every night, but can't he just come over and visit me? Oh well, I guess I already agreed to do it anyway. As soon as I see something on TV about it, I'll head down to the place and apply for the job.

At least I've done it once before, right? How hard can it be?

I hear Felix start to cry, so I head to his room and take him out of his crib, which immediately calms him down. I sit on the couch with him in my arms and turn on the news, waiting to see if maybe there was anything on about the old pizzeria.

"And, surprising news from Mr. Fazbear, owner and creator of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria!"

Instantly, Mr. Fazbear's face flashes onto the TV screen, and he's standing in front of what looks like the old pizzeria. "Hello everyone! Yes, what you're seeing is real. The old pizzeria has been rebuilt, most likely by some people who really missed the old restaurant and wanted it back. This time, it's cleaner, and it's ready for all the kids to play! Oh, and good news for all of you Foxy lovers! Everyone's favorite pirate has been moved back next to the Main Show Stage where he was all those years ago, he will be repaired and ready to perform again for all of you! The old pizzeria is opening up again in just three weeks! Hope to see you all there!"

Hearing that, I turn off the TV and put Felix back once he's fallen asleep again, wait half an hour, and climb into my car, making my way towards the old pizzeria.

I arrive there about twenty minutes later. I feel like it's been so long since I've had to head that way, I forgot where it was. I shut and lock my car, open the pizzeria doors, and was greeted by a fresh clean smell, a nicely decorated inside, and absolutely no children screaming and running around. I walk to the back of the restaurant, where I know the manager's office is, and I knock on the door.

"Come in!" a cheery voice calls. I step inside the small room and smile.

Instead of a manager, I see Mr. Fazbear himself sitting behind the desk. "Hello, Mr. Fazbear!" I greet him. He smiles and shakes my hand. "Hello! I'm just here covering for the manager of this place while he's on his way here. So, what would you like?" he asks.

"I would like to apply for the night watch here," I reply. He nods and smiles again. "I hope you don't mind me asking you a few questions?" he says. "Not at all," I say. He clears his throat and starts asking me a few things.

"How old are you, do you have your working papers?"

"Yes, I have them, and I'm seventeen."

"Have you been here before?"

"Yes, I used to come here every day when I was a kid, and I used to work here before it was knocked down."

"Ah, congratulations, you got the job! A lot of people have already applied to be the night watch here, and you're the one who seems the most familiar with this place, so I think you'll do the best! Oh, and I almost forgot! What's your name?"

"Marissa. Marissa Smith," I reply.

Mr. Fazbear's eyes widen a bit. "Are you.. Christian's daughter?" he asks. I nod, and Mr. Fazbear's smile grows wider.

"Your father and I are excellent friends! That's why I hired him the first time! Do you know why he made you take his place when he worked here?"

I nod. "Yes, he said something about the power going out and Freddy almost stuffing him into a suit before 6 a.m. came."

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