Chapter 42

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~Balloon Boy's P.O.V.~

My eyes get dark, and so many violent thoughts go through my head..

What's happening to me? I'm usually not violent at all, I was programmed to be nice to the kids!

I hear Freddy growl, "GeT rEaDy. NoW tHe ReAl FiGhT bEgInS."

Somehow, I feel like I'm not controlling myself anymore, that I'm being moved by some evil force that's making me go after the clones. I look over at Marionette, my eyes changing back to normal for a second. "I'm scared," I whisper. His eyes change back to normal for a second, too, and he reaches down, lightly grabbing and squeezing my hand.

"Don't be scared, BB," he whispers back. "I'll protect you."

~Gold's P.O.V.~

What the hell are these things?! These clones are so fucking weird!

How did that creepy puppet dude even make these?

These questions leave my mind when the animatronic clones start running at us, their arms stretched out and screeching. They each run towards the robots in which they were meant to be like. We fight against them, screaming and clawing, punching and kicking as hard as we can.

We're able to rip them apart and tear their suits with ease, though, so they aren't so bad.

Now, onto our human forms..

Some weird force makes us turn to human form, and we can't change back no matter how hard we try. "Damn you, you ugly Golden Easter Bunny!" I yell at him.

"I'd watch your mouth if I were you, Golden Care Bear," he says with a smirk. This pisses me off so much that I growl and try to run at him, but something is preventing me from doing it.

No matter, we'll deal with them later.

Our human forms rush at us, and they're much stronger than they look. They swing at us with powerful fists. As I'm holding my human form back, holding his wrists, I quickly glance over at Sophie and Tristan.

Oh my God..

Instead of fighting their own human forms, Sophie is fighting Tristan, and Tristan is fighting Sophie. They are unable to look around like the rest of us can, their eyes are locked on the people they're fighting, the pained expressions on their faces growing more and more full of sorrow each time they hit them.

Sophie pulls out her axe and her pistol, arms shaking. Tears go down her face. "I'm sorry, Tristan," she whispers. She then swings her axe, lodging it in his side, and then putting the gun to his head and pulling the trigger. She drops to her knees, covers her face, and begins to cry. Tristan does the same when he breaks the clone of Sophie's neck, neither of them able to look to the side and notice that they killed a clone, not each other.

Soon, all of the humans are dead, too. However, when I look around, I can see that a few people have fallen..

Marionette is kneeling besides Balloon Boy's limp body, crying. Mangle is on the ground besides Foxy, and they're both unconscious. Toy Freddy and Bonnie are collapsed next to each other, faces covered with blood.

That leaves me, Toy Bonnie, Toy Chica, Freddy, Chica, Tristan, Sophie, Mackenzie, and Marionette.

Sophie and Tristan finally notice each other, and they hug each other, crying and whispering, "I'm so sorry" over and over again. We all soon come together in a group, walking towards the three enemies. They don't even look afraid. "You're outnumbered. Now, you can either leave, or we can kill you. Your choice," Freddy growls, a small smirk starting at the corner of his lips.

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