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A/N: If y'all need a visual for Oliver I'm picturing KJ Apa aka Archie from Riverdale (See above...drool)  And thank you for reading, commenting and voting!!  :)


Harper infuriated me! I couldn't believe she went out with that guy just to make me jealous. Of course that's why she had done it. Had to be. And sure, ok I should have told her about going out with someone else but I honestly did forget I had even agreed to it. It's not like it meant anything to me. Zach had called asking to set me up about a week after I had got to Boston. Harper and I had just started really talking. And like I told Harper someone was always trying to set me up. I don't know why I agreed to it. Zach had asked Scott who begged me. I said no but he was persistent. And Harper was calling me so I just said sure whatever so I could get off the phone with him and talk to her. I told the girl from the other night I wasn't interested. Harper was the only girl I wanted. I thought I had made that incredibly clear on our date. But apparently not. Since I've met her, I've not been able to get her out of my head. I don't believe in love at first sight but that night in the liquor store when I first saw Harper, I felt something. I must have right? To agree to go to some random house party with 2 partially drunk girls. It was comforting when they didn't recognize me right away. Probably had something to do with the alcohol they had already consumed but when she said the only way she could repay me for helping her load her car with liquor was to invite me to the party, I couldn't say no.

I was instantly drawn to her, like everyone else in her life is. She was dating someone when I met her and so I worked hard to just become her friend. And over the course of the past couple years we both dated other people but the reason it didn't work out with me and anyone else is because I want Harper. She's gorgeous and she doesn't even realize how she compels people.

I thought I had to worry about Josh swooping in and making a move, but Captain Kangaroo comes out of left field and she honestly thinks all he's thinking about is friendship?! It was impossible to just want to be friends with Harper. I know cause I've tried. I had stormed out of her house last night because she was literally driving me crazy. It's like she'd give me an inch but then move back a mile. She didn't even give me a chance to explain the non-date. I knew she had to work today so I figured I'd give her a day or so so we could both cool off and then try to talk to her again. That's if no other guy got in my way first.


You got two black eyes from loving too hard
And a black car that matches your blackest soul
I wouldn't change ya, oh

I groaned as LA Devotee by Panic! At the Disco blared from my phone. The random alarm clock song chosen to wake me up at 5:30 am. I was tempted to hit snooze but then remembered I was going surfing with Oliver and grinned into the darkness of my room. Instead of hitting snooze I allowed the song to play, hyping me up to get my morning started.

I had just finished my cup of coffee when I heard a gentle knock on the door. Grabbing my bag I pulled open the door.

"Hey." Oliver smiled sleepily at me.

"You look like you just rolled out of bed." I laughed.

"I did." He stuck his fingers in his hair tugging on the ends causing them to stand straight up.

"Do you want a cup of coffee before we go?" I offered with a grin.

"Nah....." He tried to stifle a yawn.

I raised an eyebrow.

"If you insist." He chuckled and I opened the door further so he could come in.

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