Chapter 15

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  • Dedicated to Scott Cawthon

~Freddy's P.O.V.~

"YOU IDIOT!" I scream, banging my fist on the wall. Foxy cowers back in fear, and I know I must've really freaked him out. Bonnie puts a hand on my shoulder. "Freddy, it's okay," he says, trying to calm me down. "I'm sure Foxy didn't mean-" 

I growl, screech, and swing my hand at Bonnie's chest. I hit him hard. My eyes are closed tightly shut, because I know if I open them, I will feel bad for hitting him. I feel a warm liquid on my hand, and it runs down my arm. Bonnie makes small whimpering noises, and his breathing is slowing with fear. I slowly open my eyes and look up at what I did. I almost get sick at what I see.

My hand went right through Bonnie's chest.

Too afraid to take my fist out, I place my other hand on Bonnie's back and lower the boy to the floor, laying him down. Little drops of blood come from his mouth. "Oh, God, what've I done?!" I yell. "Bonnie.. I'm so sorry.." "Wha' 'appened?" I hear Foxy call from Parts and Service. "Nothing..," I say, eyes filling with tears. My voice begins to shake. "I-I.. F-Foxy..!" I scream. He comes running out of the room. "Freddy? Where's Bo-" he stops and stares at the floor, where Bonnie lay. "N-No!" he chokes out. Tears fall from both of our eyes. Bonnie looks at Foxy and struggles to grab his hand. "Y-You're my b-best f-friend, Foxy..," he whispers. "I.. I'm sorry, Bonnie.. I'm sorry..," Foxy says, tears streaming down his cheeks. 

Foxy looks at Bonnie's wound. My hand is no longer stuck inside. Yep, my hand went right through him, there is a gaping hole where his heart should be. Bonnie coughs, and more blood comes out. He closes his eyes and takes his final breath. "No!" Foxy screams, crying harder. "Bonnie, you can't.." He never finishes his sentence, because he's crying way too hard to speak anymore. "Foxy.." I say. "I didn't mean to hurt him.." Foxy shoots up to his feet and turns around, glaring at me with red eyes. He bares his teeth and growls. "Ye freakin' Fazfuck! YE KILLED ME BEST FRIEN'!" he yells, coming after me. I back up and turn to run away.

Wherever I go, Foxy is always there, chasing me. Thank God, I find an empty closet. I lock the door, lean against it, and then slide to the floor. I cover my eyes and start crying.

"I-I'm sorry, Bonnie..

~Toy Chica's P.O.V.~

I hear loud noises echoing through the main hall. I slowly stand up on my foot, which now has a cast on it, and I limp down the hallway. All of the noise seems to be coming from a supply closet that no one's used yet. I knock on it, and hear loud crying that sounds full of agony. I turn the knob and push open the door. Old Freddy turns, looks at me, and then his eyes widen. He stands, walks to the back of the closet, and presses himself against the wall.

I walk into the closet and shut the door. "D-Don't hurt me..," he whispers. I limp over to him and put my hands on his shoulders. "I'm not gonna," I say. "What's wrong?" "I-I killed B-Bonnie..," he says. "I-I didn't mean t-to.. I-I don't know w-why I did it.." He looks so hurt and so upset. "Why'd you get so mad?" I ask. He wipes his nose and his tears and sighs. "W-Well.. Toy Bonnie took our Bonnie's skeleton, Foxy tried to get it back.. And he did, but.. He tore Toy Bonnie's face off.. I got mad, yelled at him, and.. Took it out on Bonnie.." My eyes widen. "Toy Bonnie..?" I mumble. "I-I'm sorry..," he says, looking at me with more tears streaming down his face. "Freddy," I say, pushing my hair out of my face. "It's okay." I lean forward and hug him tight. 

I know that Toy Freddy would kill me if he found out about this, but I have to help him. We both lost someone. I don't know if I'll ever get Toy Bonnie back, and I doubt that their Bonnie's coming back any time soon. I release Freddy and he slightly smiles at me. "Freddy..?" I say. He wipes more tears and looks at me. "Yeah?" I lean in again and kiss his lips. To my surprise, he doesn't pull away from me. He wraps his arms around me and his hands rest on my waist.

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