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As the weeks slowly went by Chris and I spoke on the phone nearly every day. We facetimed most of those days as well. Speaking to Josh was a lot harder being he was in the air force, but he did text me here and there. Before I knew it, it was the week that they would both be back in Los Angeles.

I sat on my kitchen counter talking to my dad who was installing the new part for my ice maker that had finally came in.

"What are you doing tonight?" My dad asked as he fiddled with the maker.

"No plans. I was off today so...." I shrugged.

"Come be my date for this charity event tonight."

"What?" I frowned.

"I RSVP'D months ago but now with your mom out of town this week I wasn't going to go. But if you're free....."

My mom had gone to visit her sister, my aunt, in northern California.

"It's a little last minute."

My dad shut the freezer door and grabbed a cup from my cupboard. He pressed the cup to the ice dispenser and magically ice dumped into the cup, "Tada!" He said proudly.

"Thanks Dad!" I clapped happily. I jumped off from the counter, "And just for that I will go with you tonight."

"Nice! Thank you! I will pick you up at 6:30." He glanced at the time on the stove. "You better go get ready."

I followed his gaze where the stove read '4:30'.

I groaned with a roll of my eyes. "Ok go so I can go decide what to wear."

"6:30!" He yelled to me as he left through the front door.

I went through my closet looking for a dress for the evening. I had looked up the event to see what kind of dress code I was going to have to follow. The event was for music and art programs for schools. It was black tie unfortunately, so I needed something on the fancier side. Most of my dresses were sundresses. I didn't have a ball gown. I had a little black dress but it was on the shorter side and I felt that I might be a little under-dressed.

Giving up on my wardrobe selection I picked up my phone and called Riley. She is a costume designer and her closet was full of designer gowns as well. She should have something I could borrow last minute.

"I need a dress." I said as she answered.

"Well hello to you too. What kind of dress?"

"Black tie?" I chewed on my fingernail.

"Whoa.....Chris back in town? You going to some big movie premier?" She teased with a laugh.

"No." I rolled my eyes even though she couldn't see. "I'm going to a charity event with my dad tonight. And looking in my closet I was reminded that all I own are basically sundresses."

"Tonight? Harp, that's extremely late notice."

"You have a million dresses in your closet, come on! Let me come over and pick something. I can do my hair and makeup before I come, and my dad can pick me up at your house."

"Fine. See you in a minute."

The white maxi gown that I had selected from Riley's closet was stunning. It was a nice contrast against my tan skin. I opted to throw my hair up in a messy up-do to dress down the dress a little bit. Riley also gave me a shawl to take a long. My dad was right on time and we arrived at the event a little past 7:00.

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