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"I'll see you later Harp." Josh slipped past me first and then Chris. I was still laughing not even sure why.

"What are you laughing for?" Chris finally asked once Josh had disappeared.

"I don't know. Because this isn't what you think it is?" It was more of a question then a statement.

Chris blinked not amused.

"I'm about to take a bath." I finally stopped myself from laughing.

"Josh was helping?"

"No." I rolled my eyes. "He literally just got here. And as you saw left. Immediately."

"I stopped by earlier."

"Did you? You didn't call."

He shrugged.

"Do you want to come in?" I finally asked.

"Thought you were about to take a bath."

"I am. You've never had a problem making yourself at home before."

Chris quirked an eyebrow.

"I meant you can watch tv if you want until I get done."

"Fine." He moved past me. "What did you do today?"

"Went surfing." I responded carefully as I shut the door.


"No twenty questions. Not alone."

"Let me guess. Oliver went with you."

"Yeah he did. Cause we're friends."

"Like us?"

"Yeah like us. You're exhausting!" I exclaimed tugging my robe down.

"I'm exhausting?!" He spun around. "You're the exhausting one!!"

"No. I'm not." I crossed my arms.

Chris stood staring at me for a moment and then his lips were on mine. Shocked I stumbled back but found myself leaning into him, reaching up pulling his mouth to mine deepening the kiss. Chris pulled on the tie around my robe and with a yank it came undone and my robe slipped open.

I gasped at the bold move my eyes wide.

Chris slipped a hand in my robe moving around he placed his hand on my lower back pulling me against him.

"Chris." I murmured his lips grazing my jaw. "I can't do this."

"What?" He continued kissing me, his fingers digging into my lower back.

"This is too much." My mouth said but my body was betraying me with a very different reaction.

I finally composed myself and gently pushed him back removing his hand so I could pull my robe tighter around my body. "I spent the whole morning with Oliver, and then Josh comes over and asks me for dinner and now I'm making out with you." I shook my head walking towards the kitchen desperate for more space between us.

"You know you want to be with me." Chris frowned.

"No. I don't know what I want." I pushed my hair out of my face.

"Come on Harp." His tone softened as he came up beside me taking me into his arms.

"You should go." I avoided eye contact with him.

"Why?" He wanted to know.

"Because I can't do this. I don't want to do this."

"You don't want me?" He finally asked his clear blue eyes staring intensely at me.

Crushed (Chris Evans Fan-Fic)✅Where stories live. Discover now