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The last week of October brought cooler weather and I was ok with it. Oliver's apartment was going to be ready November 1st. He was going to be leaving to work on a job in London a week later. He would only be gone 6 weeks probably, but I wasn't looking forward to him leaving. It was an amazing opportunity though and I encouraged him to pursue it.

I stopped by Casey's one evening after work. It had been a week since Chris had shown up for a haircut. I hadn't seen him since.

Brooks and a couple of his friends were out front of Casey and Joe's house skateboarding. When we were in middle school Casey begged me to go to the skate park because she had a huge crush on this kid who was a skater. While she got the guy and quickly lost interest in skateboarding I on the other hand fell in love with it. Since I had been surfing since I could walk skateboarding kind of came naturally to me. After turning 16 and getting my license I didn't have much of a need to skateboard any longer. But Brooks picked up on it after tagging along with Casey and I enough times to the skate park. He was good at every sport he tried and now probably the best skateboarder I knew.

"HARP!" Brooks called as I slipped out of my car.

"Hey." I called with a wave.

"Come show these boys how to do it." He kickflipped his skateboard into his hand and held it out to me.

"I don't think I can. I haven't skated in years." I shook my head.

"Come on. It's like surfing." He nodded encouragingly.

I crossed the street and warily took the skateboard from his outstretched hand. I hesitated before just going for it and jumped on the board. Brooks was right it was like surfing and it came back to me quickly. After about 45 minutes of skateboarding with Brooks and his friends the sun started to sink down in the sky below the horizon.

"One more run." I called to Brooks before pushing off the ground with my foot. A car coming up the street caused me to pause. When I noticed it was a familiar black camero I froze and the next thing I knew the skateboard swerved sending me sailing into the sky coming down to land hard on my back.

"Harp!" Brooks raced to my side. "Shit you ok?"

I laid on the ground for a second mostly out of embarrassment but also because of the sharp radiating pain in my back.

"Yeah." I allowed him to help me sit up. "Just got the wind knocked out of me."

"That was more than that!" Brooks took his hand and moved it to the back of my head feeling for bumps.

"I'm fine." I protested.

"She ok?" Chris walked up.

I wanted to sink into the ground.

"Yeah I think so." Brooks looked up at Chris. "I've never seen her fall like that."

Casey came running out next, someone must have run inside to get her.

"Harper! What are you thinking trying to skateboard like you're 15?!" She scolded me.

"Guys I'm fine. I just lost my footing."

"She should probably get her head checked." Brooks looked at Casey.

"What?" I scrunched my nose, "No way! I'm fine! Seriously."

"I heard your head smack the ground Harp." Brooks had a tight grasp on my arm and back.

"I'm not going to the doctor."

"Come on. I'll take you. It's my fault, I talked you into skating." Brooks tried to help me stand.

"No, you didn't, I wanted to do it. And no, I'm not going to a doctor."

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