Chapter 16

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~Freddy's P.O.V.~

Mikey clings to my shirt and holds on for dear life. "Freddy," he whispers, crying. "I'm scared!" "I know bud, me too," I say, stepping away from The Hunter. "But we'll be okay." "Oh, no," Hunter says, bending over at an odd angle and smiling at me.

"You can't leave. I need you, Freddy, it would be perfect. It would be a shame if Toy Chica were to find out that you ditched her?" "How'd you-" I start. My voice trails off. I think better of it and look him in the eyes, glaring at him. "You can't hurt Mikey," I hiss. "He's just a child."

"So were you," the Hunter smirks. "You were a child, too. Quite an annoying one. I had to knock you out before I stuffed you into that bear suit. I have to admit, I was afraid that you'd NEVER die!"

My eyes widen. This is it.

After many, many years of searching..

I found our killer.

My eyes glow red. I screech at the Hunter and run at him, punching, kicking, and screaming. "You son of a bitch!" I yell. "YOU KILLED US!" The Hunter moves swiftly, dodging all of my punches and kicks. Eventually, I give up out of exhaustion and lean against the wall, glaring at him. I stare until he says something. "You know, I wasn't the only one who killed you all," he says. "Then who else?!" I snap. I reach over and grab his shirt collar, pulling him closer to me.


"I.. One of your friends helped kill you off!"



I release the Hunter and my eyes widen. "My God..," I whisper. "How could he..? YOU'RE A LIAR!" "No, I'm not, Freddy," he says. "If you don't believe me, ask him yourself."

He pulls a lever on the wall and a table flips up from the floor. Foxy is tied to it with leather straps, tape over his mouth. His hair, matted with sweat and some blood, sticks to his forehead and covers his eyes. He's breathing heavily, and he's shaking. "Foxy!" Mikey calls, sadness in his eyes.

Foxy struggles against the straps and screeches through the tape, but his cries just come out muffled. "What shall I do to him?" Hunter asks, smirking. "Hang on," I snap. I walk over to the table where Foxy is strapped down. I rip the tape off of his mouth and he cries out in pain. "Foxy. Is it true? Did YOU help kill us?"


"Answer me, dammit!"

"Okay, lad, yes! I did it!"

Anger and hatred flash in my eyes. They fill with tears of agony. "Why?" I ask. I lash out and wrap my hands around his neck. "Why the HELL would you do that?!" Foxy begins to choke. "DAMN YOU!" I yell. "L-Let.. G-Go..!" he chokes. "NO!" I scream. Mikey comes up behind me and grabs me. He pulls me off of Foxy and I sink to the floor, head in my hands. I begin to cry.

Foxy breathes heavy, gasping for air. "I'm sorry, lad," he says. "I had no idea that he was gonna kill me, too..," "SO YOU KILLED YOUR FRIENDS FOR YOUR OWN PROTECTION?!" I screech. The Hunter has to drag me out of the room to calm me down. I've made up my mind.

I'm going to kill Foxy and use his heart to heal Bonnie.

GoOdByE, fOxY...


~Mikey's P.O.V.~

"Freddy," I say, "I'm going up to get some fresh air." "Okay," he nods. "Chica and Arno will be there to get you." I climb up the ladder and wonder about Foxy as I do. I wonder if he'll be hurt, or worse, if he'll die. The animatronics love me. But what they really don't know is I was bitten by Foxy when I was 10, not 5.

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