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A/N:  Heyyy! This chapter is more a filler. But moving right along....Enjoy!

"What's your favorite scary movie?"

"Ha! Hi Casey!" I grinned into the phone.

"Hey." She laughed, "You're still coming to Horror Nights, right?"

"Of course!"

It was 2 days after my skateboard incident, and I was feeling much better. We had a long running tradition of attending Universal Studios Horror Nights and tonight had been planned for months. There was no way I was missing it.

"Cool, is Oliver coming?"

"He can't. He's trying to get everything figured out for London and he's supposed to move in 2 days. He told me not to cancel though."

"Ah bummer. Well Joe and I will pick you up around 8."

"I'll be ready." I paused, "Who else is coming?"

"Brooks and his friends, Riley you said right? Chris and Scott." Her voice dropped down.

I inhaled deeply, "Is Lia coming?"

"I'm not sure. Chris didn't say. And I didn't talk to him, Joe did."

"Ok. It's cool."

"Of course it is. I'll see you at 8."

"Bye." I hung up the phone and stretched. I winced a little my back still feeling sore. I took half a pain killer and pushed myself up from the couch.

Oliver wasn't home, he was out furniture shopping. All the furniture he owned was left in New Zealand, so he was having to furnish his place. I wanted to go with him but he made me stay home and rest so I would be up for going to Horror Nights. I had rolled my eyes but was grateful for the chance to stay on the couch another day. Who knew getting your shit rocked by a skateboard would be such a nuisance?

It was only 6:00 but I was itching to get out. 2 days inside all day was quite boring. I looked in my closet for an outfit to wear. I grabbed a pair of skinny jeans and loose-fitting thin sweater. I loved the look with a racerback bralette underneath and grabbed a rose colored one from my drawer. Slipping a pair of Vans on my feet completed the look and feeling pleased with my outfit I pulled my hair over my shoulder and quickly put it in a messy fishtail braid. I wrinkled my nose at the clock realizing only 20 minutes went by. With a sigh I sat back down on the couch waiting for Joe and Casey to pick me up.

We met everyone else outside the gates once arriving at Universal Studios and my eyes searched for Chris and then Lia. I smiled to myself when I saw Lia was no where in sight. Chris was standing with Scott and Zach. He was talking animatedly waving his arms all around before clutching his stomach in a belly laugh. I bit my lip to hide my amused smile. In his dark jeans and light blue t-shirt that showed off his biceps he looked good enough to eat. He took his hat off running his fingers through his hair before slipping the cap back on his head backwards.

"Hey!" Joe called. "Everyone here?" He looked around. I then noticed Brooks and about 6 of his friends and Riley and one of her friends.

I held my breath waiting to see if Lia was coming.

Chris shrugged with a nod of his head, "Looks like everyone."

Casey slipped her arm through mine and pulled me towards the entrance. "Let's go!!!!"

We walked in and immediately a masked man with a chainsaw ran up to us. I jumped a mile practically crawling over Casey to get away.

We waited in the line to get into the first house and in the process of entering Casey and I got separated. I was now in front of Brooks and his friends (big mistake) and behind Chris. If the actors in the house weren't jumping out to scare me Brooks was.

"I hate you!" I turned around slapping at Brooks who just doubled over in laughter. Walking through a dark section of the house a door popped open and a crazy dude with a knife lurched at me. I screamed and automatically grabbed who was in front of me which happened to be Chris.

He chuckled as I hid my face in the back of his shirt.

"They're gone." He looked over his shoulder at me with a smirk. I tore my hands from the death grip they had on his t-shirt and slowly slid them down. Chris grabbed my hand and laced his fingers though mine giving it a gentle squeeze as we continued through the house. I held his hand tightly until we got to the exit where I reluctantly let it go.

The next house was Stranger Things and I was super excited for it. I was sailing through it doing ok when a guy in a Hazmat suit jumped out of nowhere and I was right back to shoving my face into Chris's t-shirt. He grabbed my hand again slipping his fingers though mine. He took his thumb rubbing smoothing circles over my shaking hand.

After exiting the Strangers Things house we decided to take a break and grab some food. Another guy with a chainsaw came running up behind me and I screamed slamming into Chris yet again. This time he didn't grab my hand though.

"Come here scaredy cat." Brooks laughed. "You're gonna throw your back out again." He turned around so I could jump up on his back for a piggyback ride. "I'll protect you." He grinned at me.

We found somewhere that wasn't overly crowded to eat. Chris and I were the last ones to order leaving us standing alone at the counter.

"Why do you come here if you're so scared?" He asked with an amused grin.

"I love to be scared."

"You don't look like you do."

I shrugged, "It's a thrill."

He nodded in response, "Where's Oliver?"

"Couldn't make it. He's moving in a couple days and then leaving for London to film." I looked behind the counter, where was the girl who was supposed to take our orders? "Where's Lia?"

"I didn't invite her." He leaned back against the counter his eyes on me.

"Sorry for the wait. Can I help you?" My attention turned the girl behind the counter and I was grateful for the distraction.

After we ate we did a couple more houses and then it was time to go. It was almost 1:00 in the morning and I was overcome with exhaustion.

Chris fell back behind everyone else as we walked towards the exit and pulled me back with him.

"How's your back?" He asked.

"Much better." I gave him a sleepy smile.

"You got any plans for Halloween?"

"I don't think so. You?"

He shook his head no. "When does Oliver leave for London?"

"Next week." I was too tired to try and guess what he was getting at. I yawned again covering my mouth with the baggy sleeve of my sweater.

Chris wrapped an arm around my shoulders and I snuggled into him laying my head against his chest. We walked slowly behind everyone else and even though I knew I shouldn't allow it I enjoyed every second of being in his arms. When his hand slipped underneath my sweater to rub my bare back I didn't stop him. I can't say I wasn't disappointed when we reached the parking lot and went our separate ways.

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