Chapter 23

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~Christmas Day! Foxy's P.O.V.~

I wake up in the back room, unable to move at first. Soon, though, I can move my arms and legs. I soon realize that I'm no longer seeing the video that was programmed to make me suffer. I smile big when I realize it's Christmas!

Chica yawns and opens her eyes. The rest of my friends soon follow. Chica's eyes soon light up. "Merry Christmas, Foxy!" she yells, giving me a big hug. I blush and hug her back. Wait.. I BLUSH? But I love Marissa! Oh whatever, I'm sure it's because I'm not used to hugs. I smile and somewhat hug her back. I stand up and push the door open, eager to get the present I bought for Marissa and Felix.

I run to the security office, where everyone had hidden their gifts for everyone else. I pull out my stack of presents and carry them to Pirate's Cove, where everyone is gathered with their presents, too. Marissa holds baby Felix in her arms, cuddling him.

I take the baby in my arms and hold him, giving Marissa a break. "Go on, Foxy," Chica smiles. "Open all of your presents."

I put Felix in his new crib and he falls asleep fairly quickly. I look down at the eleven presents that there are in a pile in front of me. One from Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Golden Freddy, Marionette, Balloon Boy, all of the Toys, Mangle, and Marissa.

I pick up Freddy's first and rip the paper off. My eyes light up and I smile. "A new 'ook! And it's gold! Thank ye, Freddy!"

I open up the rest, each present getting better and better as they go down the line. Chica got me a jeweled eyepatch. Bonnie got me a ripped up Pirate's Cove shirt (I love ripped up clothes!), Marionette and Balloon Boy teamed up and got me a pirate's hat, Mangle got me some chocolate gold coins, Marissa gave me a kiss, and.. That just leaves the Toys.

They all look at one another and smile deviously. I gulp, nervous now. "Foxy," Toy Freddy says. Toy Bonnie looks at me. "We thought you might like it if.." Toy Chica finishes their sentence. "We thought you might like it if we called someone in to fix you up, so you can perform again for all the kids." My eyes tear up at this news. "That would be the best present in the world," I say. "Thank ye all!"

"Oh, and, um, Foxy?" Toy Freddy asks. "Can you come with me? There are two other parts to your present, and you have to come with me to see the other ones." I nod and we both walk to the car, leaving everyone else to their gifts.

Toy Freddy begins to drive somewhere. I shut my eyes when I know that we're about to pass the rubble of the old pizzeria. "Well, here's the second part of your gift," he says, handing me a small box. I open it and see that it's a Fall Out Boy album titled, "Centuries".

"You should give that a listen later on," he blushes. "I love Fall Out Boy. They're good!"

I nod, still looking at him and not at the old pizzeria.

"Foxy, look. There's part three of your present. All you have to do is look at where the old pizzeria was."

I lift my new eyepatch and slowly look towards the ruins. My eyes widen, jaw dropping to the floor. Instead of pieces of wood and brick, I see a brand new building. One that looks exactly like the old pizzeria. The sign on top of the doorway is rusty and crumbly, and it reads, "Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, Where Fun and Fantasy Come To Life!'

I jump out of the car and slowly open the glass doors, wondering if this is real or if I'm still asleep and dreaming. I walk inside and immediately run towards the back hall, where Pirate's Cove used to be. My heart sinks when I see nothing there. "No, Foxy, not there," Toy Freddy laughs. He points to something in the corner of the room, next to the show stage. There, the star-covered curtains seeming to glow in the dim light from the windows, is Pirate's Cove, exactly where it used to be before I was shut down and locked away after the Bite of '87.

"Freddy..," I whisper, amazed. "Why did ye build all this?"

"So you could get away from us when you needed to. Also..," he pauses, taking a breath that sounds a bit sad.

"I built this so when you guys were ready, you and your friends could move back here. We've already found a manager. This place is going to be back in business. The new pizzeria is staying, too."

I'm extremely surprised at this news. "Ye mean.. When we move back 'ere, and start performin' again, I'll get to perform, too?"

Toy Freddy nods and smiles at me. I walk over to him and give him a huge hug. He blushes and hugs me back. "Thank ye so much, lad."

"Yer welcome, pirate," he whispers. I release him and we both head back to the car. I open up the Fall Out Boy album and put it in the radio. I hear the first few lyrics, and I'm automatically in love with the lead singer's voice.

"Some legends untold, some turn to dust or to gold, but you will remember me, remember me for centuries! And just one mistake, is all it will take. We'll go down in history, remember me for centuries!"

Toy Freddy grins when he sees that I'm enjoying the song. "The lead's name is Patrick," he tells me.

"Well, I love the lad's voice!"

He laughs and says, "Me too."

We arrive back at the new pizzeria within a matter of minutes, but we don't come out until we listen to the song a few more times. We walk inside after finishing up the song for the fifth time, and as we walk in, Toy Freddy tells me about another song by Fall Out Boy called "Immortals". I promise him that I'll listen to it with him after presents, and we head back to Pirate's Cove to see what everyone else got.

Chica and Toy Chica both got new bibs and cupcakes. Toy Freddy and Old Freddy got new shiny top hats. Bonnie got his own Xbox 360, and Toy Bonnie got his own PlayStation 4. They are both freaking out about them, they both love video games!

The front door opens, and a bell rings. "Avery!" Toy Bonnie yells, standing up to hug his girlfriend. She smiles and hugs him back, messing up his hair. He laughs and blushes. Toy Bonnie hands Avery a small box, and she opens it eagerly. "Oh, my Gosh..," she whispers, a look of shock on her face. There, inside the box, was a sparkly diamond necklace in the shape of a heart. She jumpps up and gives Toy Bonnie a kiss before handing him his present. He rips off the wrapping paper and looks inside the box. He pulls the present out and throws the box on the nearest table, nearly screaming all the while.

He got a gold controller for his PlayStation!

"Ready to go?" he asks Avery after he calmed down. She nods, and they both walk out the door. Before she leaves, Avery calls, "Merry Christmas everyone!"

"Merry Christmas!" we all yell back, smiling and waving.

"Oh!" I say, smiling. "Marissa, I got a special gift for ye."

"Aww, you didn't have to get me anything..," she blushes.

"Well, Mari, 'ere it is.."

I gulp with excitement, preparing to tell her the news.

"We're gettin' married in Germany, and then taking a vacation in Italy and Scotland."

The tears start to stream down Marissa's cheeks. She smiles big and hugs me, nearly knocking me over. "This is better than anything I could've asked for, Foxy," she mumbles, crying some more. I wipe tears from her face and kiss her.

"Awwww!" everyone sighs. I wave my hand at them, and they all laugh. "Merry Christmas, Marissa," I whisper.

"Merry Christmas to you too, Foxy."


Merry Christmas everyone! Don't you just love the media picture? I do! Also, the video in the media is Centuries, the song that Foxy listened to in case you haven't heard it yet or just wanna hear it again. It's one of my favorite songs EVER. I hope the rest of your Christmas is filled with happiness, and I hope you all got everything you asked for! Never stop shining like the star at the top of the tree!

Merry Christmas!


P.S. The next chapter is already being worked on!

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