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"Help!" I cried mercifully into the phone, "My ice machine stopped working. Again."

The deep chuckle echoing through the phone on the other end caused me to scowl.

"I'm serious Chris, I have people coming over in-" I glanced at the digital clock on my stove. "30 minutes."

"It's going to take me that long to get over there." Chris laughed.

"Come on please." I whined.

Chris sighed, "On my way. But you owe me."

Chris Evans may be known to most as Captain America, or one of the hottest men on the planet, maybe an award-winning actor, or blah blah blah. But to me he's just Chris Evans my annoying friend that I met at the liquor store 2 years ago. Yeah you heard me, the liquor store. I live just outside of Los Angeles and on that particular night I was hosting a huge house party. We were running low on booze so my best friend Casey and I ran to the corner liquor store where we met, yup you guessed it Cap himself. He helped us load the cart with beer and vodka and in return we invited him back to the party. I have to admit at the time I met him I didn't recognize who he was. I was practically drunk. (And no we did not drive to the liquor store we had an UBER, but that's an entirely different story) We somehow ended up becoming great friends and whenever he's in LA we make sure to get together. Thankfully for me and my dinner party this evening he was in town.

25 minutes later Chris knocked on my door before letting himself in. "Harper?" He called.

"Hey!" I walked out of the kitchen with a frown.

"Well don't you look beautiful." His eyes scanned over my yellow sundress. If I weren't so irritated by my stupid ice maker I just might have blushed. He walked by and tugged a lock of my hair that I had carefully piled into a messy bun.

"Don't touch!" I slapped his hand down.

"Remind me why I'm helping you out when I wasn't even invited to this dinner party?" He opened the freezer door and started fiddling with the ice maker.

"I only have enough food for 4 people." I lied as I pushed myself up on the counter to sit. I crossed my legs and leaned to the side so I could try to see what he was doing to the broken ice maker.

"Oh so this is like a couples thing?" He gave me a sly smile.

"No, jackass. You know I'm not dating anyone." I pouted. "Casey and Joe are coming over since Joe has yet to see my new place and Riley's coming too."

"Oh ok I see how it is." He shut the freezer, "I think you need a new part for it. But maybe have your dad look at it."

"Ugh!" I groaned loudly at my misfortune. "Thank you but now it's time for you to go before my company arrives." I stuck my lower lip out.

"You are heartless woman." He laughed as the doorbell rang.

"They're here!" I scrunched my nose up at him and jumped off the counter. I quickly made my way to the front door.

"Harp, your dress." Chris called.

"What?" I asked with a glare as I pulled the door open.

"Harper!!" Casey squealed.

"Come in come in!" I ushered them inside. Joe was trailing behind Casey and my cousin Riley was walking up the steps behind them.

"Hey man!" Joe grinned at Chris reaching out to shake his hand.

"Hey hey." Chris smiled back.

"Harper." Riley groaned, "You told me this wasn't a couples thing." She looked from me to Chris.

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