Chapter 34

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~Marissa's P.O.V.~

"Scott, I had a great time, thank you so much!" I say, hugging him.

Scott just took me to see another movie - The Woman in Black: Angel of Death - and then we went into another theater to see Mockingjay Part One. Scott hugs me back and smiles. "Hey, no problem! I'll see ya tomorrow, okay?" he says, letting go. I nod and say goodbye, and then close the front door to my house. Felix is crying, as usual, so.. I might give him up. I can't really be a mother, it's not working out.

"Felix?" I call. "What's wr-"

I stop dead in my tracks when Felix's cries are cut short.

I throw open his bedroom door and see.. A purple man, staring back at me. He has a bloody knife in his hand, and baby Felix in his arms. "NO!" I scream, running over to him. I punch, kick, bite, and screech, anything I can do to get this guy out of my house! As fast as I can, I bolt out of my house and run towards the pizzeria, stopping for nothing until I get inside. I scream Foxy's name, but he isn't there. Instead, Mangle comes. "Calm down!" Mangle says, changing to her human form and hugging me. "What happened?"

"P-Purple man.. K-Killed.. Felix!" I cry, tears rolling down my face.

Chica runs in and stares at me when I say that. I drop to the floor and break down, not caring who sees or hears me.

The shocked animatronics all stare at me, jaws dropped, tears escaping their eyes. Right at that moment, a blond girl walks in. She's wearing a security hat and shirt with jeans and combat boots, and she stares at all of us. "Chica," she asks. "What happened here?"

Chica stands up, grabs the girl's wrist, and leads her a few feet from us. However, I can still hear what they're saying. "Mackenzie," Chica growls. "A purple man just killed Foxy's son."

"You.. You mean, Vincent?" Mackenzie asks in disbelief.

Chica nods. "Yes, do you know him?"

Mackenzie looks around nervously, sighs, then speaks. "Yes, Vincent is my ex-boyfriend."

~Chica's P.O.V.~

God, I can't believe this! Did Mackenzie really used to date that psycho? I sure hope not!

"Are you sure it was him?" I ask her, tightening my grip on her shirt.

"Yes, I'm sure. He used to work here. Had long hair, always tied back, acted weird, loved the color purple..," she says, trailing off. I turn around and rake my fingers through my brown hair.

"Do you know where we can find him?"

Mackenzie nods. "Yes. I know where his apartment is, his usual hangout area, and.. And I also know which of you he plans to kill."

My eyes widen a bit, but I pressure her to keep talking.

"His apartment is two blocks from here. His usual hangout is in an underground area near the old pizzeria, And.. He plans on killing Foxy, Freddy.. And Bonnie," she tells me, saying it loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. Everyone had been silent, listening to our conversation. When Bonnie's name is mentioned when we discuss who Purple Guy is going to kill next, his eyes widen in fear, and his lower lip trembles.

His reaction isn't as bad as I thought it would be if his name was called out.

But.. Toy Freddy, however, loses his mind. He screams, cries, and runs off to Pirate's Cove to hide.

Bonnie goes to comfort him.

God, why is everything going so wrong?

Purple Guy ruined all of our lives in some way, and I know he's working with The Hunter. Freddy is going to find them both, and we're all going to rip them to shreds.

~Sophie's P.O.V.~

Purple Guy stabs me in the stomach. Tristan falls to his knees and screams, crying hysterically. I don't move, I don't speak, I don't cry. Freddy and Foxy leave the room, too upset to stay any longer. I look over at Tristan, who crawls over, only to start crying again. "Sophie," he says. "You can't leave me! You just got here, I don't want you to go.." I weakly smile, and he grabs my hand. "I'm sorry," I whisper. "Go.. Go get the doctors for me, okay..? Maybe they can come fix me.." He nods and stands up, and then leans over me and plants a kiss of my head before turning and running out the door.

He comes back a few minutes later, doctors and nurses behind him. They rush me off to the Operating Room. On the way there, I feel something sharp jab into my arm. The world around me fades to black as the medicine begins to take effect.

~Freddy's P.O.V.~

"Is she okay?" I ask Tristan when he slowly walks into the Waiting Room. He sits in a chair besides me and shrugs. "I don't know, Freddy. They took her off to surgery," he tells me. I nod. Just then, my phone rings, and I walk off to the corner to answer it. "Hello?" I say.

My jaw drops as Chica's voice rings in my ear, telling me everything that Marissa is saying. I call Foxy over, and he wakes up and takes my phone, putting it up to his ear. "Aye?" he says. He listens closely to everything Chica is telling him. He quickly hangs up, shoves my phone into my hands, and then drops to his knees, crying and screaming, "NO! Not Felix!"

I guess she told him..

When Foxy and Tristan are both slightly calm, I ask them both how they're doing. They both respond with a shrug, and Foxy shakes his head. Finally, three hours later, the doctor comes into the room. "Tristan Woods? Freddy.. Er, Fazbear? Felix? You can come see her now," he says, calling us all by our real names. Foxy cringes at the sound of his son's name, and his eyes tear up again. Tristan and I walk side by side, while Foxy stays more behind, hand and hook in his pocket and his head down, as we follow the doctor through the surprisingly dark hallway.

He opens the door and then leaves us alone with Sophie. When she hears the door open and close, Sophie opens her eyes and looks around. Her eyes lock on Foxy and I. "F..Freddy! Foxy!" she calls. We walk to her and each give her a gentle hug. When I release her and turn around, I see Tristan's shocked expression when he doesn't hear Sophie call his name.

"What about me? I'm here too, Sophie..," he says, walking over to her and grabbing her cold hand.

She shakes her head, tilting it in confusion. "I don't.. Who are you?" she asks, staring up and Tristan and slowly pulling her hand away.

Tristan struggles to speak, and he stutters each time he tries.

"Oh, no.."

~Tristan's P.O.V.~

No, no, no, no, no! Why is this happening?! How could she not remember me?! No!

Sophie rips the tube out of her arm when I try to approach her again, and she pulls the blanket up over her face. "NO! Don't hurt me! Go away, leave me alone!" she screams.

I hear footsteps in the hall, and the door is thrown open. Six doctors come inside. Three grab me, Foxy, and Freddy, and the other three help calm Sophie down. "Sophie, it's okay!" one of them calls, a female doctor. "You'll be fine, no one here is going to hurt you. You've been through some traumatic stuff, but it will be fine. I promise you, okay?" Sophie nods, but continues to struggle against the doctors' grip. One of them stabs a needle in her arm, the same one they used before knock her out.

The doctors who grabbed me and my friends now start pulling us away. Foxy and Freddy cooperate and leave the room when the doctors bring them, but I, however, fight against it. The doctor literally has to drag me out of the room. I look at Sophie one more time, and she stares back at me, her face full of fear.

For a split second, I see a flash of recognition in her beautiful hazel eyes, and they widen.

I see her lips form my name.

Then the door is slammed shut and locked from the inside, and I'm dragged down the hallway.

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