Chapter 9

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~Foxy's P.O.V.~

"M-Marissa..?" I stutter, turning around. "Foxy..," she says, running towards me. I'm about to say something, but she throws her arms around me. When she lets go, she looks me up and down, noticing what the man did to me. "You.. my God, are you okay?!" she says, worried.

"N-N-No, lass."

Mari looks into my eyes, which are glowing red and appear bloodshot. "Why did you go back to the pizzeria?" she asks me, pain in her voice. "W-W-When ye mentioned the Bite of '87, lass, I-I.. had a flashba-back. Not a g-good one, either," I say, looking down at the ground. "What was it..?" she asks. "Please tell me, Foxy." "Aye, okay," I say.


"Y-Y-Y-Yarr, Mikey, y-ye'll a-a-always be me fri-friend. Y-Ye come to Foxy-y-y and ye be braver-r-r, not bein' scared of-scared of ol' Foxy-y-y."

"Why would I be scared of you, Foxy? You're my hero!" 5 year-old Mikey smiles, looking up at me.

"Hero..?" I repeat.

"Yeah! You're a brave and strong pirate. I wanna be brave and strong when I grow up, too!"

"Y-Ye are a brave p-pirate, Mikey.."


"Arrrr, I-I-I'd hire ye to be in me h-harty cre-crew!"

"Kid!" the day guard calls to Mikey.

"W-Whatd'ya sa-say, Mik-k-key?" I ask him, raising my hook and smiling.

"You're not supposed to be that close to Foxy!" the guard yells, worry in his voice. He runs over to Mikey, supposedly to take him away from me.

Something comes over me. I smile wider, my teeth becoming more visible. My eyes turn black, and I stare at Mikey, menacingly. I slightly growl.

"Foxy..?" he asks in a small voice.

"KID!" the guard yells, louder this time.

I lean forward and bite into young Mikey's head, tearing out chunks of his flesh. Blood covers me and a puddle of it surrounds Mikey, who's now laying on the floor. I look down, finally realizing what I'd done to the boy.

A voice inside me whispers something as I stare down in horror at little Mikey's blood, which is now pooling by my feet.

"I'm sorry, Mikey.."

~Flashback Over~

Blood tears drip down my face. I look up at Mari, who's staring into my eyes. "Did you kill him?" she asks. "No, h-he survi-vived. I-I haven't s-s-seen him since." I feel something click in my voice box. "I miss the lad. He was the only one who wasn't afraid of me," I say. I realize that all the pain I felt while thinking of Mikey must've done something to change my voice, because I sound as good as I might if anyone had bothered to fix me up.

I take Mari's hand and lead her inside of the new restaurant, when every human left. "Take a look," I say. "At me new home." She looks around, taking everything in. She looks amazed. "Wow..," she mumbles. "This is so cool!" "C'mon, lemme show ye me Cove."

I lead her into Kid's Cove and through the huge room. I show her a huge purple curtain with bright yellow stars. "That's huge, Foxy," she says. "You're gonna LIVE here?" "Aye, lass," I nod. "But take a look inside." I pull open the curtains and watch Marissa's eyes light up in excitement. Rows of fake swords line the walls. A plastic skull and crossbones hang over my new bed. Yes, a REAL bed!

"Watch this, lass," I smile. I pull a lever beside my bed and it flips into the wall, a huge pirate ship complete with sails rising from the floor to take it's place. "My God, Foxy! That's so cool! You'll be happy here, huh..?" she asks, a bit of sorrow in her voice. I grab her hands and kiss them. "Not without ye, lass."

She blushes and kisses me. I kiss her back, and she blushes even more. "I love you, Foxy," she says. "I love ye too, Mari." "C'mon! Let's go see the others!" she yells, excited. She grabs my hand and drags me along.

After three more hours of exploring, we decide to leave. "Well, Foxy, come with me. I need to show you something. Maybe I can convince you and your friends to come with me if I show you," Mari tells me, slightly smiling. I follow her to her car and let her drive me somewhere. We arrive soon at the rubble of the old restaurant. My eyes fill with tears again. "Lass, why would ye-"

"Shh," she says, looking at something ahead of us. She points. "Look."

I look around, trying to see what she's pointing to. There's a young boy standing there, a boy about 10. My eyes widen. "Mikey..?" I stare in disbelief at the lad walking through the rubble. "Foxxxyyyy..!" he cries, obviously upset. I hide behind the piece of rubble closest to him and finally say something. I sing my "Diddly Dum" song, Mikey used to love that. "Foxy!" he yells. "Where are you?!" I step out. "Right 'ere, lad."

Mikey's eyes light up. He runs to me with him arms wide and hugs me. "Mikey.. What are ye doin' 'ere?" I ask. "Looking for you, Foxy. They finally let me out of the hospital yesterday, and I wanted to come see you!" he says. "But.. What I did to ye..," I mumbled in disbelief. "I know you didn't mean to do it, Foxy. After I hurted my head, I heard you whisper 'I'm sorry' to me," he smiles. I laugh a bit at the fact that he said "hurted". It reminds me how young he still is. I can still rebuild our friendship that we once had.

"Would ye like to come visit me new home?" I ask. He nods and jumps up and down excitedly. I lift him up, put him on my back, and run back to the new pizzeria, Marissa following close behind.

~Time Skip~

"And finally, here's the new Pirate's Cove," I say, lifting the curtain to reveal everything inside. I allow Mikey to play around a bit. I watch as he swordfights with an imaginary enemy, swing from the play Pirate Ropes, and pretend to sail on the Pirate Ship. He turns to me and asks, "Where are the old animals?"

I freeze and stare at Mikey for a few seconds, and then take his small hand in my own. I lead him all the way to the Parts and Service room and then turn on the lights. Mikey looks around, and his eyes fill with tears. "Do they work?" he asks. "I don't know, lad, why don't ye try callin' their names?" I suggest. He runs to his two other favorite animatronics. "Bonnie! Freddy!" he cries. Nothing.

After many long minutes of waiting, a red light clicks on.

Bonnie has been reactivated.

And so has Freddy.

"M-Mikey!" they both yell, happy. They give him hugs. I look to the corner and see Chica sitting alone, a sad look on her face. Mikey never liked her that much. Poor lass..

"Mikey.. Are ye still part of me crew?" I ask, curious as to if he remembers the bond we had. "Yep! I'm gonna be brave and strong when I grow up!" he giggles, and then mimicks my accent. "Yarrrrr! I'm yer first mate, Foxy!" I smile and give him another hug. "I missed ye, lad," I say. "I missed you too, Foxy,"

He then says something that makes my human heart stop and my blood run cold.

"You're my hero!"

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