Chapter 14

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~Unknown P.O.V.~

Poor souls. They really have no idea what they're getting themselves into. All the old animatronics and the new ones, they will all die one day, and I will take over their position. Me. Just me. I will finally get all the fame I deserve. Now, I'm not even an animatronic. More of a puppet. No, I'm not the Marionette. I'm something far more chilling and far more powerful than he is.

The 2.0's have a lot to live up to. They have to continue the great legacy of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, and they can't slip up once. Or else they too will be shut down and turned to scrap metal. The old animatronics have but one job. To stay alive long enough to see their friends again. They don't know it yet, but I took their friends while the fight was going on.

I took Mikey and Marissa. Don't worry, Foxy, Freddy, Chica, Bonnie. They're safe with me, for now. All you need to do is figure out where I'm hiding. And once you do, your life is going to change forever when you see what's in store for you.

~Marionette's P.O.V.~

I get in the car and begin to drive back to the restaurant. What, just because I'm a puppet with a creepy face and I can become a human at will, you think I can't drive a car? C'mon, I'm better than that. I look in the backseat and sigh when I see all of the spare costumes, all except Gold.

I return to the restaurant as fast as I can and walk into Parts and Service when I arrive. "Guys?" I call. The endoskeletons start to move, and they stand up, facing me. I look at a faint yellow glow in the corner. "Gold," I say. "I'm so, so sorry. I can't find any costumes for you." Gold's soul looks down, depressed. "It'S oKaY, GOlD," Foxy's endoskeleton says from hiding in the corner. The poor soul looks down and stares at the floor, still upset. I hear him start to mumble something.

"We're poor little souls, who've lost all control, now we're forced here to take that role.."

"We've been all alone, stuck in our little zone, since 1987.."

All of the endoskeletons are singing with Gold now.

"Join us, be our friend, or just be stuck and defend, after all you only got.."

They all suddenly stop when the door swings open and hits the wall. A low growling echoes through the room. Toy Bonnie stomps into the room and growls at us again. Gold's soul looks up at Toy Bonnie, getting nervous. What is he here for?

Toy Bonnie stops, looks around at all of the endoskeletons, and finally appears to find the one he wants. He grabs Old Bonnie and drags him through the hallway. "BoNnIe!" Foxy screams. He tries to stand up, but his endoskeleton refuses to cooperate with neither his metal nor human brain. Foxy tries to crawl for the door, screeching in agony. "Foxy..," I say, trying to calm him. The endoskeleton whimpers, and I know that Foxy would cry if he could. He struggles to his feet and finally stands up, an angry look in his robotic eyes. He closes his eyes and concentrates, and I hear something move behind me.

I turn and see Foxy's new costume fly from the box and land in the endoskeleton's hand. The costume slowly starts to morph onto the metal skeleton, and when it finally does, Foxy's eyes glow red. "I'm comin' for ye, lad!" he screams, running out of the open door. I sigh and look at the two remaining endoskeletons and the one bare soul. "Do you know where my costume is?" Gold asks. I nod. "Yeah, in the garbage over there." The soul rips open the black bag and pulls out his old suit. Surprised that he can even hold it, I take a step forward. He throws it to the floor by my feet. "Can you fix it?" he asks. "I can try," I say, hopeful that I can. I pick it up and start getting to work, my human hands eventually aching from all of the sewing and testing I have to do.

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