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I pulled the fleecy blanket tighter around myself and turned the volume up on the tv. It was Halloween night and I was home alone. Oliver had gotten the key to his place a day early and was dropping off some things with the help of Cam. It was a little after 9 and Oliver had said he was on his way home. I was waiting on him so we could watch scary movies, but I ended up putting 'Scream' on while waiting.

The entire condo was quiet and dark. Can't watch a scary movie with the lights on obviously. It was the part of the movie where the killer attacks the principal in the school's office, and I started thinking maybe I should have waited for Oliver to get home.

The front door flung open suddenly causing me to jump and scream.

"Hey babe!" Oliver called.

"Shit! You scared me!" I yelled back.

"Why are you sitting all in the dark?" He asked walking through the house.

"I'm watching Scream." I said defensively.

"Thought you were going to wait for me!" He kicked his shoes off and slipped under the blanket with me.

"Sorry you took too long." I replied as his arms snaked around my waist pulling me against him.

"My apologies." His lips grazed my cheek and down to my neck.

"Are you excited to move into your new place?"

"Yeah but I'm going to miss this." He squeezed me gently.

"Me too."

"It's only a 6-month lease. We'll see what happens."

I nodded turning my attention back to the tv. Deep down I felt relieved that he was moving out. Thinking about living together permanently made me anxious. My thoughts turned to the night before at Horror Nights with Chris. For a moment I imagined Chris coming home to me and my heart fluttered. I shook my head and forced myself to watch the movie and to try to stop thinking about Chris.

The night before Oliver was leaving for London, we went to shoot pool with everyone as a little goodbye party. I had told Casey to make sure Joe didn't invite Chris. This was for Oliver, I didn't want Chris to make it awkward.

We were enjoying ourselves drinking, shooting pool and playing darts. Everyone was there except for Chris. It was turning out to be a really great night. That was until Chris and Lia walked in. I had had enough to drink that I wasn't overly concerned about them arriving. I figured I would just keep my distance and ignore them. 'Any Man of Mine' by Shania Twain started playing on the jukebox and I swayed my hips to the music singing along to Oliver.

"Hhhhmmppphh." Lia walked by us with a snort.

"I'm sorry?" I turned to look at her leaning back against Oliver.

"Does your boyfriend know Chris kissed you?" She spat.

I narrowed my eyes and Oliver looked at me, "What? What's she talking about?"

"Nothing." I shook my head and turned away from her.

"So he doesn't know." Lia grinned viciously. "Let's find out who does know. I know Casey does." Lia raised her voice.

"Huh?" Casey looked over at us oblivious to what was going on.

"Did you know Chris kissed Harper?" Lia asked loudly so that she could be heard over the noise of the pool hall.

Chris's eyes grew wide and he quickly crossed the room to Lia, "Hey come on." He tried to grab her hand.

"Get off of me." She hissed stumbling back she pushed him away. She obviously had been drinking and had had more than enough.

"Let's go home." Chris said sternly.

"Why? Don't want everyone finding out what a dog you actually are? He's-" She pointed at Chris her finger poking him hard in his chest, "dating me and he kissed HER!" She turned shoving her finger towards me. "And she's dating him." She finished her speech pointing at Oliver.

"What's going on Harp?" Oliver stepped out from behind me waiting for a response.

"It's not like that." Chris shook his head.

"Oh so now you're going to lie about it." Lia rolled her eyes with an exaggerated huff. "I overheard Harper telling Casey."

"When was this?" Oliver wanted to know.

I looked at Chris helplessly.

"She did nothing wrong. It was me. I was out of line." Chris walked towards us.

"Back off man." Oliver warned. "Harper please tell me what the hell happened."

I sighed, "Chris kissed me a couple weeks ago at the pool hall." I admitted.

"And you didn't feel the need to tell me?" Oliver looked like he was trying to keep his cool. It felt like the entire pool hall had gone silent.

"It didn't mean anything."

"That's bullshit." Chris uttered.

"What?" Oliver turned to Chris, his face turning red.

"Don't Chris." I pleaded.

"It's bullshit that it didn't mean anything."

"Chris." I shook my head, tears welling up in my eyes.

His eyes met mine and he stopped.

"You have feelings for him?" Oliver looked to me his eyes full of hurt.

"Can we go home and talk about this?"

"You can do better." Lia called out to Oliver.

"Let's go Lia." Chris turned to her.

"I'll get my own ride home. Thank you very much." She snapped.

Oliver looked at Chris and then back to me. "Let's go." He took money out of his wallet tossing it on the bar before walking out.

I looked around at everyone feeling humiliated before quickly following Oliver out the door.

The ride to my condo was silent. I wanted to say something but wasn't sure what to say. I should have been upfront and honest with Oliver when it happened. We pulled up to my condo and Oliver put the car in park.

"Is it true?" He finally asked.

"What?" I looked up at him.

"Did the kiss mean something to you?"

"I'm not sure." I said looking down.

"Do you want to be with me?" he asked bluntly.

I couldn't answer and hot tears filled my eyes. "I don't want to hurt you." I finally whispered.

"Let's take some time while I'm in London." His voice was calm but shaky.

"Are you breaking up with me?" I wiped the tears from my cheek.

"I think you broke up with me." He gave me sad smile.


He shook his head, "We'll talk in a couple weeks."

I waited for a moment, not even really sure what for, but finally accepted that this was all he was going to say, and pushed the car door open.

I opened my mouth wanting to say something but couldn't form any words. Moments later he was gone.

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