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I raced home my pulse pounding against my skin, which still felt on fire from where Chris had trailed his fingertips along my arm and neck. I needed to erase his touch.  I parked my car and practically flew into my condo. I slammed the door closed making a beeline for the living room where Oliver was sitting on the couch, guitar in his lap, pic in his teeth. I pulled the hair tie from my hair sending my hair cascading down in messy waves. I crossed the room to Oliver pulling my sweater up over my head revealing my powder blue bralette. I pushed the guitar from Oliver's lap and straddled him. Cupping his jaw in my hands I pressed my lips to his firmly.

"Hey." He swallowed obviously startled by my bold behavior.

"Hey." I murmured against his neck. My hands slipping down grasping at his shirt attempting to pull it up and over his head.

"Harp." Oliver gripped my shoulders tightly and pulled me back.

"What?" I frowned at his rejection.

"Cam's here." He smiled nodding his head towards the kitchen where his friend Cam, who he had worked on the movie in Vancouver with and who also lived in LA was standing watching the free strip show I had just given him.

My face flushed crimson and I sunk onto the couch behind Oliver. Cam just raised an eyebrow with a smirk as he crossed the room picking up my sweater, he tossed it to Oliver.

"Hey Harper."

"Hi Cam." I said my voice full of embarrassment. I tugged the sweater over my head wishing I could stay hidden inside of it. "I'm just going to the bedroom." I stood up.

Oliver grabbed my hand and pulled me down into his lap. "Give me 20 minutes and I'll meet you in there." He whispered in my ear.

My face still a deep red I slunk past a grinning Cam and retreated to my bedroom.

"Night Harper!" Cam called.

I ignored him with a roll of my eyes.

I flopped down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. My phone vibrated in my back pocket and I rolled on my side to pull it free.

It was Casey texting me to see how it went at Chris's. I debated a moment before swiping my fingers across the screen, 'Not great. No closure. Talk later.' I hit the side button causing the screen to go black with a sigh.

A moment later a response came through. 'Later indeed.'

I swiped out of the text messages and pulled up my photos. Scrolling back weeks into months I found the pictures I was looking for. Chris and I at Disneyland. Chris and I at the beach. Chris and I on our date at the batting cages. I was so focused on my trip down memory lane I didn't hear Oliver come into the bedroom.

"Hey babe." He shut the door behind him. "What are you doing?" He fell onto the bed next to me. I quickly clicked my phone off and turned to face him.

"Nothing." I smiled wearily. "Cam go home?"

Oliver nodded, "Sorry I didn't give you a quicker warning. I was just surprised." He chuckled.

"I didn't give you much of a chance to say something." I reached up threading my fingers through his dark hair causing it to stand straight up.

"He's gone now though." Oliver lowered his mouth hovering it right above my neck.

"Lucky me." I ran my hands under his shirt and just under the hem of his boxers. His lips grazed my neck and while it felt amazing there was no electricity like when Chris touched me. I groaned at the thought and Oliver pulled back to look at me a questioning look on his face.

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