Chapter 24

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~Freddy P.O.V.~

I look at Marissa and watch as the tears fall from her eyes. Foxy kisses her and looks at all of us. "Well, lads and lass.. I have a surprise for all of ye. Toy Freddy 'ere made somethin' for us.. Get in the car, everyone! I can't wait to show ye!"

We all go outside and climb in the car, squishing together in order to fit. Toy Freddy pulls up to the old pizzeria, and I can see everyone's eyes squeeze shut. "Aye, guys, 'tis okay to open yer eyes," Foxy says.

At once, everyone opens their eyes. They look towards the old pizzeria - the new building that stands in its place - and they all gasp. Even the rest of the Toys smile, happy to see everyone's reaction. All of my old friends go inside and immediately stand up on the show stage where they used to be, all except Foxy. Bonnie picks up his guitar, and I pick up my microphone.

"Where's Pirate's Cove, Foxy?" Chica asks. Foxy nods towards the corner, and she looks over in disbelief. "Didn't it get moved to the back of the restaurant?" Bonnie asks. I nod. "It did, but since I'll be fixed.. I get to perform again. The Toys got a new manager to run this place, Ol' Foxy gets to explore the Seven Seas once again!" the pirate fox yells, excited.

Bonnie begins to play his guitar. Chica sits behind an old drumset that we had and began playing. I shrug, climb on the stage, and bring the microphone to my lips. At first, I don't recognize what my friends are playing, but as they go along, I know exactly what to sing.

"LoNdOn BrIdGe Is FaLLinG dOwN, fAlLiNg DoWn, FaLLInG dOwN, LoNdOn BrIdGe Is FaLLInG dOwN, mY fAiR lAdY..."

The song is finally over. The Toys, Marionette, Balloon Boy, and Foxy all look up at us and clap. "Guys," Toy Freddy stands up. "We're really sorry that we replaced you. We had no idea that you sounded so good when you performed! What about you, Foxy? Why don't you sing for us?"

Foxy blushes, climbs into Pirate's Cove, and waits for me to flip a lever. I do, and the curtains open, revealing a huge pirate setting complete with swords, a ship, and even little waves on the side. Foxy starts to sing his little "Diddly Dum" song, and he begins to do a cute little dance along with it, lifting and lowering his eyepatch and swinging his hook around.

The fake waves and ship in the background rock back and forth. "That's so cool, Foxy!" Chica says, smiling. "That's even better than our performance!"

Foxy laughs. "Aye, 'tis good, but I like yer's better. Too bad I had been shut down.. Oh well. At least I'll be back soon. What do ye think the lil' pirates'll think when they see good Ol' Captain Foxy back on the Seven Seas?" He seems to be bubbling over with excitement and joy. "Whoa, calm down there, Foxy!" Chica giggles. "I'm sure all of the kids will love you. They may even come here just to see you, since our pizzeria doesn't have a cool pirate attraction like yours!" Toy Freddy says.

I see Foxy smile. "Oh, wait! I have three more songs for all of ye before we leave."

We all stare at Foxy. "Well, let's hear it!" Bonnie says. Foxy nods and clears his throat. "I'm gonna sing, just the chorus of 'em, and ye all are gonna guess what the song is. Except you, Toy Freddy, unless no one else can get it right." Toy Freddy slightly blushes and looks to the floor. Man, he's so easily embarrassed! Oh well, I can't wait to hear Foxy's songs!

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