Chapter 28

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~Vincent's P.O.V.~

Holy shit.. I did it! I actually did it!

That torn up piece of scrap metal is really deactivated for good!

I smile to myself and look down at the once adored pirate fox. Seeing his mangled figure makes me smile and almost laugh with happiness. I grab all of his parts and his body and shove them into an empty closet that nobody uses, so he won't be seen. Someone knocks on the door. Thank God I locked it, I think. "Freddy? Are you in there?" someone calls. Chica. I slip the costume back on and talk in Freddy's voice, pulling open the door.

"Y.. Yeah. Sorry, Chica, I was helping Foxy!"

"Oh. That's good. Is he okay? Where is he?"

I gulp nervously as my eyes dart back and forth, but she can't see it under my mask.

"He's just fine! He crawled out of the room through the window and left to see Marissa just a few seconds ago!" I reply. Chica nods. "Hm, well, okay! Why don't you come out and eat with us? You must be really hungry," she says, smiling. Man, her smile.. So beautiful. Wait, what am I saying? Aren't I supposed to hate these things? Oh, well, I suppose hanging out with Chica and Bonnie for a bit wouldn't hurt me. "Sure," I say, my stomach growling. "Just let me clean up a bit. You go on ahead, I'll be right with you guys."

Chica giggles. "Okay, Freddy, but hurry! Wouldn't want me and Bonnie eating all the pizza, now would we?" I smile and laugh. "No, I suppose not." She smiles again, walks over to me, and kisses the mask's cheek,

Wow, I must be an excellent actor. Does she really believe that I'm Freddy?

Oh well.

I walk to another closet in the room and take off the mask and suit. My skin, clothes, and eyes are normal now, no longer purple. I look in a small mirror and put on a spare black top hat and bowtie that I find laying around. I definitely will pass off as Freddy. We look almost exactly alike when he's in human form!

I open the closet and peek into Foxy's small storage space to make sure he hasn't moved. Much to my surprise, he stayed where he was, obviously powered off. I pull open the door leading out of the room, step out, and lock it behind me. Straightening my bowtie, I plaster a fake smile on my face and walk over to my new friends.

Let's eat!

~Freddy's P.O.V.~

That purple bastard! He locked me in a freaking closet!

What is he doing right now? I hope he didn't hurt any of my friends..

I change to animatronics form and run at the closet door full speed, making it bust off of its hinges. I change back to human and look around, quietly walking towards the room across the hall, the back room. I jiggle the doorknob. Damn, it's locked!

I find one of Chica's hairpins on the floor and smile. I use it to pick the lock and get inside, looking around all the while to make sure the purple guy isn't there. Once I'm in, I close the door, lock it from the inside, and check out all my stuff to make sure he didn't touch it. Nothing seems out of place, until I look over to the table.

The container of knock out gas that I keep in case I ever need it to fix my other friends when I know the pain will be too bad for them to stay awake is sitting beside the metal surface, the mask still attached to it. I then notice something else on the table.

A thick, crimson liquid that smells metallic.


"What the hell did he do?!" I half-whisper, half-yell to myself.

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