Chapter 2

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~Freddy's P.O.V.~

I laugh when I see the new security guard stand up and bolt out of here. I laugh even harder when I think about the fact that he can't leave until he finishes all five nights here. "Freddy? What're you laughing at?" Chica asks. "Nothing," I laugh again. "Just over the fact that we have fresh meat. And he's not allowed to leave until all five nights are over." She nods and walks back to her place backstage.

Loud thudding can be heard throughout the restaurant as I walk. Man, I guess I'm a little heavy! I open the door to go back to my spot when I hear a faint, glitchy cry. I turn around and begin to trudge through the hallway to Pirate's Cove, where the cries seem to be coming from. "Foxy?" I ask. "Is that you?" "A-A-Aye, M-Matey. T-Tis me, F-Foxy!" he replies in his pirate accent. His voice box is so broken that he's stuck talking like a pirate, and his voice is also really glitched, so he tends to stutter a lot.

"Well, it's almost time to open, so can you quit your crying?" I snap. He turns and looks at me, hatred glowing in his cold golden eyes. He nods and turns around again, closing his curtain. I hurry back to my spot and freeze when I hear the manager unlock the door and the sound of many children's feet hitting the floor.

I don't know why they keep coming back here after the Bite of '87, but they like us. And that's their biggest weakness, we WILL have all those children one day as our animatronic companions.

I just can't wait to see the new guard tonight.

~Christian's P.O.V.~

I open my eyes and look around. The house is dark again, except for the faint green light that glows from the digital clock. 11:45. Great. I do NOT want to go back to that restaurant, but I guess I have to if I want to keep Milena happy. I wash my face and climb in the car.

When I arrive there, it's 12:05. Thank God the manager isn't here to see that I'm late. I open the front door and walk inside, letting it close and lock behind me. I look to the stage and see Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica all in their spot. I glance over to Freddy. "Hey, big guy," I smile. "How's it goin'?" His eyes move down to look at me. He growls and then looks back up and freezes in his place. I run to my office and sit down in my chair. This was going to be a long night, I could tell.

Laughter echoes through the halls. "Damn it, Freddy!" I yell. "Leave me alone!" I turn on both lights and see Chica in the window and Bonnie in the doorway. I'm on 50% power, and it's 2 a.m.

I am screwed.

~Foxy's P.O.V.~

I peek outside my curtain and see Chica and Bonnie annoying the security guard. I hear Freddy's laugh and roll my eyes. I rarely have my chance anymore, since everyone fears the others more than me. Since the Bite of '87, nothing's been the same for me, and I know it won't get better. Y'know what? I think I'll go help the guard. I wait until Bonnie, Chica, and Freddy go backstage. Then, I take off running down the hall.

I press myself against the wall so I can't be seen, not even by the cameras. The metal door slides open. I scratch the wall to get the guard's attention. "W-Who's there?" he asks, standing up. "I-I-It's m-me, F-F-Foxy!" I say, my voice glitching out. "Foxy?! Get away!" he yells. "I-I'm not here to h-h-hurt ye," I tell him. "You're not?" he asks. "Well.. I'm Christian. What're you here for, anyway?" "To p-p-protect ye, l-lad," I reply.

"Protect me? But..," he says. He looks down and trails off. Footsteps are heard in the hallway again. I look to the guard, nod, and run away before I'm caught. Both doors close. Christian is safe. Good. "F-F-Freddy," I call. My curtain opens, and the bear looks at me. "What?" he snaps. "D-D-Do not hurt the lad," I say. "T-Tis harmless." "Whatever you say," he says, turning around and leaving. I can hear him mutter, "Filthy piece of broken junk." I look to the floor in sorrow. I'm not wanted here, I can see that.

I'm not gonna fit in.

Nobody wants me here. But all I have to do is stay until Christian is able to leave.

Then I'll disappear and never come back.

~Christian's P.O.V.~

The clock rings. 6 a.m. Thank God, this couldn't come sooner! I don't think I'll be coming back to Freddy's. I may ask my teenage daughter to take over. I know that she used to love Freddy's when she was a kid. Freddy and Foxy were her favorites. She would visit them both all the time. Foxy and Freddy even memorized her name!

Maybe they'll recognize her when she goes back tomorrow night.

My daughter walks around the kitchen, looking for something to eat. "Hey, Marissa," I say, watching as she sits down to eat. "Yeah?" she asks. "How would you like to make some money?" I ask. She looks excited now. "Sure. What do I have to do?"

"Take over my job at Freddy's. I can't work there anymore."

"Sounds like fun. I used to love it there."

"I know."

"Are Freddy and Foxy still there?"

I nod. "Yes, they are. Freddy's still the same, fully functional. Foxy's still out of order. Maybe you can fix him."

"I can try," she replies, standing up. "Thanks for the offer, dad. I'll head to Freddy's tonight." She walks back to her room.

I look at the floor in disbelief.

I just set my only child up to die.

I can only pray that Foxy and Freddy remember her.


Hey guys! Thanks for reading my story. Like it so far? I surprisingly do. I didn't know how this would turn out. Anyway, I hope that you continue to read this story. What's gonna happen to Marissa? Will she survive? Are Freddy and Foxy going to remember her? Maybe. Left you on a cliffhanger


Next chapter coming up soon guys! I love you all!

~Sophie <3

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