Chapter 21

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~Freddy's P.O.V.~

"NO!" Marissa screams. She struggles to stand, but the tubes in her arms keep her from moving. "NO! Don't let them take my baby from me!" Foxy and Chica hold her arms and legs down to the bed, and she struggles against their grip.

I force my eyes to turn black, and I smile, my teeth becoming bloodstained. I sprint down the hall, chasing after the doctors that took the baby. I grab the first doctor's shoulder, and she turns around, staring at me with horror in her eyes. I let out my demonic laugh and say, "There's nothing wrong with that baby."

She begins to stutter. "Y-Yes there i-is! H-His heart.. And b-brain..," she whispers. I change to animatronic form, grab the baby, and scan him with my special vision. Nothing comes up as unusual. This baby is perfectly healthy. "WHERE WERE YOU TAKING HIM?!" I shout, the baby in one arm and the doctor's throat in my other. She begins to choke, but I manage to hear her say, "T-To.. V-Vincent.."

I drop her, and she falls to the floor, unconscious. Someone screams, and the baby opens his eyes. He begins to cry. I change back to human and hold him in my arms. "Shh.. No, no.. Please don't cry.. Uncle Freddy's got you." The baby stops crying and stares up at me. He makes little babbling noises and then begins smiling. He grabs for my nose, and I move head down to let him grab it.

I softly kiss his head, and he laughs. "C'mon," I say. "Wanna go see mommy and daddy?" I carry him back to the room, looking up at the ceiling the whole time, smiling to myself. Suddenly, my arms feel heavy, and I sink to my knees. "Whoa!" I cry, afraid to drop the baby. I clutch him to my chest, but for some reason, he feels much heavier.

I look down at him and instead of a cute little baby boy, I'm holding a little red animatronic fox. "Whoa there, little guy," I smile. He changes back to the cute baby, and I walk back into the room. Foxy and Chica release Marissa, and she lays back in relief once she sees that I have the baby. I give him to Marissa and she clutches him to her chest. I hand her a bottle that the doctor had and she feeds the baby.

As soon as he's eaten, he falls asleep. Marissa holds him and smiles, her eyes tearing up. "What're ye goin' to name 'im, lass?" Foxy asks. She looks up at him, staring into his eyes, and smiles. "Foxy..," she says. "I think I'm going to name him.. Felix."

The pirate looks down at his girlfriend and his new son, his eyes lighting up. "That's.. Perfect," he whispers. "Can I 'old him?" "Of course," Marissa says. She hands Foxy the baby, and the boy opens his eyes. "'ello, lil' pirate," Foxy says. Felix reaches up to his dad and then begins to cry when he can't reach him. "Aww," Foxy says, smiling. He brings Felix closer to his face and rubs his nose against the baby's.

Felix starts to babble some more, and everyone in the room is silent. "D.. D.. Dada!" Foxy's eyes widen. "Did.. Did he..?" Marissa nods. "Yep. Foxy, your little baby likes you," she says. Felix soon changes to an animatronic fox again. Foxy does the same. "Just like yer daddy, lil' pirate," he says. I can tell that Foxy is the happiest guy in the world right now. The perfect girlfriend, the perfect son, the perfect life..

We all climb in the car as soon as we're told we can leave. "Time to see your new home, little guy," Chica giggles, smiling at the baby. I stare at Foxy all the while and think about what we do next.

Foxy has to go into battle with us. We need to form a mini army to take down The Hunter, his puppets, and whoever that "Vincent" person the nurse mentioned earlier is. They must all be powerful if they plan on killing us. That takes guts.

Too bad my friends and I will have to forcefully remove those guts.

We'Ll PuLl ThEiR eNtRaIlS OuT tHrOuGh ThEiR tHrOaTs.

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