Chapter 19

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~Foxy's P.O.V.~

I yawn and stretch my arms and legs. It feels so good to sleep in my own bed again! I climb out of bed and walk out to the main hall. Thank God it's Christmas week, no kids running wild for the WHOLE time! I look out of the large windows around the front door and smile. It's snowing! Could this day be any more perfect?

I hear faint whispering in the corner of the room, underneath one of the tables. I raise an eyebrow and walk over to the table, peeking under it. Bonnie is sitting there, rocking back and forth, eyes bloodshot. He's whispering to himself. I grab his hand and pull him out from under the table, concerned. "Wha' be the matter, lad?" I ask. He stands up and grabs my shoulders, shaking me. "He's coming!"

"Who?" I ask, getting freaked out by Bonnie.

"Our murderer! He's coming!"

"He's dead, lad, he killed 'imself after he realized wha' he did!" I say, breaking out of Bonnie's grip. "No, he's not dead..," Bonnie whispers, changing to animatronic form. I look into his eyes and a video plays in them. Bonnie must've used the recording camera in his head and facial recognition to record this last night.

Four little ghosts float around and talk to him. A purple man dressed like Gold comes and convinces them to follow him. They do, and I hear Bonnie screaming for them to stop. He follows them through the hallway and into a costume room that looks exactly like the one from the old pizzeria.

The purple man then proceeds to lock the door and make sure it stays shut. He smiles at the children and picks a little blond girl to go "first". She steps forward, towards him, and he lifts her up. He stuffs her inside a Chica suit. The rest is the same, until it gets to the last child.

I take a closer look and realize that the only boy left has red hair, and a Scottish accent. He has an eye patch on his right eye, a hook on his right hand, and a "Pirate's Cove" shirt on. "Is.. Is that..?" I start to ask. Bonnie shushes me and tells me to keep watching. The end of the video shows the little ginger boy being stuffed into a fox suit. MY fox suit.

"Who were they?" I ask. "Their names, lad?"

Bonnie sighs, turns to human, and looks at me with tear filled eyes.

"Their names were Freddy, Connie, Brian, and Felix. Those little kids were us when we were stuffed into the suits."


Bonnie looks to the floor and slightly nods. I close my eyes and try to process what I just heard. "You don't remember me talking to you about this last night?" Bonnie asks me. I shake my head. I must've been so tired that my memory reset..

Bonnie says, "Well, I'm going to go see where Toy Freddy is." I nod and smile, and he blushes. "Have fun," I say as I watch him walk away. I stare out of the window and watch the snow fall. I wonder where Marissa is..

~Marissa's P.O.V.~

I zip up my suitcase and lay back on my bed in exhaustion, one hand on my already swollen stomach. Why did this have to happen to me? I think. I'm only 17 and I'm already going to be a mother.

Even worse, I'm going to have to raise him or her myself. I WANT Foxy to help me with the baby, but I just don't trust him with a child yet. He's only 17 too, and sometimes he has short outbursts, and he will almost entirely destroy anything in his path.

It's a good thing that Freddy volunteered to come to Germany with me. I'd love to have him come with me, but I don't think he'd like it for long. He'd miss his friends. I already miss Foxy, Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Golden, Marionette, Balloon Boy.. Hell, I even miss all of the Toys. I'm pretty sure I won't see them ever again once I leave.

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