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"Date night." I said to myself as I looked through my closet full of clothes.

I had no clue what to wear. Chris had said casual and comfy. I was glad we weren't doing a formal dinner or anything like that. But he wouldn't tell me where we were going.

"How casual can I be?" I wondered out loud to myself.

"Are you talking to yourself?" Casey walked into my bedroom and plopped down on my bed.

"Hey." I turned to look at her. "I'm trying to decide what to wear tonight."

"Oh for the date with Chris." She smiled devilishly.

"Yes." I rolled my eyes. "He said comfy and casual. Are cutoff shorts to casual?"

"Yes." Casey nodded. "What about a sundress?"

"I don't know...."

"You can wear flipflops." Casey offered.

"I was thinking sandals. Flip flops aren't date cute."

Casey stood up and joined me in my closet. "How about this?" She pulled out a gold and creme stripped dress.

I really loved this dress. It was short but not too short. And the material was soft and swingy which would be perfect despite whatever we were doing that evening.

"I think this is perfect. And I have those gold sandals that will match." I bent down and dug around through the pile of shoes till I found the ones I was looking for.

"What time is he coming?" Casey asked as she walked back to my bed.

"7:30 I think? I worked today so I wanted to give myself time to shower-"

"And shave." Casey laughed.

"Right." I rolled my eyes.

"So who's the cutie that was on your Instagram story?"

"Huh?" I wrinkled my nose.

"At the thing with your dad. The cute guy with the puppy dog eyes."

"Oh Oliver." I smiled. "He's the guy from New Zealand. We hung out when I was like 15 in Australia while our dads were working on a movie together."

"That's him?" Casey's jaw dropped open. "The guy you were like in love with that whole summer?!"

"I wasn't in love with him. I was 15 and he was the first real crush I had."

"Yeah you were a late bloomer."

"15 isn't late." I said defensively.

Casey shrugged. "You could have lost your virginity to him."

I laughed. "Probably would have been better then who I actually lost it too." I fake shuddered thinking of Nick Porter the guy I had lost my virginity to in 10th grade. He was a senior and on the wrestling team. We dated for 6 months and then slept together. I broke up with him a month later. I guess I expected more. I don't even know. It wasn't the worst-case scenario for losing your virginity. And I did break up with him, so I wasn't left with a huge heartbreak.

"You gonna sleep with Chris tonight?" Casey asked wiggling her eyebrows.

"Casey Hammond!" I scolded her. "No I'm not."

"Why?" She wanted to know.

"Because. I'm not going to sleep with him." I pulled my t-shirt up over my head grabbing my dress before pushing my shorts off.

"Do you want to sleep with him?" Casey picked at her manicure.

"No." I said a little too quickly.

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