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I managed to avoid Chris for the next 3 days. Although I didn't admit it to myself that I was avoiding him, that's exactly what I was doing. I kept thinking about Kelsey's wedding and I knew that I could never get that ending with Chris. He was a flirt, and we had fun, but I was sure that's all it was to him. He didn't see me as someone he could actually share his life with.

I had Wednesday off from work and was lazily laying on the couch watching mindless tv and flipping through a stack full of magazines that I had subscriptions for but never had the time to read. Someone knocking on my door forced me to get up. Riley had said she would be stopping by, figuring it was her I pulled the door open without checking the peephole.

"Chris!" I had to stop my jaw from falling open. "I didn't know you were stopping by."

"That's cause you've ignored my calls." He gave me a look.

"No." I shook my head, "No I haven't. I've been working."

"You're not working right now." He pointed out.

"Riley's coming over, we're going to a movie."

"Oh, what movie?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Um..."I couldn't think of any movies that were even currently in theaters. "Something she picked."

"You're such an awful liar." He scoffed.

"I'm not lying. Honestly I was..." I trailed off.

"What's going on?" He leaned on the door frame. "You never blow me off like this."

"I'm not blowing you off Evans." I groaned.

"Then let me come in."

"Fine." I stepped aside.

He gave me a look as he walked in heading straight to my living room.

"Oh yeah you look extremely busy." He picked some of the magazines up from my couch throwing them on the coffee table before sitting down. "You're not even watching anything good." He grabbed the remote.

"Make yourself at home. Please." I said sarcastically.

"Was that sarcasm?" He glanced at me.

"Never." I sat down next to him. "Did you finish reading your script?"

"I did." He flipped through the channels.

We sat quietly for a moment while he searched for something on tv. He finally turned to me, "I know you're freaked out cause I kissed you."

"What? No. I mean-I'm not freaked out." I looked away.

"Yeah you are. Like I said you're a terrible liar. Look it was just a kiss. If it helps we can pretend it didn't happen." He looked back at the tv.


"Oh." I didn't know what to say. So I was right, he's not interested. It was 'just a kiss'. Why do I feel so awful all of a sudden?

"Unless you don't want too." He added his eyes still on the tv.


"No you don't want to pretend it didn't happen?" He shifted suddenly looking at me.

"I mean yes, I think we should pretend it didn't happen." I stood up.

Chris didn't say anything.

I walked into the kitchen to grab a drink, "Do you want something to drink?" I called to him.

"Sure." He responded flatly.

It was awkward for the rest of the evening while he was there, and I couldn't figure out why he was acting so funny. He was the one who said he wanted to pretend like it didn't happen.

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