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I woke up the next morning with Scott standing over me.

"Wake up." He nudged the pullout bed with his leg.

"Good Morning?" I frowned rubbing my eyes. I turned to see Chris still asleep, curled up with his arm slung securely across my waist.

"Mom said to clean the living room up because family will be arriving soon. I had to tell her 2 idiots were still asleep on the couch."

Chris growled and pulled me tighter against him. "Go away." he mumbled.

"You know you have your own house like 20 minutes away right Christopher?" Scott asked. When Chris didn't respond Scott nudged the bed again with his leg.

"I know." Chris groaned not opening an eye. "I'm taking Harper there tonight. But I don't have any food there and we were hungry. Ma had dinner here and it was snowy and cold and we didn't want to drive there." He pulled the blanket up over his shoulder.

"That's fantastic snowflake but-" He nudged the bed extra hard, "Ma said to get up."

I had to cover my mouth to hide my amused smile. "I'll get him up."

"Hurry up or I'm folding you 2 up in this thing."

"You're gonna get me up?" Chris smiled, his eyes still closed.

"Mmmmhhhmm." I slipped my cold hands under his shirt pressing them to his back.

"HARPER!" His eyes flew open as he jumped.

I laughed, "Told you I'd get you up. I don't want Scotty folding us up in this couch."

"Fine." Chris grumbled, "I will get you back for that though."

Once we were up we found our way into the kitchen where  Lisa had made a huge breakfast complete with pancakes, bacon, eggs and fresh fruit. After, while Chris helped clean up the kitchen with his mom I took a quick shower. Our bags were in Chris's old bedroom and it was surreal looking at all things from his childhood. I pulled out a pair of black leggins and a dark green knit sweater that fell to the middle of my thigh. I slipped on a pair of black ankle boots. I didn't want to hog the bathroom so I quickly ran the blow dryer through my hair and then twisted my hair into a loose fishtail braid. Chris always said how much he loved my hair like that. I stood at the mirror attached to Chris's childhood dresser and carefully applied my makeup. Chris's entire extended family would be arriving anytime and I wanted to make a good impression.

"Knock, knock." Chris pushed the door open. He had a fluffy white robe on and his hair was slicked back from the shower.

"Are you dressed under there?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know...." He wiggled his eyebrows at me before ripping the robe open flashing me. I laughed at the sight of him in only his boxer briefs.

"Sexy, Evans." I turned back to the mirror to finish my makeup.

"No, you are definitely the sexy one in this relationship. I can't wait to get you back to my house all alone tonight." He walked up behind me wrapping his arm around my neck he pulled me back against his chest.

"Oh yeah?" I turned to face him.

He nodded, "Too bad that damn pullout couch was so squeaky." He scowled.

"HA!" I laughed, "Christopher Robert Evans I would not have sex with you at your mothers house in her living room."

He gave me a hurt look.

"Neither one of us is quiet enough!" I continued.

"Oh I can be quiet. You're the screamer. Oh Chris, harder big daddy." He changed his voice to a high pitched falsetto to mock me.

My eyes widened in shock and I slapped at him, "Stop that! I do not sound like that! I've never called you big daddy!"

"Yeah you have, I think you black out." He smirked.

"Get dressed." I told him.

"Yes ma'am." He winked at me.

An hour later there were so many members of Chris's extended family squeezed into Lisa's home. Any nervous feeling I had was soon eased by how kind and welcoming everyone was. I wandered into the living where Chris was sitting in the recliner watching football with half the family. He smiled widely when he saw me, reaching out for my hand he pulled me down into his lap. I felt a moment of uneasiness at the bold PDA movement in front of his family. He tightened his arms around me and scooted so I was half in the chair, half in his lap, my legs on top of his.

"Hi." He whispered in my ear.

"Hi." I swallowed. Tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear I looked around the room but no one was staring at us.

"So how long have you 2 been together?" One of Chris's aunt's who was sitting across from us on the couch asked.

"Ummm." I calculated it in my head. 2 weeks?! 2 weeks???! That was it? "2 weeks." I stated uncomfortably.

"Oh." She seemed surprised, "I would have thought much longer."

"We've been friends for years." Chris explained, "I finally locked her down." My heart leapt at his words as he looked at me giving my thigh a gentle squeeze.
Dinner was wonderful and fulfilling. There were so many desserts I wasn't sure which to even eat. When we finally hitched a ride to Chris's place with his sister it was past 9:30. We walked in and I stuck all the left overs Lisa had sent us home with in the fridge.
"Let me give you a tour." Chris grabbed my hand and showed me around his beautiful modern day farmhouse.
"I like your place." I picked up a picture of Chris and his entire family in Disney World that was sitting on an end table in the living room. "It's much more personal than your LA place."
"Well that's not really my home."  Chris shrugged.
"Right." I set the picture frame back down with a firm nod.
"Ah Harp that's not what I meant. I mean this is-"
"Your home. This is where you want to live 100% of the time. I get it."
"No not 100% of the time. Yes this is my home. But you're in LA. And I can sacrifice living the majority of my time in Boston."
"Sacrifice?" I raised my voice.
"This isn't coming out right. Look come here." He signed reaching out for me I let him pull me into his arms. "I know you don't like long distance. But you dated Oliver. How did you plan on dealing with that?"
"Well Oliver moved to Los Angeles permanently. And you're different than Oliver because I'm in love with you. And you live here. I could  handle the long distance even though I hate it if I knew you were coming home to me. But how can we have anything real if we live on opposite ends of the coast? That's one reason I was so scared to give us a chance because I don't want you to sacrifice anything to be with me."
"I didn't mean it like that. I'd go anywhere you are because I'm in love with you too. Boston is a plane ride away. But you know honestly thinking of not spending this week with you drove me crazy. I probably would have stayed with you in California had you not wanted to come with me."
"Sacrifice." I pointed out.
"No. Being with you will never be a sacrifice. Forget I said that please." He begged.
"Ok." I said with a sigh.
"We've had an amazing day. An amazing week. I don't want to ruin it by talking about this tonight."
"You're right. I'm sorry." I leaned into him resting my head on his chest.
"Why are you apologizing?" He kissed the top of my head.
"For being dramatic. It should be my middle name."
"Nah I happen to like Harper Kathryn." He smiled. "Now come on let's go to bed. I've been waiting all day to get you out of those clothes!"

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