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The house was dark when I finally got back home. I ended up staying at my parents longer than I had intended to. It was a rainy afternoon and the sun had disappeared much sooner then usual anyhow.

Chris was still on the couch and I wasn't sure if he had moved all afternoon. Teddy took off running, jumping onto the couch with him.

"Hey buddy." Chris shifted sitting up some to pet Teddy.

"Down." I commanded. Teddy tilted his head at me but didn't move. "Down." I repeated.

Chris chuckled as Teddy promptly ignored me and plopped down on the couch.

I rolled my eyes, "Guess we need to go to puppy class."

"Good plan. I'm glad you're home I was starting to wonder if you had gotten lost." He teased.

"Sorry. I did bring food." I held up the bag which held the leftovers my mom had packed before taking them to the kitchen.

"Good." He groaned in response. "I'm starving."

"It's just subs but I'll make your plate." I offered.

"Thanks." He grinned at me.

Settling down on the couch 5 minutes later with our subs and a beer for Chris and a coke for me I snatched the remote and searched for something to watch.

"Hey! Sports!" Chris frowned.

"You've been home all day watching sports." I raised an eyebrow.

"Fine." He grumbled as I settled on reruns of The Office.

"We should move in together." Chris said his mouth full of an Italian cold cut.

"What?" I inhaled sharply causing myself to choke. I reached for my coke and took a long sip.

"Move in together." Chris repeated slowly.

"Why?" My eyes were wide.

"Because I love you? And we practically live together anyway. We move from your place to mine." He shrugged.

"But I love my house. I just moved in not that long ago." Why was I panicking? He had mumbled in his sleep about it but never said anything to me after that.

"We can keep this house."

"You can't sell your house." I stated shifting on the couch I turned to look at him.

"I wouldn't sell it, at least not right away. But I'd rent it out or something. Why are you so freaked out?" He took another bite of his sub.

"I'm not freaked out." I lied.

"Yes you are. You can tell me. Do you not want to live with me?" He stopped chewing.

"Of course I do. But we've only been together a few months. And you're never home. Living together is a big deal. I mean we technically haven't even gone public. I mean your public." I ran my hand through my tangled hair.

"Oh I don't care about that." He shrugged. "I mean eventually we'll be seen together. I'm surprised it hasn't really happened already. Unless you care?"

"Of course I care! I mean I don't care in a bad way. But this is big deal, big commitment stuff."

"You don't want to be that committed to me." It was a statement not a question.

"That's not what I said." I said softly.

"Well what are you saying Harp?"

"I just feel like this came out of nowhere. We've never talked about moving in together."

"But we already pretty much do live together." He pointed out for the second time.

"You still have your own place though....."

"Ok. You like knowing you have an out." His voice giving away how hurt he was.

"No!" I exclaimed. "Not an out. I didn't say that Chris."

"Not specifically you didn't."

"Can we not talk about this right now? I don't want our last days together to be ruined."

"Oh I didn't know talking about moving in together would be ruining our day." He tossed his sub down on his plate.

"Chris." I called.

He pushed open the back door grabbing a pack of cigarettes from the table before he went.

"Really? You're going to smoke right now?"

He had become more of a social smoker only doing it when drinking or occasionally. He knew i didn't care for it.

"That gonna ruin the night too Harp?" He yelled back.

I rolled my eyes and picked up his plate and my own carrying them to the kitchen. I didn't bother to even clean up before stomping off to the bedroom.

I had fallen asleep at some point while watching some movie on Netflix, waking up when I felt Chris slide in the bed next to me and his hands move across my waist.

"Hey." He whispered in my ear. "I'm sorry." He kissed my neck right behind my ear. I turned over to face him.

"For what?" I asked.

"Bringing up moving in together." He looked unsure.

"Don't apologize for that. I'm sorry I'm such a basket case."

"I forgive you." He said teasingly.

I pinched his side causing him to yelp.

"Seriously though you know that i love you."   I searched his face.

"I know. I love you too. Now come here." He pulled me tight against him. "I'm going to miss you when I leave." He said into my hair.

I sighed sadly trying to think of anything else besides his upcoming departure.

I drove Chris to the airport a day later. I hated saying goodbye. I was half tempted to just go with him. He had asked me to go with him. While he was half asleep. The thought terrified me and excited me at the same time. But I was more terrified. Just like when he had mentioned moving in together. I didn't want him to leave but the thought of going with him or moving in together sent me into a panic.

"Hey earth to Harp." Chris waved his hand in front of my face.

"Sorry." I turned to look at him.

"I gotta go." He pouted.

"Ah you're so damn handsome." I wrapped my arms around his neck and his arms encircled my waist.

"Thanks." He kissed the tip of my nose. "I'm going to miss you."

"Same." I stuck my lower lip out.

"I have to go to Boston after I'm wrapped in Atlanta."

"I know." I swallowed.

"You could meet me there." He offered his voice low.

"I'll see what I can do." I buried my face into his chest hoping the tears wouldn't fall. I hated this part. I hated long distance. I wanted to go with him.

"Don't cry." He said softly.

"I'm not." I sniffled.

"Ok." He laughed and squeezed me tight. "I'll see you soon?"

I pulled back. "Ok. Soon." I repeated.

"I love you."

"I love you." I echoed. With a final kiss and squeeze his arms dropped from around me and he grabbed his bags. I watched him go until he disappeared leaving me trying to hold back tears in the middle of LAX.

Crushed (Chris Evans Fan-Fic)✅Where stories live. Discover now