Chapter 22

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~Bonnie's P.O.V.~


My head aches just like my chest. Tears stream down my face. I look around at my friends, who are completely dazed in disbelief. Did that strange guy do this to us? Why would he?! Occasionally, my vision switches from the murders to reality. I catch a glimpse of a shadow in the corner, and I begin to smell smoke. This is a living hell! "God, someone kill me!" I screech. My friends all groan in reply. I smack my head against the metal walls and feel around for the door. Unfortunately, since I'm basically blind to reality and can't see what's really going on, I'll never be able to find my way out. The door is most likely locked anyway.

One question goes through my mind as I'm forced to watch the same thing over and over again, my eyes not able to close.

Why did this happen to us?

We were all innocent kids. We never did anything wrong, except maybe argue with our siblings if we had any and talk back to our parents once in a while.

Come to think of it, I miss my family..

I miss my room. I miss my school.

I even had a girlfriend almost a year ago, before I was forced to stay an animatronic. I loved her, she loved me. She was heartbroken when she found out that I had to stay.

I miss her.

What am I supposed to do now?

And what the hell happened to Toy Freddy?!

I'm immediately sent into panic mode when I realize that Toy Freddy is still out there. I smell the smoke again and begin to cry. Oh god, what if he's burning?! What if he's already dead?!

I just couldn't bear the thought of losing him.

GOD DAMN IT! WHY CAN'T I CLOSE MY EYES?! WHY AM I STUCK IN THIS HELL?! I pick up a sharp shard of something, probably glass, and hold it tightly to my chest. I hold the tip of it right over where my heart is, and I whisper,

"I love you, Toy Freddy.."

Before using that shard to plunge myself into darkness.

~Chica's P.O.V.~


I don't know what to do. All I can see is myself, the little blond haired girl, being shoved into Chica's suit. All I can hear are the cries of pain and agony from my friends. I wish I could help them, but I can't. Not when I'm stuck in my own loop of horror. The metallic smell of blood fills the air, along with smoke. I nearly gag. "Bonnie?" I call. "Freddy? Foxy?"

I hear a robotic sounding groan. "Bonnie?" I say, recognizing that voice. "What smells like blood?"

Someone, who I assume is Foxy because of the accent, says,

"I don't know, lass. All I know is that we need to get outta 'ere, or else ye and all the rest of us will end up in Davy Jones's locker."

"Does anyone else smell that smoke?" I ask. Bonnie groans something that sounds like "yes".

What could be burning? All of the other animatronics are out there, and..

I gasp.

Marissa and Felix!

If this building is burning, they may just be the first to die.. Felix is so little! Even the tiniest bit of smoke can get into his lungs and kill him.

My mind wanders off of that topic when the video flashes in my vision again. How much longer am I going to be forced to watch this?! It's only making me want to die!

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