Chapter 12

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~Bonnie's P.O.V.~

I bang on the door, desperate for Marissa to open it. "MARISSA!" I yell, banging on the door even more. I can hear her laugh in happiness inside, and she finally pulls open the door. I sprint into the room and look around like crazy, searching every dark corner and behind every curtain. "Foxy?!" I call. I REALLY want my best friend back! Freddy may seem like a nice animatronic, but, when he's mad, he takes it out on Chica and I. Even before the men who were taking us apart took my robot face away, I was damaged because of the animatronic bear's anger.

I turn around and go to talk to Marissa again, but she is nowhere to be seen. "Mari..?" I say, so quiet that I can barely hear myself. The metal door is shut and locked tight. I can't get out. I hear laughing from outside and know that Marissa and my friends are out there. I bang on the door and yell, "C'mon, guys! This isn't funny! Let me out! It's lonely in here!" Eventually, after a little while of banging at the door, constantly begging my friends to open it, I give up and sit against the wall. I still have no idea what their motive is for locking me in here. What did I do to them? Is it just because I'm small, weak, and afraid... They think they can pick on me? Well, I'll show them.. Even if i have to do it by my-


AHHH! I jump backwards and hit my head on the concrete wall, sliding to the floor. I hear laughing, probably coming from the one who screamed. When I'm no longer seeing double of everything, I shake my head and look up. Foxy is sitting there, laughing to himself. "Sorry, lad, I didn't mean to scare ye!" he chuckles. He walks over to me and pats my shoulder, and then hugs me. "Ah, ye know yer me first mate, laddie, I wouldn't hurt ye. So, how do I look?" I look at him some more, struggling to see in the dark. "Not bad," I say. "You have your old rips and things, but otherwise, not bad at all." "Aye, Goldie-" the pirate starts. Someone yells from outside the room. "Do NOT call me Goldie, or else I will murder you both!" they yell. "Sorry.. GOLDIE!" Foxy calls back, laughing hysterically. "And how're ye gonna kill Bonnie there when the lad's already dead?"

"WHAT?! BONNIE! NO!" Gold screeches, banging on the door. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM, YOU NO GOOD PIECE OF BROKEN JUNK!" Foxy has to lean against the wall because he's laughing so hard. "Lad, chill. Bonnie's right here!" But, it's too late to calm him down, Gold has already put a dent in the door and punched a hole through it. "My God, are you insane?" I ask him, peeking through the hole that he made. "You know the new animatronics don't like it when we-"


A loud, distorted scream echoes through the hallway. "What the hell was that?!" I say. Everyone looks at me, surprised at my choice of language. I shrug it off and open the door, walking outside to join my friends. Foxy follows, giving Freddy evil glares every few minutes. I nudge against Foxy's shoulder, signaling for him to knock it off. I sneak through the hallway, stopping when I hear another scream or other weird noise. It all falls silent again. I freeze in front of a dark, empty-looking hallway. "Well, I guess that's really it, guys," I say. "Nothing else we're gonna find." I turn around and look at all my friends, who are huddled together, afraid. Even Foxy, and he's the bravest out of all of us.

"L-Lad..," he whispers, changing to human form. "Be careful.."

I give him a confused look. "Huh? Are you guys okay?"

~Chica's P.O.V.~

I stare at Bonnie with wide eyes. He's the one supposed to be afraid of everything, the weakest and smallest out of all of us, and now he's just gonna risk his life to check out a freaky scream that we heard? Wow, the kid's got guts. I hear a weird banging sound in the air vent to our left. But wait.. If we're all here, then.. Who's that? The newer animatronics aren't supposed to move, so it can't be them.. Can it?

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