Chapter 3

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~Christian's P.O.V.~

I wake up at 11:30. I walk to Marissa's room and shake her awake. "It's time to wake up," I tell her. "I'm bringing you to Freddy's and showing you what you need to do." She groans and gets up. She fixes herself up a little and gets in the car. I drive her to Freddy's, and we get there by 11:45. Just enough time to explain everything to her.

"So, what exactly is it that I need to do?" she asks. "You stay here from 12 to 6. You need to watch the cameras and check on the animatronics. You don't need to watch Foxy too much like the manager told me to do, he's not at all dangerous. Everything will be fine, just make sure you don't run out of power," I explain. I show her how the cameras, doors, and lights work, and then when she's all set, I decide to leave. "Good luck, be safe, I love you," I say. "I love you, too," she replies.

I walk out the front door, an uneasy feeling in my gut. I don't know if Freddy and Foxy will even REMEMBER her. If they do, they'll keep her safe from Bonnie, Chica, and Golden Freddy. Oh, shit, I forgot to tell her about Golden Freddy! "Marissa!" I yell, running back to the front door. I'm just about to pull it open when my watch beeps. I look down at the time. 12:00. The doors automatically lock. As long as Foxy is there to protect her, I'm sure my daughter will be fine. I sigh, turn around, and walk to my car.

~Foxy's P.O.V.~

"Bonnie, lad! Come here!" I call. Bonnie comes over, and he looks happy. "Did you see the new security guard?" he asks me. I shake my head no and lift my eyepatch. "New guard, eh?" I say. So Christian escaped? Thank God!

"The new guard is a female this time, Foxy."

What?! A GIRL? That's new. We've never had a girl security guard here before.

I suddenly realize that I'm no longer stuttering, but I'm still talking in my pirate accent. "Well, I suppose I should go and get me first scare," I say. I stand up and run through the hallway. Silly girl forgot to check on me in the camera. I peek in through the door and screech at her. She screams, clutches her chest, and falls to the floor. "Yaaaarrrrr! Me first kill, lads!" I yell through the halls. I notice that the girl is still breathing, and I kneel beside her.

Yep, her chest is still rising and falling. A flash of recognition goes through my mind. "Who are ye, lass..?" I whisper, wondering who she possibly could be.

Then it hits me.

This girl is Christian's daughter.

This is the same girl who came to see me and Freddy every day ever since she was five.

It's Marissa!

"Freddy!" I yell. "C'mere, lad! Quick!" Loud footsteps fill the room, and Freddy walks in. "What is it, Foxy?" he asks. "This girl.. We know her, you and I! 'Tis Marissa!" I say. Freddy's eyes widen, and he kneels next to me, lifting the girl's head. "Marissa..," he whispers. "I love this girl, Foxy. I always have. I don't want to hurt her. Bonnie and Chica are going haywire, and Golden Freddy is almost ready to strike. We have to protect this girl with our lives."

I nod. "Aye, I understand." "Call me back here when she wakes up. Or take her to Pirate's Cove and keep her there until she wakes," the bear says, standing up and walking out of the room. I wait until he's out of earshot and then hold Marissa in my arms. "Don't ye worry, me love.. I will keep ye safe," I say. She slowly opens her eyes.


"Yes.. It's me."

"I love you, Foxy."

"I love you, too, Marissa."

She wraps her arms around me and snuggles into the fur on my chest. I know that she was just speaking out of confusion and exhaustion, but still, it feels nice to hear the words "I love you" from somebody. I pick her up and carry her to Pirate's Cove. I hope her father doesn't worry about her, because she'll have to stay here all day tomorrow to rest.

Finally, after a little while, her eyes open again. "Mari," I say. "Foxy! It's you!" she yells. She gives me a hug, her hand accidentally brushing my robotic legs. "Oh.. Sorry..," she whispers. "It's alright, lass. Ye didn't mean it. Would ye like to see yer favorite animatronic?" I ask. I call for Freddy, and he rushes in. "M-Marissa..!" he shouts. He runs over and gives her a big hug. She rubs his fur and smiles. He lifts her up and cuddles her. I smile sadly and look to the floor.

Neither of them notice me anymore. They are too busy with each other. For right now, I'll just make sure Bonnie and Chica are feeling alright.

~Freddy's P.O.V.~

I laugh as Marissa tells another joke. "You are just as funny as I remember you," I say. She giggles and looks around. "I missed this place," she says. "And we missed having you here every day," I smile, pulling her into my arms. She looks up at me, smiles, and leans in. I don't know what she's doing. Suddenly, she kisses me. This surprises me, and I'm thinking about pulling away. But soon, I get used to it, and I put my paws on her back. "I love you, Freddy," she says. "I love you too, Mari." I say, poking her nose, making her laugh.

"Well.. Y'know, my birthday is tomorrow, and I was wondering if maybe I could celebrate it here?" she asks. I nod and clap my paws. "That'll be fun!" She smiles excitedly. "I can't wait! Thank you, Freddy!" She gives me a big hug. Just then, the clock rings for 6:00. "I'll see you soon. Happy birthday, Mari," I say before walking back to my place on stage.

I can't wait to make her happy on her birthday! We're going to have a big party with cake, pizza, and lots of presents for her.

She's going to have the time of her life!

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