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With a sigh I checked my phone. It had been a week since Chris had stormed out. He hadn't spoken to me since. I tried to text him. Once. He didn't respond and Casey told me to let it be. She was right. I had made my choice. I chose Oliver over Chris. I couldn't have it both ways. But Chris removing himself from my life left a big void. Even in the short week that had passed. I missed him. I tried to ignore the emptiness I felt without him coming over almost every night to hang out. I told myself Oliver would be in Los Angles in 2 more weeks. I checked my phone one more time, not even sure what I was looking for exactly. For Chris to text me, that's what I was hoping to see. But with no new notifications I turned my attention back to my laptop where I was searching for apartments for Oliver. The one I had found that he really liked wouldn't be ready until a month after he was back in Los Angeles. So we put it on the back burner for the time being and I continued to look.

A knock on my door caused me to get up with a huff. I had "stolen" Oliver's gray hooded sweat jacket and wore it around the house, (cause that's not creepy). It still smelled like him and I did really miss him.

I opened the door to a frowning Riley.

"Hey." I leaned against the door.

"Hey." She echoed. "Are you sick?" She eyed me from head to toe. I was in joggers with Oliver's jacket zipped all the way up with the hood on. I had slipped on a pair of Adidas sliders over my sock clad feet.

"No." I scowled as she slid past me into the house.

"What's with the look?"

"I was off today." I shrugged as she followed me back to the living room. "I was being lazy."

"I'm worried about you."

"Why?" I flopped back down on the couch and pulled my laptop onto my lap.

Reaching over Riley pulled the hood from my head revealing my hair tangled into a messy bun in need of a good wash.

"What's going on with you? I thought you were happy and in love with Oliver."

"Not in love." I corrected, "We literally just started dating. And we've been apart since."

"So what's with the funk?"

"I don't want to say." I mumbled under my breath.

"Why?" She nudged my leg with her foot.

"Cause you'll give me a hard time."

Riley flipped her sandy brown hair over her shoulder and raised an eyebrow. "Is this about Chris?"

"I miss him, ok?" I groaned pulling the hoodie back over my head and down covering my face.

"Well....you did kind of lead him on and then totally start dating someone else."

"Thanks Ri."

"I'm just saying Harp. You've got to admit you did him kind of dirty. You are always so indecisive. You can't do that with people though."

I pushed the hood from my face. "I know. I'm trying to just forget about him. But I mean for the past few months he was here practically every night. It's hard."

"Well focus on your sexy as hell man from New Zealand and push Chris Evans out of your mind."

"You want to go look at an apartment with me?"

"For who?"

"Oliver. He really likes this one. It won't be ready till November 1st though." I chewed on my nail.

"He can stay with you till it's ready." Riley replied slyly.

"I'm going to go take a shower." I stood up with a roll of my eyes.

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