Chapter 27

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~Marissa's P.O.V.~

I walk into the pizzeria, expecting to be greeted by the sound of the animatronics talking, but instead.. Silence.

Absolutely no sound at all.

I walk back to Parts and Service, where Foxy usually hangs out.

"Foxy?" I call, pushing the door open.

I see him laying on the ground next to Bonnie, the two of them fast asleep. I kneel next to Foxy and shake him. "Wake up," I whisper. "We need to talk."

He groans, rubs his eyes, and makes the go-away-I'm-sleeping hand motion, but once he sees that it's me, he jumps up and walks with me to Pirate's Cove.

"What do ye want to talk about, lass?" he asks.

"Why did you want me to become a security guard so badly?"

His eyes water, and the tears soon spill down his face.

"I thought maybe if ye were our guard, ye'd be able to come see me every single night. But Mari.. Ye have to quit. Ye can't take the job. Please, lass, listen to me!"

I step back in surprise, confused by his sudden outburst and his crying.

"Foxy, what's wrong?!"

"The Toys tricked us. We will be goin' back to our old pizzeria, but.. Our memories get wiped each night. If ye take that job, me crew and I may just.. Kill ye."

My eyes fill with tears as well, and I back away from him. "You wouldn't, Foxy!" He looks up at me. "Damn ye, lass, why don't ye listen to me?!" he yells, grabbing my shoulders and shaking me. "STOP!" I scream, smacking his hand and hook away. His eyes widen a bit and he steps back, looking at me with a surprised expression on his face. He slightly shakes his head, turns around, and sprints off down the hallway. He disappears, and I don't bother chasing him.

"You fucking fox! Stay away from me, and stay away from Felix! I'm done with you!" I yell, walking towards the front of the restaurant. I throw open the doors and storm out into the parking lot. I open my car door, and I'm about to climb inside, when I hear a voice call my name.

"Marissa! Come back! Please!'

I whip around, making sure that Foxy isn't there. Instead, I see Freddy standing there, a worried look on his face. I run up to him and throw my arms around my best friend, burying my face in his chest. He hugs me back and I look up into his ice blue eyes and he hugs me tighter. "Marissa.. I'm so sorry, but.. You have to listen to Foxy. He was telling the truth. They're going to erase our memory at night, but we get it back the next morning. You can't take that job, it's for your own good. He's just trying to protect you.."

I look up at Freddy again. "Was he telling the truth? Are you sure?"

He nods and hugs me again, swearing that he's telling the truth, and I have no choice but to trust him. I stand there in his arms for a while longer, and then finally let go, sigh, and walk back inside. As I'm walking towards Parts and Service, I hear slight sobbing noises coming from the kitchen. I walk into the room and try to turn on the lights, but they must've gone out. "Hello?" I call, getting a little nervous. I hear the sobbing person gasp. "Y-You can h-hear me? H-HELP!" they yell. I run through the dark kitchen, looking for the person. I eventually smack into a soft... Something. I feel it struggle and I realize that it is the person who was calling out for help.

I feel around on the counter and come across a sharp knife. I grab the ropes that tie them to the chair that they're sitting in and cut them off. The person jumps up and runs out of the kitchen, and I follow close behind them. When we get out of the kitchen, they slam the door shut and turn to face me. A tall teenage boy stands in front of me, with brown hair and eyes. He looks so skinny that I almost want to look away. "What happened to you?" I ask. "Why were you tied up here?"

He stares at me with nervous eyes. "I-I don't know why he took me here."


"Some weird animatronic fox pirate thing! He grabbed me and dragged me here.. He tied me up and I was left there for two weeks without food. Only water."

My eyes widen in concern and I pick up a spare flashlight from the security office, walk into the kitchen, search for some pizza, and bring it back to the boy. I hand it to him and his eyes open hungrily when he sees it. "I-Is that.. F-For me..?" he asks, pointing to himself in disbelief. It's almost sad that he has to ask if it's for him, almost as though he'd never eaten before.. I nod. "Yes. Here."

He takes it and starts eating. A look of relief crosses his face after a few bites. I have to admit, I am a bit hungry myself.. But that was the last of the pizza that wasn't frozen, and I'm willing to let this boy have it.

He looks at me and notices me staring at him, watching him eat. He slightly tilts his head and holds up the second slice of pizza. "You want some?" he asks, Despite my growling stomach, I shake my head. "No. It's okay, you have it." The boy shakes his head. "I'm alright. If you're really hungry, you can have it. I'm fine now. Much better, anyway." I smile and slowly take the pizza from him, nibbling on it.

He smiles when he sees me. "Oh, I almost forgot to ask you what your name was!" he says, smacking himself in the forehead and laughing. "Marissa," I reply. "And you?"


"Nice name. I like that."

"Thanks. Thank you so much for saving me, Marissa, I think we'll be great friends."

He slowly leans over to hug me, and when his arms wrap around my shoulders, I smile and hug him back. "You're welcome."

Everything seems perfect, until..


Oh, shit...


~Foxy's P.O.V.~

I see Marissa sitting on the floor, eating pizza with that.. That guy! He's the one who tried to kill me! I had grabbed him and taken him back here, tied him up so he wouldn't cause anymore problems for me or my friends. And now, Marissa's cheating on me with him?! I run over to Marissa and grab her by the collar, putting my hook through her shirt and lifting her into the air. "Ye fuckin' whore! Ye cheated on me with.. Scott! How could ye?!" I look towards Scott and see him, slowly backing away from me.

Marissa explains herself, and I hold her up in the air and listen to her, my eyes glowing with hatred for Scott. I drop Marissa on the floor and walk up to Scott. I grab him and raise my hook, knowing that he's way too weak to fight back. "Time to die, ye bastard," I hiss at him. He cowers in fear, shielding his face from me, as if it could protect him. I smile, insanity hidden behind my grin. I open my mouth, exposing my razor sharp teeth, and lean down for the bite.

Just as I'm about to snap my jaw around Scott's head, I feel a sharp pain on my head, and my vision fills with stars. I look back at Marissa, who's holding a large hammer in her hands. I feel blood pool around my head. I reach up and feel my head. Instead of the normal, exposed metal endoskeleton I usually feel, I feel nothing, just wires and broken metal.


Hey guys! Hope you loved that chapter! Hey, listen.. Maybe, if you're good at drawing, maybe you could make some fanart of this story and either post it to Instagram, and do one of the following to get it to me:

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