Chapter 17

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~Foxy's P.O.V.~

"Lass!" I call. "Where are ye?" Marissa runs over to me, tears falling from her eyes. "What's wrong?" I ask, concerned. "Foxy, I-I'm sorry b-but-" she cries even harder, cutting off her sentence. "It's okay, it's okay.. Just tell me," I say. "I'm so sorry, Foxy..," she whispers, burying her face in my chest. I hug her and hold her close.

"What is it, lass?"

"I'm having your baby.."

My eyes widen and I take a step back in surprise. "Foxy, I'm so, so sorry..," she cries. I step back over to her and hug her again, my own eyes filling with tears. My voice is shaky. "How long have ye known?" I ask her. "I've known for a month..," she says. "A month?! Why didn't ye tell me, Princess, why?" I ask. She begins to cry again. I immediately feel guilty and I try to calm her down. "I didn't tell you because I was afraid you didn't want it," she says, after a while of silence.

"Why wouldn't I want it, Mari? After all, 'tis me own blood.."

"I didn't want to make your life harder.. So, I have news for you. I'm leaving Mikey with you. And I'm leaving the country."

"WHAT?!" I screech.

"I'm going to wait until I know that everything has been solved here, and then I'll come back. I don't want our baby to grow in a dangerous place."

"M-Marissa.. Y-You can't.."

"I have to, Foxy, I'm sorry. I'm going to Germany to live there with my family for a bit. I know it'll be safe there," she says, slightly smiling at me. She pulls me into a hug. "I'm sorry, Foxy. I love you."

"W-When do you leave?" is all I can manage to say.

"In exactly a week from today. We should spend as much time together as possible.. I'm so sorry, Foxy," she whispers, her eyes now filling with tears.

I turn around so she won't have to see me cry. "Please don't hate me," she begs. "I'm sorry!" My voice is shaky, and my eyes burn from the tears. "S-So yer no' goin' to let me see me own child?" I ask. I turn my head and look at her. She shakes her head no.

"Foxy, I would but-" "But nothin', Marissa! Ye said ye loved me! If ye really did, ye'd lemme see me child!" My whole body whips around and stands in front of her. I only just now realized that I tower over her. She cowers back in fear, and I start to feel guilty, but I soon push it aside.

"I don' care if it 'tis a lad or a lass! It's still me own child! It's me fault that yer havin' it anyway, I should be able to see it!"

She looks to the floor, tears now falling. Soon, though, she looks back up at me and glares at me. "This is exactly why I need to leave," is all she says before turning around and running away.

~Marissa's P.O.V.~

Foxy's never yelled at me before.. This is new to me. I love him, and I thought he loved me too, but I guess not. I run down the hallway and meet up with Freddy again. "Did he hurt you?" he asks. "Y-Yes..," I whisper. He hugs me and we both sit down. I cuddle into him, and he listens as I tell him all that happened.

"It's okay, Marissa. If you want, I'll come to Germany with you and help you take care of your baby," he says. I nod. "Thank you, Freddy." He places one of his hands on my stomach and smiles at me. I hear footsteps down the hall, but I'm too comfortable to get up and look. "Just go to sleep, love," Freddy whispers. "It's been a long day for you."

My eyes finally close and I drift off to sleep, the calming feeling of Freddy playing with my hair making me smile.

~Unknown P.O.V.~

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