Chapter 20

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~Mike's P.O.V.~

"Hi, Mom! Hi, Dad!" I say, walking up to hug them. "Oh, thank God, my baby is alive!" Mom cries. I take a step back and glare at them. "Wait.. You didn't know I was still alive? How? Did you not come see me while I was in the hospital all five years?" I ask.

Dad shakes his head. "No, Mike," he says. "I'm sorry. You were in a coma for a year and a half. We were sure you wouldn't wake up, so.. We arranged your funeral, but didn't put your body in the casket. We didn't think it was necessary yet."

I look down. "So he was right..," I whisper under my breath. "Who?" Mom asks. I shake my head. "It was Gold, he.. He told me you didn't bother to come see me. He told me that HE was the one who called the ambulance while you two just ran out of the building!" I begin to get angry, my voice rising. "WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!"

"Calm down, Mike!" Dad says.

"NO! You two left me for dead on a pizzeria floor! I had the frontal lobe of my brain ripped out, damn you! I was going to bleed to death!" Tears blur my vision. I turn around and run back to my car. I climb inside, buckle myself in, and drive away just as my mom reaches the side door, wanting to talk to me.

I arrive at the pizzeria a little while later. As soon as I walk inside, Gold asks, "Well, how'd it go?" Tears stream down my face, and I'm unable to speak. "Mike.. I'm so sorry," Chica says, hugging me. I put my face in her shoulder and begin to cry. She runs her fingers through my hair and allows me to cry on her. "I'm so lucky to have you, Chica," I manage to say through the tears.

"Well, Mike, I'm luckier to have you."

~Foxy's P.O.V.~

I sit behind the curtains in Pirates Cove, messing with my hook. I feel like I'm about to die of boredom when Freddy runs in, out of breath. He tries to speak, but I barely understand him. "Whoa, lad, breathe! Calm down. Wha' do ye need to tell me?"

Finally, he's able to speak to me. "Foxy.. Marissa's plane.. Leaving soon.. On her way.. To airport.. Need to get there.. You and me.. Now!" he says. Freddy grabs me by the hook and drags me out of the restaurant. He throws me into the car, climbs into the driver's seat, and turns the car on. He drives as fast as the speed limit will allow, eyes locked on the road all the while.

"Freddy," I say. "Why do I even 'ave to go see the lass? She won't even lemme see me own child." "Foxy," he replies, irritated. "You love her. I know you do, she knows you do, you know you do. Don't lie to yourself, you need her. We all need her. She has to stay here." "Why?" I ask. "Why can't she go?"

"Because," Freddy answers, not wanting to tell me.

"Freddy," I say. "Tell me."

"Fine!" he shouts. "If she leaves, she'll end up having the baby on the plane. Animatronics babies, even if they're part human, come MUCH earlier than a normal baby! We have to get to her!"

My eyes widen as soon as I hear this. "Drive, Freddy!" I scream. He presses down hard on the gas. We go as fast as we possibly can. I want to take a nap, but I'm too nervous. If anything were to happen to Marissa or to our baby, I'd never forgive myself.

~Time Skip - An Hour Later - The Airport~

I jump out of the car and soon as Freddy parks it. We check every shuttle and every terminal.. We can't find her. "MARISSA!" I yell. "MARISSA SMITH!" Everyone goes silent. "Please, help me find me love!" No one steps up to help, so I sit down in defeat. She must not be in this airport..

"Foxy! Freddy!" someone yells. I whip my head around. "Marissa..?" I run over to her and hug her. "Oh, me God, I thought ye had left me..," I whisper. She shakes her head. "Listen, Mari, there's somethin' very important we 'ave to tell ye. Yer baby is comin' sooner than expected. Some point tonight, at the latest. We need to bring ye to a 'ospital."

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