Chapter 39

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~Freddy's P.O.V.~

I open my eyes and see that Tristan isn't sleeping where he was earlier. Oh, crap, I fell asleep!

I jump up and put my shirt back on. Yeah, I sleep without a shirt on. Don't judge me.

"Tristan?" I call, my voice echoing through the halls. "Hmm..?" someone replies from the kitchen. I walk in and see Tristan, eating a slice of pizza, smiling at me. "What is it, Fred?"

"Sophie wants you to meet her at the park at three, okay?"

"Oh, yeah, cool! I'll go. I was planning on texting her and asking if she wanted to meet up somewhere today. Can you help me get ready, Freddy?" he asks.

I smile and start laughing. "Haha! That rhymed," I say, a stupid grin on my face. The blond rolls his eyes at me and smiles again. "You really are an idiot," he says, punching me in the arm.

"Yeah, I'll help you get ready. Just let me know what time you're ready to start, okay?"

"Yeah, got it. Thanks, Freddy. See ya!" he calls, walking out of the room with his pizza still in his hand. Why does he need my help to get ready? I ask myself. Hasn't he been on a date before?

I suddenly remember him telling me that he had been on a few dates, so.. That can't be it. Unless..

My eyes widen in surprise. Is he planning something?! I think, a wide smile breaking out onto my face.

"Hey, Tristan," I call again. He comes jogging over. "Yeah?"

"Why do you need my help to get ready? You've been on dates before, so why do you need me?" I ask, still grinning.

Tristan looks down. "Well.. Um... Uh..."

He turns to leave, and when he does, I laugh to myself.

This is gonna be a good day.

~Foxy's P.O.V.~

I see Tristan walking down the hall, a worried look on his face. I call to him, and when he turns to look at me, I smile and wave. I hop down from Pirate's Cove and walk towards him.

"Why are ye in such a hurry, lad? And why do ye look so worried?" I ask.

He smiles, but it's nothing more than a crooked grin.

"What?" I say.

He shakes his head. "I'll tell you later," he says, turning away from me and calling for Freddy. The brunette turns around the corner and looks at Tristan. "I'm here, let's go help you get ready," he says.

"Why won't anyone tell me what's going on?" I yell down the hall after them.

"Later, Foxy!" is the only response I get.

I shake my head, go back to Pirate's Cove, and sit down on my bed.

If only there was something to do..

Oh, I know!

I pull out my phone and find Marissa's contact. I then tap the small green phone symbol on the screen, and it calls her. I put the phone up to my ear, waiting for her to pick up.

All I get is her voicemail.

I try a few more times, with the same response. Oh well, I guess I'll try again later!

I decide to take a nap for a little while, since there's really nothing else to do. As soon as I rest my head on the soft pillow, I begin to drift off.

Ahhh.. I love sleeping...

~Sophie's P.O.V.~

I look at my phone and check the time. 3:30. Where is he..? I think, starting to play a game on my phone. Finally, I hear the sound of a car pulling up, and Tristan comes out. He's wearing a nice green shirt and black pants. I look down at myself.

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