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A/N:  I'm baaaackkkk. Ugh if you're still with me on this one, thank you! I'm so sorry it took me forever to update. I hope to not be so sporadic. Thank you for reading, commenting, voting. I appreciate every read and hope y'all are enjoying this! :)

I waited to see if Lia would confront Chris, and if things would blow up. Technically I hadn't done anything wrong. Ok Chris did kiss me, and I lied to Oliver when he asked if something had happened that night at the pool hall. But the days passed, and the shit never hit the fan. Lia was still dating Chris and as far as I knew she never said a word about the kiss. I still didn't trust that she wouldn't.

Content with the idea that I would just simply stay away from Chris I kept busy with work, taking on any side hair and makeup jobs I could and spent the remainder of my time with Oliver. I hadn't seen Casey since the night Lia overheard us talking. I was too scared to even visit my best friend.

Using his teeth he took the thin bikini strap of my underwear that rested on my hip bone into his mouth and gave them a gentle tug pulling them down and then off slowly. His lips traveled up my leg to my outer thigh and then my inner thigh. His striking blue eyes locked on mine and he gave me a devilish grin. Chris, I moaned his name.


"What?" I groggily opened my eyes. Wait that was dream? Where am I?

"You ok?" Oliver raised an eyebrow.

I rubbed my eyes and looked around. I was lying on my living room couch. "I fell asleep."

"I know." He grinned at me. "Are you ok? You were moaning in your sleep."

"I was?" My jaw dropped.

Oliver nodded.

"Guess I was just really tired. I got home from work and was going to make something to eat. I laid down for a minute and......dozed off."

"We can go out to eat if you want?"

I nodded and pushed myself up. My thoughts still on the dream I had just woke from.

30 minutes later as I sat across from Oliver at the pizza place, I still had Chris on my mind. That dream had driven me crazy. But it wasn't so much I was angry that I had dreamt of him I was angry that I had wished it were true.

I shoved a piece of crust in my mouth as I zoned out lost in my thoughts.

"You sure you're ok?" Oliver asked me for about the millionth time.

I nodded. "Would it be ok if I ran by Casey's tonight after we get home?"

"Sure." He shrugged. "I noticed you hadn't been there all week. That's rare." He gave me a teasing grin.

I gave him a half smile and continued chewing the crust of my pizza.

"That was a joke Harp." He said lightly.

"I know." I focused on him. "I'm sorry. I've just got a lot on my mind. Work crap."

"It's ok." He reassured me.

I smiled at him. I totally didn't deserve him.

I went straight over to Casey's after we got back from dinner.

"Hey." She pulled open the front door.

"Hey, is anyone here?" I peered around her.

"No....Joe's up in the bedroom but that's it. What's up?"

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