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"Merry Christmas." Chris whispered to me the next morning. I stirred opening an eye with a smile.

"Merry Christmas." I stretched my arms out above my head, "What time is it?"

"8:00. The kids are already up."

15 minutes later I was in the living room with a cup of coffee watching the kids tear through gifts. Chris loved his scarf (I knew he would) and his sunglasses. I felt like my gifts were kind of lame compared to the puppy he got me. I wasn't expecting anything else from him so when he handed me a small rectangular box I was caught off guard. Inside was a beautiful delicate gold necklace with a small heart charm and a letter C.

"I love this." I looked up at him. "You shouldn't have though. Teddy was more than enough."

"Nothing will ever be enough." He took the necklace from me, carefully removing it from the box and unhooking it. I pulled my hair up so that he could slide it onto my neck. He placed a soft kiss on my collar bone before I dropped my hair back down.

"What I got you is kind of lame." I frowned.

Chris rolled his eyes, "I love it all."

"I'm going to have to step up my game I guess." I wrinkled my nose.

"I can think of a way you can make it up to me." His voice lowered as he leaned towards me.

"Who's ready for breakfast?!" Lisa called from the kitchen.

I laughed as Chris's face fell.

We went to my parents house later that afternoon for presents and dinner. Casey and Joe weren't able to stop by so we went to their house after leaving my parents house.

We ended the night playing cards until I was falling asleep in my chair.

We were leaving for the mountain to go skiing the next morning. Chris's family was also leaving to go back to Boston early. We dropped them at the airport before returning back to Chris's house. Dodger went back to Boston with his family so we dropped Teddy off at my mom and dad's and then went to Casey and Joe's to leave for Big Bear.

I hadn't talked to Riley since Christmas Eve and it just seemed off. I tried to call her again but it went to voicemail after a few rings. I shrugged it off and focused on the ride to the mountain.

We got to the mountain a little later then we had planned and we were all starving so we made plans to have dinner at the lodge restaurant. Chris and I had our own cabin. After bringing all of our luggage into our cabin I decided to change clothes. I wanted something a little more warmer and cozier.

"I haven't talked to Riley since Christmas Eve night." I stated as I slipped into an oversized hoodie.

"When she left with Oliver?" Chris asked.

"I guess?" I tilted my head.

"Maybe she's been with him." Chris pulled a beanie onto his head.

"Maybe. It's fine if she is-"

"Is it?" Chris looked at me.

"You're the one making a big deal out of this not me." I pointed out.

"You're the one who brought up Riley."

"Yeah because she's my cousin and we usually see each other on Christmas." I pulled the hair tie from my wrist and twisted my hair up into a messy bun. "Whatever. I'm going to go try to call her."

I walked from the small bedroom out to the living room and grabbed my phone dialing her number, I patiently waited. It went to voicemail again. So weird.

Chris joined me a minute later wrapping his arms around me. "I'm sorry." He mumbled into my hair.

I melted against him and turned so I could see him. "Don't say stuff like that about Oliver."

"What that he might be with your cousin?"

"No! Stop Chris. I'm with you don't make it an issue when it's not. And if you're sorry then stop." I said again.

"I just really don't like that guy."

"No? Really?" I rolled my eyes. "For being one of Hollywood's most sought-after men you sure seem insecure."

"Doesn't matter who wants me if you don't." He squeezed his arms around me.

"And I do want you." I reminded him softly.

"I know. It gets in my head sometimes. It's a sore spot with me. I know you're with me now but you did choose him over me before."

"This again?" I groaned.

"Again? Harp I've brought it up once. And I could just be a dick about it but I'm trying to let you know how it makes me feel when Oliver is around."

"And I've told you you have nothing to worry about. Can we change the subject please?"

Chris shrugged releasing his hold on me. He grabbed his jacket pulling open the cabin door and didn't say another word about it.

Crushed (Chris Evans Fan-Fic)✅Where stories live. Discover now