Chapter 25

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~Foxy's P.O.V.~

I toss and turn in my bed, making small groaning noises and sweating. Finally, I jump up in bed and sit up, breathing heavily and crying. I slightly scream once more. I clutch my bare, sweaty chest and struggle to breathe. "Just a nightmare," I whisper to myself. "Yer okay, lad.."

I just woke up from a terrible nightmare about Marissa and Felix.

Marissa had Felix in her arms, but she was running away from something. She was screaming and crying, and so was baby Felix. Someone - a dark figure, so dark that I couldn't even tell who or what it was - was chasing Marissa. She eventually fell to her knees, making sure that she didn't drop the baby. She screamed for me to help her, but I couldn't move. I just couldn't.. The figure eventually grabbed Marissa and Felix and killed them instantly, and I was forced to sit there and watch.

I had to watch as my girlfriend and baby boy were decapitated, their heads rolling towards me.

Toy Chica runs into Pirate's Cove, followed by Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, the rest of the Toys, and Mangle. "What happened?" Freddy asks me, a hand on my shoulder.

"I-I had to w-watch them d-die.."

Freddy tilts his head in confusion. "Who?"

"M-Marissa and F-Felix."

"Oh, so it was a nightmare..," Bonnie whispers to himself, his eyes looking down at the floor. I slightly nod and lay back in bed, staring at the ceiling. At this point, I'm too afraid and shaky to get out of bed now.

"Maybe you should get some real sleep, Felix," Freddy suggests. I shrug his hand off of my shoulder and glare at him.

"No," I reply. "And don't call me 'Felix'. That's me son's name now. Me name's Foxy."

Freddy rolls his eyes, tells everyone to leave, and follows them out of the Cove when they go. I sadly look at the ceiling again. I hate being alone! After the Bite of '87, I was alone for so many years.. It wasn't fair. It wasn't even my fault! I think it was Mangle. Maybe Freddy. Or maybe I just did it and didn't realize it.

I don't know, but I don't like being the one people blame for the bite.

Even if it was me that did it, people always jump right to the fact that it could've been me, probably because I have sharp teeth and a broken jaw. Uh, sorry, not my fault that a fox naturally has sharp teeth! And, anyway, my jaw didn't break because I bit a human, it broke because I tried to bite Freddy during one of our fights. That guy really is a jerk, and I freaking hate him sometimes!

But, other times, he's really nice to me.. Like for some of this morning. He was more than willing to come in and help me when I woke up screaming from my nightmare. Speaking of which..

I'd better go check on Marissa, I thought.

I jump out of Pirate's Cove, throw some warmer clothes on, and ask Marionette to drive me to Marissa's house since I have no idea how to drive. He agrees, and we both climb in the car.

Once we get there, I thank him for driving me and watch as his car heads down the road, back towards the pizzeria. I knock on Marissa's door, and much to my relief, she pulls it open, a crying Felix in her arms. "Foxy!" she yells, her face lighting up. I step inside and kiss her forehead.

"What made you wanna come here?" she asks, tilting her head slightly, but still smiling.

I decide to lie and not tell her about the nightmare, because if I think about it, I'll start to cry, and then Marissa will get worried about me. "I figured I'd come help ye with our lil' pirate, is that okay?" I ask. She nods and smiles again. "Of course, Foxy! Can you hold him while I go make us something to eat? It's almost time for him to take a nap, since he didn't sleep at all last night, so we can hang out for a bit while he rests."

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