Chapter 28

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~Marissa's P.O.V.~

I stare down at Foxy, who's hand is rested on his head where I hit him. I look at the hammer in my hand, let out a small shriek, and drop it. It hits the tile floor with a loud clang. Foxy collapses after that, the large hole in his head sparking. Tears fill my eyes. "I-I'm so sorry, F-Foxy..!" I cry, dropping next to him. If I touch him, I'll get electrocuted, so I keep my hands balled in tight fists, rested in my lap. Scott looks at me with terrified eyes. "Is he dead?" he asks. I slightly nod my head. "I-I.. I think so, Scott.."

I let all of my tears fall down my face. Scott stares at me and walks over, hugging me. "I'm sorry, Marissa," he says. "You must've loved him, huh?" I nod again and sit back, my face hidden in my knees. He just stares at the floor and doesn't say anything. Soon after that, though, he stands up, takes my hand, and pulls me along with him.

"I know we just met each other, Marissa, but I want to thank you. The proper way. I mean, you did save my life, after all," he says, smiling at me. I smile back. "You don't need to thank me, Scott. I would always help someone." He shakes his head.

"No. You would've wanted to thank me if it was me who had saved you, right?"

"You got a point there. Where do you wanna go?"

My new friend opens the door and leads me out of the restaurant. He brings me to the sidewalk and we make our way down the concrete path. "So, Scott, what exactly happened? Why did Foxy attack you and bring you to the restaurant?"

"Well...," he starts. "I was actually applying to be the new night guard at the restaurant. I was in the security office, talking to the manager, who came to check on all of the animatronics to see how they were doing. As we were talking, he got a scared look on his face and hurried out. When I turned around, I saw Foxy, and he was just.. Standing there. In the hallway. I swung at him when he jumped at me to defend myself. He nearly snapped my wrist when he grabbed it, so I just surrendered. He.. He bit me. My neck. Brought me to the kitchen, tied me up there. Left me for two weeks. He only ever came back to give me water, no food, and he stood in front of the door all day and night, making sure no one got in or out. When he wasn't there, he got a different, torn-up animatronic fox to do it for him."

I listen to his story closely, processing whatever he tells me. Why would Foxy just.. Attack someone like that?

"Maybe he doesn't want a new guard. Maybe he wants to be able to do whatever he wants."

"Have you ever been the security guard? Is that why you were at the restaurant?" he asks. I shake my head. "I was the security guard for the old pizzeria, and they're reopening it along with this one. I'm gonna be the guard there. And... This might seem crazy, but Foxy and all the rest of the animatronics can become humans at will. Foxy was my boyfriend."

Mentioning Foxy's name hurts me a little bit, but for some reason, my body just doesn't seem to react to Foxy being dead. It all happened so fast. Scott sees me staring into the distance, and he says, "I'm sure he'll get fixed. They won't leave him like that. He'll be fine." As soon as he finishes his sentence, I lean forward and wrap my arms around him, making him stop in his tracks. Eventually, he gives in and hugs me back. "We're here," he whispers after a few minutes. I turn around and see a fancy restaurant in front of me. "Dinner and movie sound good? It's the least I can do," he says, smiling at my reaction. He takes my hand and bring me inside.

Once we get our table, order our food, and start eating, I look around. Why did I wait so long to have a look around? Because I was too busy staring into Scott's eyes, that's why. Those amazing dark eyes..

Wait, what am I saying? Why am I acting like this? I have Foxy!

Well.. When he wakes up, he might hate me.. Couldn't hurt to get a little closer to Scott, could it?

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