Chapter 36

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~Mangle's P.O.V.~

"HeY, w-w-wHeRe'S f-f-fOxY?" I ask Toy Chica, who's sitting on the Show Stage. "Pirate Cove, probably. I think he's with Freddy. Why?" she asks.

I shrug. "I jUsT wAnTeD tO sAy SoRrY fOr HiS lOsS."

Toy Chica sighs and looks at me. "I'm sure he's fine, Mangle, now just leave him alone, would you? Don't go to Pirates Cove unless you really need something. He needs some time alone with Marissa to recover." When she hops off the stage and walks away, I hang upside down from the ceiling and glare at her.

Man, do I hate her!

She's got everything I wish I had. She's pretty, and she's actually got a nice suit. I don't have anything, I'm just endoskeleton. Hell, the people who work here let the kids mess with me, taking me apart and putting random parts on me all over again! I'm sick of it!

But Foxy makes me feel better. Which is weird, because I'm supposed to be his replacement, but.. I guess we just became friends.

I hear laughing coming from Parts and Service, and even thought Toy Chica and Toy Bonnie always tell me not to go back there, I decide to head back there anyway to check it out.

I crawl across the dark ceiling, being careful to be silent and stay hidden in the shadows. I don't want to make a noise and give away to whoever's in there that I'm listening to them, and it would be eighty seven times worse if they saw me. When I get there, I peek in and look through my one good eye. Trust me, I have no idea what those horrible kids did with my other one. I haven't seen it for, like, three or four months. Sucks, huh? I see Sophie and the new wolf animatronic cuddling, and he's telling her something that's making her laugh hysterically, as if he were the funniest guy alive.

I roll my eye and crawl back to Kid's Cove, since there's really no point in me sticking around just to listen to Sophie laughing. All I can hear coming from Pirate's Cove is Foxy and Marissa crying, and I feel my metal heart break, if I even have one. Whatever it is, it hurts. I feel so bad for him.. It must hurt so bad to know that your only child died, and he will never come back. I remember when Marissa first had that baby, Foxy was so happy.. It seemed like little Felix was going to be a daddy's boy, since when he was an animatronic he looked exactly like Foxy, only minus the hook and eyepatch.

I drop down from the ceiling and lay in a pile in the corner, where I'm usually laying. On top of Foxy's crying, I hear the slight sound of Marionette's music box playing over and over again. I don't know if it's just me, but the tune sounds.. Much sadder this time. I better go check on him.. As I'm crawling across the ceiling, towards Prize Corner, I start thinking..

When will everything go back to normal? When will the kids come back to play..?

~Freddy's P.O.V.~

Tristan and Sophie don't know it, but I'm hiding in the corner, knife in hand. Back at the old pizzeria, I was great at hiding in the darkness, completely cloaking myself from the security cameras, making it almost impossible for the security guard to find me. It usually made them an easy kill.

I mess with the knife for a bit, waiting until Sophie gets up so I won't hurt her. Finally, after an hour of standing there, Sophie gets up and leaves the room for a few minutes. I take two or three silent steps backwards, and then..


I let out a loud screech and jump at Tristan, who had changed to human when Sophie left. With me in animatronic form, I put a lot of weight on his chest, nearly suffocating him. He grabs my wrists and tries to push me back, and it actually works.

Damn, this kid is stronger than he looks! I think, my face contorting into a look of concentration and anger. "Damn you!" I scream at him. He gasps for air one last time, and then somehow manages to push me off. I hit the wall hard, stunning me for enough time to allow Tristan to catch his breath. My animatronic form is now too damaged to stay in, so I have no choice but to change to human form and stay that way for the rest of the fight. Before I change, though, I hear Tristan say, "C'mon, Freddy. You wanna fight me? Man up and do it like a human!"

This, of course, makes me mad. This fight was originally going to be about winning Sophie over, but it's not just about that anymore. No, now he was trying to taunt me. As if he actually wanted me to fight him. Does he..? "You lied to Sophie, didn't you?" I ask, wiping some blood from the corner of my mouth. "Acting all nice and sweet to win her over."

Tristan looks pissed now. "NO! It wasn't an act, I'm a very nice person to everyone! Help people when I can. But damn, Freddy, you piss me off! I'd kill you in seconds!"

I smirk, antagonizing him. "Go, on then," I say, daring him to come at me. "Kill me."

He runs at me, but I step to the side, dodging him. He repeats this over and over again, with me dodging every time, until we both get tired of it. I get short of breath, and I get down on one knee to catch my breath again.

Everything is silent for a few minutes.

Then, when I least expect it, I hear Tristan screech.


After that, I feel claws dig into my back, and teeth sink into my arm. "Let go, you bastard!" I scream, thrashing around to get him off of me. He might actually win this fight..

He grabs my leg and snaps the bone like a twig, making me scream in pain. The sharp, broken bone breaks through my skin, and I scream louder, blood gushing from my knee. Sophie must hear this, because she sprints down the hall and runs into the room, a worried look on her face. "Freddy! Tristan! Stop!" she yells. We both freeze, blood gushing from my leg. Bonnie comes in, following right behind her. Bonnie runs off to get a first aid kit for me for now, and Sophie runs into Tristan's arms, making my jaw drop in surprise. "What happened?!" she asks me and him. I open my mouth to speak, but he cuts me off.

"He attacked me first. I think he wants you all for himself. I'm sorry, Sophie, I didn't mean to hurt him, I-.." he starts saying. He fakes tears and buries his face in Sophie's neck, still pretending to cry. She wraps her arms around him and rubs his back, trying to comfort him. She then looks at me and sadly smiles, and mouths the words, "Are you okay? I'm so sorry, Freddy, I'll talk to you later, when Tristan is sleeping."

I nod and watch at Bonnie cleans my bleeding wound, pops the bone back into my skin, and sews up the cut. He wraps it in bandages. "Best I can do for now," he says, looking up at me. He then looks over to Tristan. "Come with me outside, let me see your injuries."

Tristan follows Bonnie, probably to the back room. I look at Sophie, who starts to cry, and she runs over to me. she hugs me and kneels next to me. "Freddy, I'm so sorry," she whispers. "I never wanted any of you to get hurt because of me. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.." I hug her back, my own eyes filling with tears. "It's okay, we'll both be fine. But.. I want to ask you something, Sophie..," I say. She looks up at me and slightly tilts her head. "What?" she asks.

I sigh and look down. "Why do you love him, and not me? What does he have that I don't?"

Sophie chokes back some more tears, and then looks into my eyes. "Freddy, it's not that he has things that you don't - because he doesn't - but.. You all went absolutely insane and tried to kill me that one night. Don't you remember? All of the old animatronics did. And Tristan saved me. Saved me from you."

Hearing this makes my eyes water, my throat burn, and my heart break into a million pieces. Why would I try to hurt her? Ever? "Are you sure?" I ask. "Are you lying to me?"

She shakes her head. "No, Freddy, I'm telling the truth. I'm sorry," she apologizes, kissing my cheek and giving me one last hug. She stands up and walks out of the room, probably to go check on Tristan. As she leaves, she doesn't even look back at me once.

I guess I really did lose her..

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