Chapter 7

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~Chica's P.O.V.~

I hear Foxy and Marissa laughing in the Dining Room. I sigh and look over at Bonnie, who is fixing his hair and straightening his bow tie. I admire him for a little while longer, staring and staring without stopping. A sudden BZZZZZT makes me jump. The power cuts off. "Bonnie!" I call. "Chica?!" a voice shouts. I feel around until I find a flashlight. I turn it on and shine it all around until I find Bonnie, who's curled in a ball in the corner, obviously terrified.

Marissa calls out a goodbye and quickly leaves.

"Bonnie..," I say. "It's okay. It's just a power outage." Even though he's an animatronic with night vision set in his eyes, Bonnie is still afraid of the dark. I hear Freddy's creepy music box tune start to play. But wait.. We never got a new security guard, Marissa's right here! "Freddy!" I yell, annoyed. "Turn that off!" "It's not me!" he replies. "I don't know who's doing that!"

My eyes widen and I use the flashlight to guide me down the hall as I run to the East Hall Corner. The poster has changed from Freddy to an image of Golden Freddy's face. I stare at it and then look away, shining the flashlight in front of me, where I know Golden Freddy will be. "Gold," I say. "You stop playing that creepy music right now." "It's not me," he says. "It's-"

Just then, a loud scream echoes through the restaurant.

~Freddy's P.O.V.~

What the hell IS that?! I let out a loud screech, attempting to scare away whatever screamed. "GET OUT!" I screech again. "Don't you wanna play, Fazbear?" someone whispers, giggling. "What the-?" I say to myself. The music box begins to play again. I change back into my human form and adjust my hat. The hallway is quiet. Way too quiet.

Someone jumps at me and grabs me, screaming in my face. "You stupid brown bear! I run this place now!" "W-Wha.. Who are you?!" I demand. "I'm the Marionette. Your worst nightmare. I will control you and activate you again when the new animatronics are ready to take your place."

"Take our place..?" I whisper, eyes wide. The Marionette climbs off of me and apologizes for his actions. I run my fingers through my hair and sit against the wall. The Marionette doll changes to his human form and smiles at me. He has neat, white hair, pale skin, and purple eyes. He's wearing a black shirt and faded blue jeans. "What do you mean, take our place?" I ask him. "The new animatronics. Mangle, Bonnie 2.0 -BonBon-, Freddy 2.0, and Chica 2.0. I'm sorry, Freddy, but I saw them in the back," he says, looking at me with sad eyes.

I stare at the floor in disbelief. My eyes flood with tears. "Marionette," I say. "What are those construction guys for?" "Oh, crap, Freddy! You have to get all your friends and get them to human form, then run! Leave here! They're going to knock this building down!" he hollers. I sprint down the hall and let out my deep, evil laugh to get my friends' attention. I hear them screech in return.

"Guys! Human form, and come to me! Now!" I yell. Within a few seconds, everyone is there. "Foxy. Bonnie. Chica. We HAVE to get out of here! Get your stuff and let's go!" They run around frantically, packing what little they have and running out the back door.

~Foxy's P.O.V.~

Thank God that Marissa went home already. I shield my eyes to block the sun. I haven't seen this bright light in almost thirty years! "Lad," I say, looking over at Bonnie. "Where are we goin' to live?" "I don't know, Foxy," he sighs. "I suppose we'll have to find somewhere else. With Marissa, maybe!" "Good idea," Freddy says, turning to look at the road ahead. "Here we go." He starts to sprint down the street.

We arrive at Marissa's house a few minutes later. I knock on the door and wait. Marissa answers the door soon. "Oh, my God! Why are you guys here?!" she yells, walking outside and closing the door behind her. I smile weakly, unsure of what I should do or say. I grab her hand and look at her. "Mari," I whisper. "They're knocking down our pizzaria. To make room for another one. They're replacing us, too." "I'm so sorry," she says, hugging me. She looks at the others, who have tears in their eyes. "Aww, guys, it's okay," she assures, trying to soothe them. "I'm sure my dad won't mind if you crashed here for a bit. My parents are out of town for the week. It's just me."

~Time Skip - Two Days After Moving Into Marissa's House - Foxy's P.O.V.~

I lay on the couch and nibble on a piece of bacon. I've never had bacon before... It's delicious! "Oi, Bonnie!" I yell. "Yeah, Foxy?" he calls from the kitchen. "Can ye bring yer ol' mate some water, please?" I ask. I hear him sigh. "Why can't you do it yourself? I'm eating!" he says. "Don't ye give me an attitude, BonBon," I laugh. He groans, irritated. A few minutes later, he brings me my drink, and I take long sips of it. "Thank ye!" I say. Just then, Marissa walks into the room. I smile at how pretty she looks. "Mornin' beautiful," I grin, kissing her cheek. She blushes, looks away, and turns on the TV. The news flashes on the screen. A bubbly woman is standing in front of an old, destroyed building. I gasp and sit up. That's the pizzaria! "Freddy!" I yell. "Mate! Come look at this!" He runs down the hall in nothing but boxers, but he doesn't seem to care right now. His eyes widen when he sees our home, crumbled and smashed to pieces. A taller, wider, more family-friendly building stands in it's place. That's it. That's our replacement.

Freddy looks away, a single tear rolling down his face. "The kids loved us," the 18-year-old boy says, still staring at the floor. "Even you, Foxy." I look down and bite my lip. Even though I'm probably smarter than Freddy, it still stings. I caused the Bite of '87. It was all my fault. Some people think it was Freddy, because he has handprints on his suit's face. But that's a totally different story. I bit the kid. Me. Not Bonnie, Chica, or Freddy. My suit's jaw is broken because of the bite. My teeth are sharp. I have a hook, and I'm strong. I have a bad temper. It was all me, and I regret every second of it.

Nothing in the world, not even being shut down and locked away for so long, could've prepared me for how I feel right now. Even though living at Freddy's was a constant reminder of how my friends and I were killed when we were just 5 years old, it was still my home. I look over at Bonnie, who's standing in the doorway, sobbing. I give him a hug and hold him there. He's like a little brother to me, he's the youngest out of all of us. "It'll be alright, lad," I whisper. "There's no need to cry."

A knock at the door makes us all jump. "What the 'ell..?" I say, confused. I walk up to the door and look out through the peephole. There, I see Freddy Fazbear's Pizza's old manager, who I assume is Marissa's mom, and our old security guard, Christian. "It's Christian!" I screech. Out of fear, we all change back to our animatronic forms. The manager knocks on the door again. "Marissa Smith, we know you're in there. Open the door." Chica, Bonnie, Freddy and I run and hide downstairs in the basement, in the old, creepy closet that no one dares go into. I hear the door open upstairs, followed by crying and yelling. Marissa!

~Marissa's P.O.V.~

"Mr. Thomson, I have no idea what you're talking about!" I yell. "Why would I hide the animatronics here?!" "Mari, give it up. We know they're here. You're the only one who dares work there at night. You've been working there a while, and obviously you're not dead, so they must like you," my dad says. "If their home is being torn down, then who will they come to in need of a new home? The one person they love and trust. And who's that? You!" Mr. Thomson pushes past me and walks inside. "I'll need to search everywhere," he says. "I know they're here. I'm going to start with the one place I know the animatronics love to hang out: the basement!"

Mr. Thomson runs down the stairs quickly. I hear him poking around in the basement; opening doors, moving things around, and doing God knows what else. My parents glare at me in anger. Eventually, after what seems like forever, I give up on waiting and run down the stairs after the manager. "Alright Mr. Thomson. you wanna know where they are?" I ask. "Well, here you go." I grab the handle of the closet door and pull it open. As if on cue, all of the animatronics jump out of the small room, screeching. They grab the manager and throw him to the floor. Foxy gets into the man's face and screeches before plunging his hook into Mr. Thomson's throat. I scream and look at Foxy in horror. Mr. Thomson's screams die down. He stops moving. He goes limp. He looks like a doll, lifeless. "Foxy!" I yell. He changes back to human form, and I lock my hands around his throat. He coughs and chokes, crying out. "Now I'm going to be arrested!" I scream. "P-Please.. L-Let.. G-Go..," he chokes out. "NO! I-" I start to say. My anger boils up more and more until I scream again. But this time, it sounds like an animatronic screech.

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