Chapter 37

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~Tristan's P.O.V.~

I can't believe this is happening already! "What the hell, Sophie?!" I yell.

She looks back at me, a bit of fear and sadness in her eyes. "What?" I can see her slowly step back, away from me, as if she's afraid.

"You don't believe me, do you?! You only want to take Freddy's side! I thought you loved me, not.. Him!"

"No, Tristan, I.. I believe you, okay? I do. I'm sorry, but you broke Freddy's leg! As much as you might hate it, Freddy is still my best friend, and you're not going to change that. I love you, I really do. I promise that. But..," she says, taking a deep breath and looking down. "If you're going to keep hurting Freddy, I can't be with you."

My eyes soften, and I look at her. "W..What..?"

"I didn't say I was leaving you, Tristan, only if you kept hurting Freddy.. He's like my older brother. I love him like an older brother. I love you like my boyfriend, which you are and always will be," she explains. I nod and look to the floor, biting my lip.

With that, she turns and walks away, back towards Parts and Service, where Freddy is.

I know that him and I can't afford to fight now, especially when we're planning to fight the Hunter and Purple Guy within weeks.

But I can't afford to lose Sophie, either.

~Freddy's P.O.V.~

"Hey," I say, smiling and greeting Sophie when she walks into the room. She kneels next to me and kisses my cheek. "How do you feel?" she asks. I nod. "Pretty good. Did you talk to Tristan?" I ask.

She smiles and nods, hugging me. "Yes. I hope he understands.. He thought I was breaking up with him. I just told him to leave you alone. If he messes with you, Freddy, then tell me. It'll be over between me and him."

I slightly smile and think, If I want her, I'm going to have to lie.

I've never lied to her, though.. It might be hard. She might find out that I'm lying, too.. There are security cameras. Maybe I'll just make Tristan so mad that he has to hit me!

When Sophie leaves, and Tristan comes back, he sits on the opposite end of the room, tears in his eyes from what Sophie said earlier. He doesn't even look at me.

"Hey," I say. I smirk. "Can't wait for Sophie to come to me after she leaves your sorry ass."

His head snaps up, and his eyes flash black. He screeches and runs at me, his claws out and very sharp. I dial Sophie's number and put the phone next to me, so she can hear everything that's going on.

Tristan scratches and punches me, and I scream, pretending to be in pain. I scream and cry out and groan, and then I yell, "Help me, Sophie!"

"She's not here!" he growls at me.

I smirk and breathe heavily, my injuries finally starting to hurt. I wipe some blood from the corner of my mouth. "She doesn't need to be," I say weakly, pulling out my phone and putting in on speaker. "She heard.. everything." Tristan's eyes widen. On the other line, you can hear Sophie screaming, "Freddy?! Freddy, are you okay?! Freddy! I'll be there soon!"

Tristan drops to the floor and starts crying. "No!" he yells. "Damn you, Freddy! I'll kill you!"

He runs over to me and grabs my neck, choking me. I lose all the feeling in my face, and soon, lose feeling in the rest of my body. I try to scream, but I have no air left to do it. Before I black out, I hear the front door open, and footsteps run down the hallway.

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