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the sun was beginning to set, the candy sky over jenna made her look so dreamy.

tyler, held her hand on the walk to the ferris wheel, he was so terrified but he refused to let his hands get sweaty.

he'd already taken her shopping, to a play, and a small picnic, but now, the moment was awaiting him.

he wiggled his foot around in his shoe to make sure the ring was still there. thank god for josh's brilliant thinking.

"this is so beautiful." jenna gawked at the scenery around her. the lights, the smells of a nearby bakery, her boyfriends hand in hers. this was heaven.

tyler paid the admission before helping jenna into the ferris wheel cart.

jenna looked through the small grates of the pink cart. her short blonde curls blowing through the cold breeze while her big blue eyes focused on the eiffel tower behind them, it drove tyler wild.

"jenna?" he started. his voice was already shaking.

"yeah, tyler?" she smiled, maneuvering herself to face him. her blue eyes pierced through him. her winged eyeliner made them stand out even more.

"i love you, you know that." he smiled sheepishly, jenna was awfully confused now.

"you've made me feel a way no one has ever made me feel. from the second i laid eyes on you i knew i wanted to share my life with you, and i was right, letting you in was the best thing i've ever thought of. from when i hopped into your car and we went to waffle house, and when you drove me to the hospital when i broke my leg, even those nights you spent crying in my arms, i never wanted those moments to end." tyler rambled.

jenna's cheeks were now pink as she listened to tyler's love laced words.

"some could say luck brought us back together but i think it was fate. i want nothing more than you. i don't care how emotional, how stripped down, how beautifully raw. i just want you, jenna. i hope you want me too." tyler continued.

his eyebrows furrowed as he spoke and his eyes squinted. he didn't really know how to filter his words but jenna didn't care. she wanted him unfiltered.

"so jenna, you can think about it if you need to. but, will you marry me?" he pulled out the ring from his long sock before bending down on one knee.

of course, the crammed space wasn't doing him justice in terms of room and spacing but that wasn't the biggest issue.

"tyler, god yes!" she practically flung toward him, kissing every inch of his face.

he put his rough hands to the side of her blushing cheeks and slowly pulled her into a kiss. when they pulled away, he slid the ring onto her finger.

he couldn't find a diamond large or flashy enough to express how he felt, jenna thought this was perfect.

everything now, was perfect.

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