Chapter 13

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~Foxy's P.O.V.~

"Do ye really wanna mess with us, laddie?" I ask Freddy 2.0. He screeches in reply. "A'ight, well, I guess that's a yes." I run towards the bear at full speed, hitting his chest with my head and knocking him to the floor. I kneel on his middle, pinning him down. I raise my hook, ready to strike, when the lights begin to flicker. Every old animatronic looks up. The new ones begin to laugh. I look down at Freddy 2.0, horrified.

His eyes glow blue and flash red occasionally. He reaches up and grabs the fur on my chest. I struggle in his grip, biting and thrashing, doing anything I can to escape. "GeT rEaDy To DiE, sCrAp MeTaL!" The creepy bunny yells from across the room. No doubt, he's talking to the old version of himself. I hear old Bonnie screech in horror, and I get so freaked out that I move around even more, causing Toy Freddy to screech at me. I shrink back, afraid, as though he were a strict parent and I was his disobeying child. I close my robotic eyes and turn myself off, falling to the floor in a pile of metal. My brain is still fully functional, and I just lay there and listen as the fight is going on all around me.

Toy Freddy picks me up and throw me into Parts and Service, closing the door behind him. I power myself back on, and I stand up. I listen helplessly as all of my friends' screams are cut short, and I watch from the darkness as each of them are thrown into the room, lights in their eyes dimming and parts falling off. Freddy struggles to stand, but Fazfuck can't even walk on two feet, since he is missing one entirely and a half of the other one. I raise my damaged eye patch and walk slowly over to the door, making sure that none of the others hear me. I hear a music box playing loudly outside, followed by thumping noises in the hall. The Marionette must be walking around, looking for us. 

A knock on the door makes me run back to my spot and hide behind a curtain. "Guys?" Marionette says, struggling to push open the door. He might have weird powers and strange features, but he's not that strong. I run over and pull open the hunk of metal, allowing Marionette inside. "My God, what happened to you guys?" he asks, helping Bonnie up off the floor. "The 2.0's happened," I say, looking up at him. "What do you mean?" he asks, confused. "They attacked us, lad," I tell him. "The others are very close to death now. The 2.0's are crazy." Marionette walks around the room, looking at each of us with worry. "Well, Foxy, it's strange to say, but I think you're the least damaged," he says, still looking around the room.

"There's only one way to fix you all," he looks at me, sadness in his eyes, and sighs, "to take off all of your suits and replace them with brand new ones. I'll be able to do it, but I'll need to find more suits. I'll visit the ruins of the old pizzeria. The only one I may struggle with is Gold, because no one even knows he exists." I sigh and walk behind my curtain, taking off my costume. I'm nothing but an endoskeleton and a dead body stuffed inside of it. I throw my costume away and help Marionette take off my friends' costumes. 

~Toy Chica's P.O.V.~

I look at Freddy standing on the stage and smile. I quickly turn myself into my new human form and look in the mirror. I have long blonde hair, purple eye shadow, blush, lipstick, tight-fitting pink shorts, and a crop top that says, "Let's Party!!" I walk over to the stage and greet Freddy, who stares at me, his mouth hanging open. I flip my hair and bat my eyelashes, flirting with him. "You should try this," I say, smiling at him. "It's fun." He nods and closes his eyes, concentrating. Soon, he becomes a human, too. His shaggy brown hair and blue eyes are so adorable! He has a hat and bow tie on, along with ripped jeans and a Fall Out Boy T-shirt. He puts an arm around me and smiles, some hair falling into his face. He brushes it away and blushes when he sees me staring.

I look away and giggle, just now noticing Bonnie sitting on the stage, in human form, his legs swinging over the side. I stand up from my chair and say, "Well, guys, I'll be right back. I'm just gonna go check on the scrap metals." I walk down the hall, making sure to walk extra-attractive when I'm still in the room. Once Freddy and Bonnie can't see me anymore, I sprint to the Parts and Service room and pull open the door. I flick on the light and look around, seeing only spare endoskeletons with.. dead people inside?! Creeped out, but still curious, I walk over to the endoskeleton of who I assume is the old Chica. "Not very attractive now, are you?" I laugh. "Oh look, Chica, you're finally skinny! Too bad you can't be both skinny and pretty!" I hear her damaged voicebox whimper. Satisfied, I turn to leave, but I trip and fall. "AH!" I cry.

The endoskeleton's hand is wrapped around my ankle. It begins to pull me back. I scream for Freddy and Bonnie. "AHHHH! FREDDY! BONNIE! HELP ME!" 

~Toy Freddy's P.O.V.~

Bonnie tells another joke, and I begin to laugh. "My God, Bonnie, you're hilarious!" My eyes start to tear up from laughing so hard. Suddenly, a loud scream snaps me out of it. "Chica!" I yell, standing up. Bonnie, who looks worried now, stands up and runs to Parts and Service. I follow close behind him. I kick open the door and see bare endoskeletons on the floor, crawling all over Chica. She's screaming and crying in pain as the endoskeletons bite down on her hands, feet, and skin with their sharp metal teeth. Blood covers them, and since they can't bleed, I can only assume that the blood is Chica's.

I start to freak out, pushing the endoskeletons away from Chica and helping her up. She screams and throws her arms around me, putting her face in my chest. The endoskeletons take one look at me and drop to the floor, afraid of what I'll do. Since I'm too upset and worried to do anything, I just pick Chica up and carry her back to the stage.

When we get there, I try to set her down, but she doesn't let go. She cries into my chest, moaning about her feet and fingers, which are obviously broken. "Please don't cry," I say. I grab her damaged hands and kiss them. She looks up at me and smiles through her tears. Life couldn't be better right now.

Except for the fact that I forgot Bonnie inside Parts and Service.

~Toy Bonnie's P.O.V.~

"Guys..?" I ask. They are nowhere to be seen in this dark, seemingly empty room. Finally, after a few minutes of feeling the wall, I find the light switch. I flick the lights on and look around. "Oh, great," I mutter. Freddy and Chica left me in Parts and Service, alone with these killer endoskeletons! Shit, shit, shit, shit. They're going to attack me. I'm gonna DIE in here if they don't come back for me soon. I hear a painful sounding groan behind me and I slowly turn around, eyes wide with fear. An endoskeleton stood up, but this one still had its costume's head on it. "OH GOD!" I scream, backing up to the wall. Old Bonnie, the one I replaced, is standing right behind me. His eyes are glowing red. He looks mad. 

"Bonnie, I..," my voice trails off out of fear of this killer robot. It suddenly lashes out, wrapping its hands around my neck, choking me. "AGH! B-Bonnie.. I-I.. I-I'm s-sorry..!" I manage to choke out. I hear footsteps outside, so I know my friends must be coming for me. Bonnie drops me to the floor and collapses back in his spot, trying to hide the fact that he just attacked me. My vision fades in and out. I hear the door open, and I mumble a low "G-Guys... H-Help m-me.." Freddy screams my name. Chica cries out when she sees me and drops to my side. My eyes finally close, but I can still sort of hear what's going on. Freddy and Chica are talking worriedly, trying to figure out what happened to me. 

I feel someone grab my arm, and my whole body jerks to the side.

Then it all fades away.

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