Chapter 4

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~Foxy's P.O.V.~

Freddy seems to be in a really good mood today. "What's the occasion?" I ask, lifting my eyepatch. "It's Mari's birthday tonight! We're throwing her a huge party with cake, pizza, and lots of presents for her. We already bought all of her gifts. What'd you get her?" he asks. A wave of guilt washes over me. I didn't get her a gift!

"Oh.. Well.. Um.. I got her a laptop. Yeah.. A laptop," I reply, not wanting him to notice that I didn't get her anything. I stutter a lot anyway, so I don't think Freddy will notice that I was lying. "That's nice. Well, I'd better get to the kitchen and help Chica with the pizza and cake. Bye, Foxy," he says, trudging down the hallway.

I cover my face with my hands and sigh. Marissa is going to be here in half an hour! That's not enough time to get her a gift! What am I going to do? I'd better go talk to Bonnie about this. He'll know what I should do. I run down the hall and knock on the backstage door. Bonnie opens it. "Hey," he says. "Is something wrong? You look stressed." "Well.. Actually, yes, there is something wrong," I say. And I tell him my story.

"Freddy's gonna kill you, dude," the bunny says. "He wants this day to be perfect for the girl. I'm sorry, bud, I really don't know what to do.." I bang my fist against the wall in frustration. Just then, the bell at the front of the restaurant rings. Someone walked in. I run back to Pirate's Cove and wait there. "Guys? Where are you? Why's it so dark?" a voice calls. Marissa. I see her walk past Pirate's Cove and go into the Dining Room. The lights flicker on.


Freddy, Chica, and Bonnie jump out, knocking Marissa down on her butt. "Woah, guys, you scared me!" she smiles. "What's all this...?" "For your birthday!" Freddy laughs. "It's such a special day!" He scoops Mari up in his arms and kisses her. She hugs him and smiles into his chest. "Thank you, Freddy," she whispers.

After everyone's eaten and celebrated, it's time for presents. I step out from behind my curtain and put on a party hat that Chica left for me. "Hey, Foxy!" Mari calls, running over to me. She throws her arms around me excitedly. I smile and hug her back. Freddy clears his throat and looks at me. I release Marissa and back up.

Chica gives Mari her present from her. It's pretty necklace that said "Freddy's" in the infinity sign. Bonnie goes next. His present to her is a cute pair of purple bunny ears. Bonnie smiles and hands Mari another box, this one marked "From Foxy". I smile and mouth a silent "thank you" to the bunny. Marissa opens the box and squeals in excitement when she sees her new laptop. She kisses my cheek to thank me. If I could, I would blush. Finally, Freddy hands the girl his gift and smiles with his creepy, endoskeleton-revealing grin.

Marissa slowly opens the tiny wrapped box. She gasps and then smiles. She slips something onto her finger and then holds her hand out for the rest of us to see. It's a...

"A diamond ring!" Chica yells in excitement.

"Does that mean..?" Bonnie asks, tilting his head. "Are you asking her to marry you, Freddy?"

"Only if it's okay with her," Freddy smiles.

"Yes, Freddy! Of course I'll marry you!" Marissa's voice shouts.

I stand there, jaw dropped to the floor. Am I really losing the only girl I really love in this world to the monster that almost killed her father? Am I losing her forever, or will Freddy change his mind? I'll have to go back to Pirate's
Cove after the party and think. Thank God, the bell rings for 6:00 a.m. I say good-bye to the others and another thank you to Bonnie before running off to hide behind my heavy, purple, star-covered curtain.

I don't know what to do. I don't want to lose her.


Hey guys! Another cliffhanger :3 But seriously Foxy x Marissa! I ship it! Will Freddy REALLY marry Marissa? Will Marissa's father stop everything before he loses his daughter to the beast that tried to kill him? Find out in the upcoming chapters! Love you all, thank you for reading! Never stop shining like the stars.


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