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"Do you really have to leave on Wednesday?" I pouted. It was late Sunday evening and Chris and I hadn't left the bedroom. I was laying with my head on his chest as he twirled a strand of my hair around his finger.

"You can come to Boston with me." He offered.

I looked up at him, "Really?"

He nodded, "I'd love for you to come with me."

"No." I snuggled against him laying my head back down, "It's too soon."

"Says who?" He gently tugged on a lock of my hair.

"I don't know if I'm ready to meet your family." I admitted.

"You know Scott." He pointed out.

"Yes but that's not the same. Plus my family would give me a hard time, I think, for changing plans last minute."

"I'll be back at Christmas time."

"That's a long time." My nose wrinkled.

Chris laughed, "You're really cute when you pout."

"Well you keep leaving me and I'll have to keep pouting."

"I hate leaving you, you know that I do." He shifted forcing my head to slip and I looked up at him. "I didn't think we'd ever get to this point."

"What?" I moved my arm so I could rest my hand on his chest and my chin on my hand.

"Together, like really together. You were so stubborn."

"Hey!" I frowned.

"It's true." He gave me a look. "And then you started dating Oliver." He groaned.

"You were dating someone else too."

"To make you jealous......did it work?"

"Terribly." I rolled my eyes.

He chuckled, "It was worth it to end up right here with you." He wrapped his arms around me giving me a tight squeeze.

I sighed.

"What's wrong?" He kissed the top of my head.

"I'm sad thinking about you leaving. I wish we could spend all week together. I hate that you're not working and I can't be with you. I'm being crazy aren't I?'

"Are you kidding? You can have every second of free time I have. And we can be together, you can come to Boston with me."

"What about my family?"

"You could talk to them. Unless you don't want to miss Thanksgiving with them which I understand."

"I don't know." My palms started to sweat thinking about meeting his family.

"How about this? We spend thanksgiving with my family in Boston and we fly back here on Saturday. I don't have to be back in Atlanta till Tuesday."

"That seems silly for you to go back and forth. And my family will still be in Napa until Sunday."

"We'll fly to Napa Saturday morning."

I didn't say anything as I thought about spending the holiday with his family and then mine.

"Ok." I agreed.

"Ok?" He grinned, "Yeah? You'll come to Boston?"

I nodded. "Yeah. I really don't want you to leave. I sound like a psycho." I moaned ducking my head.

"No." he said softly. He took his fingertip to my chin and forced me too look back up at him.  Lowering his mouth he brushed his lips against mine, "I don't want to leave you either."

Crushed (Chris Evans Fan-Fic)✅Where stories live. Discover now