Chapter 29

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~Toy Bonnie's P.O.V.~

I hear some noises coming from the security office.. 

Maybe I should go check it out.

I climb down from the stage and walk down the hall. I look into the office from a few feet away and see nothing. "Anyone there?" I call. No answer. "Freddy? Foxy? Chica? Bonnie..?" Still nothing. I turn around and start to walk away, and then I hear.. It.

The groaning noise coming from behind me. I whirl around, afraid. "H-Hello..?" I choke out, my voice barely above a whisper. My whole body is shaking with fear now, I've never been this afraid.

"TobOnNiE...?" A glitchy voice says. I run to the security office, recognizing the voice. 


What the hell happened to Freddy?

His body is torn up, cut, and bloody. "Who did this to you, Freddy?" 



"ViNcEnT. tHPuRpLGuY."

"Don't worry, Freddy. I'll go get help for you!"

Before he could say anything in protest, I stand up and run down the hallway, trying to find either Freddy's friends or my friends. Finally, I find Toy Freddy, talking to Bonnie. "Guys!" I yell, panting from exhaustion. "Freddy's in trouble! We gotta help him, now!" Toy Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Toy Chica all look up at me in confusion, and then stare in horror at something behind me. "W-What..? Don't look at me like that, guys! We're gonna help Freddy, and we-" Something hard hits my head with a loud bang. I fall to the floor, stars and black shadows swirling around my vision. My friends and Freddy's friends run away. I try to speak, to beg them to come back, but.. 

No sound comes out. I struggle to raise my head, and when I do, somebody reaches down and grabs my blue hair, yanking my head up, nearly snapping my neck.

"You wanted to save Freddy, hmm?" a deep voice asks.

"Y-Y..Yes..," I choke out.

"Well, lemme tell you a little secret, Toy."

I force myself to look up. Once I do, I almost immediately wish that I hadn't. 

"W-Who.. A-Are.. Y-You..?"

"Vincent. I prefer to be called.. Purple Guy. Now, about that secret. About you saving Freddy?" he says, staring at me with his cold white eyes. 

"W-What..?" I groan. He leans down, so his lips are right next to my ear, and he whispers..

"You can't."

~Bonnie's P.O.V.~

"Guys.. What if Toy Bonnie was right? Where is Freddy?" I ask, a worried look on my face. "Well, I guess we'd better go check it out. Maybe Freddy's in the office," Toy Chica shrugs. I nod. "I'll go check first, make sure it's okay," I say. I glance over at Toy Freddy, who looks nervous. He stares into my eyes. I walk over to him and give him a hug. "C-Can.. Can you guys give us a second..?" Toy Freddy asks our friends. They all nod and leave, after I make them agree to stick together and stay safe. 

Toy Freddy grabs my shoulders and looks into my eyes, his own filling with tears. He looks terrified. I hug him again. "I'll be fine, nothing's going to happen to me, Fred," I whisper to him.  "Please don't go. Don't leave me, Bonnie!" he cries, covering his face. He starts to cry, and I feel my heart break. "I'm sorry, Fred," I say. "I have to go save my friend. So, I have to do this." His head snaps up, and he stares at me. "Do wha-" he starts to say. He's cut off when I leave the room, slam the door closed, and lock it behind me, trapping Toy Freddy inside.

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